cover of episode How the Radium Girls Fought Back

How the Radium Girls Fought Back

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Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kate Moore
Tim Harford
Tim Harford: 本期节目回顾了镭女郎的故事,她们因工作中接触镭而遭受严重健康损害,并最终为争取正义而进行了漫长的斗争。节目探讨了镭女郎们如何发现她们的共同遭遇,如何克服法律和社会障碍,以及她们最终取得的成就和留下的遗产。 Kate Moore: 我在撰写《镭女郎》一书的过程中,深入研究了镭女郎们的个人经历和她们为争取正义所做的努力。她们的故事展现了女性在面对不公正待遇时的勇气、韧性和团结精神。她们的斗争不仅促进了法律的变革,也提高了人们对辐射危害的认识,并为后来的核工业安全标准的制定提供了重要参考。镭女郎们的故事也提醒我们,即使力量微薄,只要坚持不懈,就能创造改变。 Kate Moore: 镭女郎们的故事始于20世纪10年代和20年代,当时镭被广泛应用于手表和钟表的表盘制作中,以使其发光。然而,当时的工人并不知道镭的危害性,她们在工作中长期接触镭,导致许多人患上严重的疾病,甚至死亡。镭中毒的症状初期通常很轻微,例如牙痛、背痛或脚踝痛,不易被察觉。随着病情的发展,镭中毒会引发一系列严重的健康问题,包括颌骨坏死、贫血、骨骼骨折和癌症。 Tim Harford: 镭女郎们在争取正义的道路上面临着诸多挑战。首先,她们面临着法律上的障碍,因为当时的法律规定,工伤索赔必须在事故发生后的两年内提出,而镭中毒的症状往往在数年后才显现出来。其次,她们还面临着来自镭公司的阻挠和社会舆论的压力。镭公司为了保护自身利益,否认镭的危害性,并试图压制真相。当地社区也为了保护工厂和就业机会,倾向于掩盖镭女郎们的遭遇。 Kate Moore: 然而,镭女郎们并没有放弃。她们通过彼此分享经历,首先意识到她们的疾病存在共同点,这早于专家们的发现。在一位男性员工死于镭中毒后,她们终于获得了专家帮助,并最终获得了必要的证据来对抗公司。她们的律师,Raymond Berry和Leonard Grossman,也发挥了关键作用。Berry律师巧妙地解决了诉讼时效问题,Grossman律师则以其充满激情和策略性的辩护,为镭女郎们争取了正义。 Tim Harford: 镭女郎们的斗争最终取得了成功。她们不仅获得了赔偿,也促进了法律的变革,提高了工作场所的安全标准,并为科学研究做出了贡献。她们的故事也提醒我们,警惕历史重演,并及时纠正不公正现象。

Deep Dive

The Radium Girls, initially teenage girls employed in dial painting factories, began to realize their shared suffering from radium poisoning through personal stories and community connections.

Shownotes Transcript

Cautionary Book Club: Mollie Maggia's dentist planned to remove a painful abscess from her mouth. But to his horror, her jawbone disintegrated at his touch, crumbling and splintering until it resembled ash. Like hundreds of her colleagues, Mollie had been slowly poisoned by her work with glowing radium dust. Eight months after her first toothache, she was dead.

In the previous episode, Cautionary Tales told the story of the "Radium Girls". Their employers ignored the horrific side effects of these women's work, resorting to obfuscation and even outright lies to deny their claims that they were getting sick.

In this follow-up interview, Tim Harford sits down with Kate Moore, author of *The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women. *Tim and Kate discuss how the women banded together and worked out what was happening to them, as well as how they fought back against their powerful bosses and their monumental legacy.

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