cover of episode Cautionary Conversation: The Conspiracy Theorist Who Changed His Mind

Cautionary Conversation: The Conspiracy Theorist Who Changed His Mind

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Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

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David McCraney
Charlie Veitch: 起初,Charlie Veitch 坚信911事件是美国政府策划的阴谋,并以此为职业,在YouTube上发布大量视频阐述其观点。他认为飞机燃料无法熔化钢梁,摩天大楼的倒塌方式也指向人为爆破。然而,在BBC的“阴谋论之旅”节目中,他亲身前往世贸中心遗址,与建筑师、工程师和遇难者家属进行了接触。这些经历,特别是与遇难者家属的接触,让他深刻感受到事件的残酷现实,最终促使他放弃了之前的阴谋论观点,并在YouTube上公开承认自己改变了想法。这一举动让他遭到其他阴谋论者的强烈谴责和人身攻击,甚至波及他的家人。 David McCraney: David McCraney 认为,Charlie Veitch 的信仰转变并非单纯的理性说服,而是多重因素共同作用的结果。首先,Charlie Veitch 早年经历坎坷,缺乏认同感,在911阴谋论社群中找到了归属感。其次,阴谋论的吸引力在于其对焦虑和情绪的回应,而非其逻辑本身。他指出,在互联网时代,人们很容易找到支持自己偏见的证据和社群。Charlie Veitch 的转变,也与他同时参与另一个更温和的社群“Truth Juice”有关,这为他提供了社会安全网,让他能够承受放弃原有信仰的代价。 Tim Harford: Tim Harford 作为节目主持人,讲述了Charlie Veitch转变信仰的故事,并与David McCraney探讨了信仰转变的复杂性。他指出,人们改变想法并非易事,这涉及到身份认同、声誉维护等多重因素。同时,他也强调了提升个人批判性思维能力和改进信息环境的重要性。 David McCraney: David McCraney 深入探讨了人们改变想法的机制,介绍了“深度游说”方法。这种方法并非简单地灌输事实,而是通过引导人们进行自我反思,帮助他们发现自身信念的根源和局限性,从而促使他们自主地改变想法。他以“Mustang Man”的故事为例,说明了这种方法的有效性。同时,他也强调了在改变他人想法的过程中,应保持同理心和非评判态度,并意识到自身可能存在的偏见。

Deep Dive

Charlie Veitch, a prominent 9/11 truther, initially believed the World Trade Center was destroyed by a government conspiracy. His journey to Ground Zero and interactions with experts and witnesses led him to change his mind.

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Charlie Veitch was certain that 9/11 was an inside job. The attack on the World Trade Center wasn't the work of Al-Qaeda, but an elaborate conspiracy. He became a darling of so-called "9/11 truthers" - until he actually visited Ground Zero to meet architects, engineers and the relatives of the dead. The trip changed his mind... there was no conspiracy.  

His fellow "truthers" did not take Charlie's conversion well. 

David McRaney (host of You Are Not So Smart) and author of How Minds Change: The Surprising Science of Belief, Opinion and Persuasion) joins Tim Harford to discuss what happened to Charlie Veitch; what it tells us about those who hold strong beliefs even in the face of damning contrary evidence; and why persuasion isn't always the right answer.  

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