cover of episode 237. The Great Famine: The Irish Exodus to America (Ep 2)

237\. The Great Famine: The Irish Exodus to America (Ep 2)

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Anita Arnon
Colm Tóibín
William Durham-Poole
@Anita Arnon : 我很高兴@Colm Tóibín 再次加入我们,讨论大饥荒对爱尔兰以及爱尔兰人在美国、加拿大和英国后裔的影响。我们上次讨论的内容非常沉重,这次我们将继续探讨大饥荒的后续影响,以及英国政府在缓解饥荒中的作为和不作为。 @William Durham-Poole : 大饥荒持续了多年,影响深远,我们将重点讨论英国政府的应对措施,以及他们未能采取的措施来减轻这场灾难带来的痛苦。我们之前讨论过提供的稀薄的汤,以及那些失去土地被迫进入济贫院的人们。那些拥有五英亩土地的人因为不符合救济条件而被赶出土地。 Colm Tóibín: 1847年,每天有300万人依靠国家提供的食物生存,但疾病随之蔓延。大多数饥荒死亡并非直接由饥饿引起,而是由疾病如伤寒和痢疾导致。英国政客对爱尔兰人的描述充满了偏见,认为他们懒惰且酗酒。然而,当时对饥荒的描述非常生动,报纸和作家都记录了这些悲惨的场景。William Forster作为贵格会牧师,记录了爱尔兰饥荒的惨状,并写信给Trevelyan请求援助。贵格会在饥荒期间积极提供救济,但英国政府的政策并未因此改变。 William Durham-Poole: 我们讨论了英国政府在救济方面的作为和不作为,以及Charles Trevelyan在其中扮演的角色。他被许多人视为这场灾难的主要罪魁祸首,因为他负责饥荒救济,并且做出了停止粥厨房的决定。这导致了更多人的死亡,因为粥厨房是许多人获得食物的唯一途径。 Anita Arnon: 我们还讨论了维多利亚女王对饥荒救济的贡献,以及美国对爱尔兰的捐款。爱尔兰移民对美国政治的影响,以及爱尔兰人在美国城市建立的强大社区。 Colm Tóibín: 爱尔兰移民主要集中在波士顿、费城和纽约等东部城市,他们组成了一个强大的政治力量,对美国民主党的影响深远。有趣的是,一些与唐纳德·特朗普关系密切的人,例如弗林将军、史蒂夫·班农和康威,都有爱尔兰血统。这表明爱尔兰人在美国政治中的影响力持续至今。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the British government's response to the Irish Famine, highlighting its failure to effectively alleviate the suffering of millions. Charles Trevelyan's controversial role in famine relief, including the cessation of soup kitchens, is discussed alongside vivid descriptions of the famine's impact.
  • The British government provided soup for 3 million starving people daily by August 1847.
  • Charles Trevelyan, head of famine relief, decided to stop the soup kitchens, worsening the crisis.
  • The majority of famine deaths were due to diseases like typhus and dysentery, not starvation directly.
  • Quakers played a significant role in providing relief efforts independently of the government.
  • The British government's laissez-faire policy and derogatory views of the Irish exacerbated the suffering.

Shownotes Transcript

The legacy of the Great Famine continues to shape not only Ireland, but the Irish diaspora in America, Canada, and the UK. In the mid-1800s, starving families fled the country in search of survival, gathering at the docks to board “coffins ships” sailing to Liverpool and the east coast of the USA. When “the famine Irish” arrived in America they resented the idea of ever doing rural work again, and sought work in the police, in bars, and in the fire brigade. Irish communities centred around Boston, New York, and Philadelphia developed into powerful Irish congresses in politics. How does the legacy of famine emigration continue to shape American politics today? 

Listen as William and Anita are joined once again by writer and historian Colm Tóibín to discuss the Great Famine and how it shaped post-modern Irishness, from the cheekiness of The Beatles to Donald Trump’s cabinet.


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Assistant Producer: Becki Hills

Producer: Anouska Lewis

Senior Producer: Callum Hill

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