cover of episode 233. Blood and Betrayal: Oliver Cromwell's Irish Invasion (Ep 1)

233\. Blood and Betrayal: Oliver Cromwell's Irish Invasion (Ep 1)

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Jane Ohlmeyer
@Jane Ohlmeyer : 克伦威尔在英国被视为英雄,但在爱尔兰和苏格兰却因其暴行而被视为恶魔。他自认为是上帝的执行者,并在爱尔兰犯下了骇人听闻的罪行,尤其是在德罗赫达和韦克斯福德的屠杀,导致数千人丧生,其中包括许多平民。这些暴行不仅是军事行动的结果,还伴随着饥荒和瘟疫,对爱尔兰人民造成了巨大的苦难。克伦威尔征服爱尔兰的目的是为了巩固英国的统治,防止爱尔兰成为保皇党进攻英国的后门。他还下令将数千爱尔兰人,主要是天主教徒,驱逐到巴巴多斯和其他加勒比殖民地,成为种植园奴隶。克伦威尔的行为不仅导致了爱尔兰人口的急剧减少,也导致了爱尔兰土地的大规模重新分配,爱尔兰天主教徒拥有的土地比例大幅下降,而英国新教徒则获得了大量的土地。这些事件对爱尔兰社会和文化造成了深远的影响,至今仍深刻地影响着爱尔兰的政治和社会生活。 @Anita Arnon : 作为主持人,我引导了与Jane Ohlmeyer教授的讨论,并就克伦威尔征服爱尔兰的历史背景、过程和后果提出了一系列问题。我关注的是普通民众在这一时期所遭受的苦难,以及克伦威尔征服对爱尔兰留下的遗产。通过与Jane Ohlmeyer教授的对话,我更深入地了解了克伦威尔征服爱尔兰的残酷性和复杂性,以及其对爱尔兰社会和文化造成的深远影响。 @William Durinpool : 作为主持人,我与Anita Arnon一起引导了与Jane Ohlmeyer教授的讨论,并就克伦威尔征服爱尔兰的历史背景、过程和后果提出了一系列问题。我特别关注的是克伦威尔在德罗赫达和韦克斯福德的屠杀,以及这些事件对爱尔兰人民造成的深远影响。通过与Jane Ohlmeyer教授的对话,我更深入地了解了克伦威尔征服爱尔兰的残酷性和复杂性,以及其对爱尔兰社会和文化造成的深远影响。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the contrasting views of Oliver Cromwell, a celebrated figure in England but reviled in Ireland for his role in the Cromwellian conquest. It examines his background, religious beliefs, and motivations for his actions in Ireland.
  • Cromwell is revered in England but condemned in Ireland as "the Devil from over the Sea"
  • He was a military genius and a landed gentry who found God and became a politician in his 40s
  • His religious beliefs were messianic, believing he had a direct line to God
  • The Irish Rebellion of 1641 is a pivotal point that influences Cromwell's actions in Ireland

Shownotes Transcript

His statue may stand proudly outside the Houses of Parliament in London, but in Ireland, Oliver Cromwell is remembered as “the Devil from over the Sea” for the bloodshed he unleashed there from 1649 to 1653. 

Rising to prominence as a Parliamentarian during the English Civil Wars, Oliver Cromwell sought revenge against the Catholics who had killed Protestant colonists in Ireland during the rebellion of 1641. 

Soon after overseeing the execution of King Charles I, Cromwell feared that Ireland would be used as a backdoor to England by Royalists, and he took violent measures to stop that from happening. The sieges at Drogheda and Wexford saw some of the worst massacres to occur in Irish history. What happened to ordinary people during the misery of the 1650s? And what legacy did the Cromwellian Conquest leave in Ireland?

Listen as Anita and William are joined once again by Professor Jane Ohlmeyer, author of Making Empire: Ireland, Imperialism and the Early Modern World, to discuss how Irish Catholics were displaced and dispossessed as a result of the Cromwellian Conquest. 


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Assistant Producer: Becki Hills

Producer: Anouska Lewis

Senior Producer: Callum Hill

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