cover of episode 229. Britain’s Last Colony: The Second World War, Forced Deportations, and 9/11 (Ep 1)

229\. Britain’s Last Colony: The Second World War, Forced Deportations, and 9/11 (Ep 1)

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Anita Arnon
Philippe Sands
@Anita Arnon : 我认为查戈斯群岛的争议核心在于其复杂的历史背景,涉及多个帝国主义强权的更迭以及当地居民的被迫迁移。英国政府与毛里求斯之间的谈判,以及美国在迪戈加西亚岛建立军事基地的决策,都深刻影响了查戈斯群岛的命运。我希望通过今天的讨论,能够揭示这一事件背后的地缘政治和人权问题。 @William : 我认为查戈斯群岛的案例是殖民主义遗留问题的典型体现。英国在非殖民化过程中的不公正行为,以及对当地居民意愿的漠视,导致了持续至今的争议。同时,美国在冷战时期对战略要地的追求,也加剧了这一地区的紧张局势。我希望能够探讨这些历史因素如何影响当代的国际关系。 @Philippe Sands : 作为一名国际人权律师,我深感查戈斯群岛居民的遭遇令人痛心。英国政府在20世纪60年代将他们强行驱逐,并剥夺了他们的家园,这严重违反了国际法和人权准则。我致力于通过法律途径,为查戈斯群岛居民争取正义,并促使英国政府承担其历史责任。我坚信,查戈斯群岛居民有权返回自己的家园。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the geographical location and historical context of the Chagos Islands, tracing its colonial past from Portuguese colonization to British rule and the strategic importance that led to the displacement of its inhabitants. It sets the stage for understanding the complex legal and political battles that followed.
  • Geographical location of Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean
  • Colonial history under Portugal, Dutch, French, and British rule
  • Strategic importance due to its location equidistant from Africa and Asia
  • Treatment of the Chagos Islands as a dependency of Mauritius
  • The role of Diego Garcia as a crucial coaling station during WWII

Shownotes Transcript

The Chagos Islands have dominated news headlines over the past few months, but the struggle of the Chagossian people to reclaim their island home has spanned centuries. First colonised in 1513 by the Portuguese, the archipelago shifted from one imperial master to another over the course of the next three hundred years, until the British took control in the 19th century and changed the course of Chagossian history forever...

In the 20th century the US realised the strategic importance of the Chagos archipelago, sitting equidistant between Asia and Africa. As the island of Diego Garcia became home to one of the largest US military bases in the world, the Chagossian people were forcibly evicted from their lands and displaced across the world, left to fend for themselves in unknown lands.

Listen as Anita and William are joined by Philippe Sands, barrister, writer and academic, who has been leading the repatriation case against the British government on behalf of the Chagos Islands and the Mauritian state.

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Assistant Producer: Becki Hills

Producer: Anouska Lewis

Senior Producer: Callum Hill

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