cover of episode 204. Babur: The First Mughal Emperor (Ep 1)

204. Babur: The First Mughal Emperor (Ep 1)

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William: 本集讲述了莫卧儿王朝创始人巴布尔的早期生活,从他在中亚的王子身份,到被沙伊巴尼·汗击败后的流亡生涯。他经历了失去家园、亲人离散的痛苦,最终在阿富汗建立了新的根据地。巴布尔出身高贵,是成吉思汗和帖木儿的后裔,但他对帖木儿血统更为认同。他十四岁时就已多次经历生死,展现了他非凡的勇气和军事才能。在失去撒马尔罕后,他流亡多年,期间经历了贫困和屈辱,但他始终没有放弃希望,最终在阿富汗建立了新的势力。巴布尔在回忆录中展现了他热爱自然、坦诚面对性取向等方面,这与后世对他的负面形象大相径庭。他既是诗人,也是战士,他的经历充满了戏剧性和复杂性。 Anita: 巴布尔的故事充满了戏剧性反转,他既是莫卧儿王朝的奠基人,也是一个自认为失败者和难民的人。对巴布尔的评价在亚洲存在争议,一部分人赞扬他建立了伟大的帝国,另一部分人则谴责他是侵略者。他被印度民族主义者视为穆斯林统治的象征,这与他自传中展现的热爱自然、坦诚面对性取向等方面大相径庭。他的自传是重要的史料,展现了他复杂的人格魅力。他热爱酒精、派对,并且在作品中使用古老的泛灵论对上帝的称呼。他曾发誓戒酒,但在戒酒后又写下对饮酒生活的怀念。巴布尔在流亡期间写下“在山间流浪,无家可归,毫无值得推荐之处”的句子,展现了他当时的困境。他出生于富饶美丽的安德罕,但在苏联时期,他的出生地遭到破坏,但在苏联解体后恢复了昔日的美丽。巴布尔在逃亡期间经历了贫困和屈辱,但他始终没有放弃希望,最终在阿富汗建立了新的势力。 Anita: 巴布尔在逃亡过程中,队伍不断壮大,最终发展成一支军队。巴布尔对爱情的看法复杂,他既有对男性的爱慕,也需要通过婚姻来延续香火。在集市上遇到一个男孩,并对其产生爱慕之情。巴布尔带领军队进入阿富汗,队伍人数在两年内壮大到两万人。巴布尔在没有战斗的情况下占领了喀布尔。在喀布尔,巴布尔既展现了其诗意的一面,也展现了其残酷的一面。沙伊巴尼·汗密切关注着巴布尔在喀布尔的动向。巴布尔在喀布尔建造了四方形花园,这成为莫卧儿宫廷的典范。巴布尔在喀布尔享受着平静的生活,并开始对征服世界产生想法。巴布尔在喀布尔时期创作了新的文字,并生育了子女。巴布尔记录了他对鸦片和哈希什的体验。巴布尔认为他在喀布尔度过了人生中最快乐的时光。

Deep Dive

Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, descended from both Genghis Khan and Timur. This lineage influenced his early ambitions and the challenges he faced. He aimed to conquer Samarkand but ultimately lost his ancestral lands to the Uzbeks.
  • Babur's ancestry traced back to Genghis Khan and Timur.
  • Babur's family tree was both a source of pride and a point of contention due to the Mongol association.
  • Babur faced conflict with other Timurid rulers from a young age.

Shownotes Transcript

“To wander from mountain to mountain, hopeless and homeless, has nothing to recommend it” - Babur

Before he became the father of the Mughal dynasty, and the author of one of the most important memoirs in world history, Babur was a provincial young prince in modern-day Uzbekistan. His family tree stretches back to Genghis Khan and Timur, and his fighting spirit was as strong as his ancestors’. As a teenager he sets his sights on the capital city of Samarkand and lays siege to it. But he meets his match when faced with the great Uzbeg warlord, Shaybani Khan. At just 21 years old, Babur is left defeated and homeless, wandering as a nomad around Central Asia. How will he recover from this?

Join William and Anita as they explore the early life of the first Great Mughal, Babur. 

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Assistant Producer: Anouska Lewis

Producer: Callum Hill

Exec Producer: Neil Fearn

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