cover of episode 195. Blackbeard & the Pirates of the Caribbean

195\. Blackbeard & the Pirates of the Caribbean

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David Wilson
@William : 我们今天讨论的是海盗,特别是臭名昭著的黑胡子。他不仅是传说中的人物,也是真实存在的海盗,其影响力远超杰克·斯派洛等年轻海盗。 我们将会探讨黑胡子的生平以及他走向血腥掠夺之路的原因。 在节目中,我们将了解到黑胡子是如何通过其可怕的形象和行为来恐吓敌人,以及他如何利用媒体宣传来扩大自己的影响力。 同时,我们也会探讨海盗共和国纳骚的兴衰,以及黑胡子与其他海盗之间的关系。 @Anita : 黑胡子的形象极其可怕,令人难以想象。他的眼神凶狠,面容狰狞,仿佛地狱里的恶魔。 @David Wilson : 现代海盗的兴起始于16世纪美洲的“发现”,导致了大量的掠夺航行,特别是来自北欧国家对西班牙帝国的攻击。早期的海盗,例如弗朗西斯·德雷克和沃尔特·雷利,是穿着考究、受过良好教育的精英阶层,他们拥有国家或王室的许可证进行掠夺。 17世纪和18世纪,海盗和合法海上掠夺之间的界限更加清晰。除了拥有官方许可证的海盗外,还有一些海盗反抗国家权力,例如雅各布派海盗。 查尔斯·维恩活跃于巴哈马群岛的新普罗维登斯岛,他的背景信息很少,但其残暴行为有据可查。 巴哈马群岛在1713年战争结束后成为一个无政府状态,这为海盗提供了有利的环境。巴哈马群岛的地理位置使其成为海盗的理想据点,特别是那些继续攻击西班牙的人。 卡利科·杰克虽然并非非常成功,但因其使用骷髅旗和船上有两名女性海盗而闻名。 黑胡子真名很可能是爱德华·达奇,而不是爱德华·蒂奇,可能是报纸上的笔误。黑胡子可能出生于牙买加,其家族可能在18世纪迁居到布里斯托尔。 黑胡子标志性的形象,例如点燃胡须吓唬敌人,很大程度上是约翰逊在1724年出版的《海盗通史》中塑造的。我们对黑胡子早年的教育背景知之甚少,他可能只是一名普通的船员。许多海盗可能是从英国海军逃亡而来,因为海军生活艰苦。 海盗船员的来源多样,包括自愿加入者和被俘虏的船员。黑胡子早期与本杰明·霍尼戈德等海盗船长合作,主要攻击西班牙船只。海盗攻击西班牙船只的原因既有宗教因素(西班牙是天主教国家),也有地缘政治因素(西班牙拥有财富)。西班牙船只携带大量黄金、白银、糖、鲸油和烟草等贵重物品,成为海盗的目标。 电影中描绘的加勒比海盗共和国,其原型是巴哈马群岛纳骚的真实海盗社区。1715年西班牙沉船事件导致大量财富散落在佛罗里达海岸,吸引了大量海盗前往巴哈马群岛。纳骚的海盗共和国包含各种国籍的人,其中包括英国人、法国人等。 海盗的行为非常暴力,包括对船员和奴隶的折磨。奥利维尔·勒瓦瑟是少数几个远航到印度洋的海盗之一。本杰明·霍尼戈德最初只攻击西班牙船只,后来才攻击英国船只,他比其他海盗更温和。黑胡子最初在霍尼戈德手下工作,并效忠于他。黑胡子参与了对英国东印度公司船只的袭击,这可能是因为这些船只与西班牙有贸易往来。 海盗袭击船只获取食物和其他补给品,因为他们与外界隔绝。纳骚的海盗群体并非铁板一块,存在不同的派系和船长。英国政府起初对纳骚的海盗活动反应迟缓,直到其影响变得过于严重。当海盗开始攻击英国船只时,英国海军才开始积极采取行动。 黑胡子“黑胡子”这个绰号可能是因为他蓄起了长长的胡须,也可能是媒体宣传的结果。黑胡子利用其可怕的形象来恐吓敌人,从而更容易地夺取船只和货物。黑胡子的船确实被称为“复仇号”,这艘船的形象在丹尼尔·德福的描述中得到了体现。斯蒂德·博内特是一位种植园主,后来成为海盗,其动机可能与家庭悲剧有关。有关斯蒂德·博内特的许多细节可能来自约翰逊的《海盗通史》,该书对事实进行了夸大和演绎。约翰逊的《海盗通史》出版于1724年,其可靠性存疑,但其细节描述对海盗的公众形象产生了影响。 1717年9月,黑胡子及其船员在与西班牙战舰的战斗中受损,之后他接管了斯蒂德·博内特的船员和船只。黑胡子开始袭击北美东海岸,他的名声迅速传播。

Deep Dive

The Golden Age of Piracy (17th-18th centuries) was a time of adventure, violence, and political intrigue. Famous pirates like Calico Jack, Charles Vane, and Stede Bonnet challenged the British Empire, with Blackbeard being the most ruthless.
  • Piracy surged in the 16th century with the discovery of the Americas.
  • English privateers like Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh plundered Spanish ships.
  • The Spanish claimed all lands west of the Line of Demarcation.
  • Pirates were often licensed by their governments to attack enemy ships.
  • The line between piracy and privateering became blurred.

Shownotes Transcript


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His eyes naturally looking fierce and wild, he made altogether such a figure that imagination cannot form the idea of a fury from hell to look more frightful. Hello, hello, William. I wasn't talking about so, but I explain .

that .

in just a man and .

and I look .

nothing in compass, the spirit of adventure at the lost for wealth, the desire to travel far across oceans to foreign places. Then .

William, yes. He gets IT.

yes. Po rates, yes. I know it's becoming more and more panos in the problem.

Sorry, you know, put IT down in the comments. It's fine. Look, we are discussing pirates today. And that little peace about the theory from hell was about black beard .

is a historical character, which I did think I even knew.

No, he's a thing. He's not just a thing of pity. He's a person. And honestly, for most people, they think piracy started. What have been the Younger ones with with jack sparrow, but the older ones with aero flin ack wash. Captain.

and don't forget.

captain is okay. So you, we got three years apart of them. But David Wilson, or a historian, David Wilson, is here to talk through a real life pirate named black beard. Hello, David.

hello. Are you going to be here?

Where are you sitting and .

talking to us now i'm and talking to you from glass school. And what easier not been glass reaching, but will make up work.

Just watch William drift into the glass, which that .

to see within minutes.

He was all high land a little while ago. IT is now going glass.

I had that perel govern last week. I was not far for me.

Fun story. The closest .

i've ever been to riding other petrol, I had a zero on that. You know, IT comes up like is five, three. And government came to my rescue of gulf oil.

Government is a lovely place of lovely people, very nice people, very friendly people in government. Or, anyway, good. So David, David, David, lets first we'll start with, you know the history of pirates because we've talked about pirates in relation to, you know, the virgin in east india company and where you know that private ears were encouraged to go and rob the ships of the duck saw the french or anyone else to have already check .

the first meeting of the intercompany. The spanish ambassador reports to his court that they were pirates, pirates, pirates. He and they bought an expiration. The surge of mAlice and recent IT the red and make .

like a pub, like a pub. IT sounds so, but where does the root of .

pacy stretch back to you as far as the timeline? Ines stretch back to the ancient period as well? Guess we'll go back that far.

But in terms of the pacy we're speaking about now in his only modern pacy, really there's a surge from the sixteen century. Once you have the so called discovery of the americas, you start to have an outpouring of plunder. Voyage is particularly from northern europe against the spanish er empire especially .

and other other english. The particular culprits here is that largely english game people like france is drake and rally. These guys are busy at that.

They are busy to be sort of follow on from the french and the dutch, really, the french and the dutch who pie on ear these pieces. And atlantic, the waste atlantic. But the english are not for behind with people .

like Frank that's interest strike and watervliet are the the gentleman pirates. You know, we are used to seeing the imagery, the iconography of them as a well dressed, well educated, this elite ite of society.

And their license, aren't they? They have licenses from the crown to do this.

Yeah, encourage plunged your hearts. But IT was not the same without mirror among the dutch and the .

others as well. And there are a respectable, if you want to see that more sort c fatal, and that they had tend to have captains from the country. But ezbeg says, although the spanish could see them as pilots, they see themselves as being sort of mitten play dats, because they were licensed a lot of time, or always, but a lot of the time they had licenses from the state, from the clown to go off an attack.

This spanish, or at least they claimed the legitimacy to do so because when these spanish fost discover the because the person place go as not as the line of demarcation and agreement with the portuguese. And fourteen ninety four, you have the treaty of told disease. And what that does is that all lands, waste of the cape of the islands, essentially full on gost.

Spanish control, that's what they claimed, clean the, they control that area. And all lands to the east that would be newly discovered would be the portuguese. They sort of realize that was a lot of, now they are for the appoint in time.

But what that then means is anything beyond the lying. The spanish clean is there, so that when anyone who has an sort subject of the spine, when anyone traverses passed that line, this spanish called them A A, regardless of one of the the attic, pacy or otherwise, become. So I.

you've got that class of pirates who have the blessings of their state to go pillage another state that you may or may not presently be with, but you have recently, or you will soon. But then you also have the ones who are rAiling against the state. I mean, you know i'm thinking about the Jacobites who are fighting against the power and pacy is a thing for them as well as and yes.

so if a fast forward past that point. So the center is that most of licensed market time predation, there is a lot of a line of ambiguity between what's legal and what's illegal, what's pacy and what's not. But then by the time that you get to the to the seventeen century and then the eighteen century, the lies between pacy and privacy between pacy and lisa, maritime predation becomes more starkly drawn.

And this is especially the case in the eighteen century, because by that point you really do have this fine lane between what as legal matter tradition and what is not legal voice. And it's at that point that you start to get these figgins that seems to be rAiling against the stay. At least that's that's the .

claim that often made about to talk about one of them, I mean the the king himself, Charles, about sympathy, the one who a lot of people say he's the one who inspired the pirate. Look, if you like, tell us who he was and where did he start?

What we know is Operating from new providence and bahamas. And after the water of the spine, successive w from our own seventeen, fifteen, seventeen, sixteen onwards, we start to see channels then appeared in the record, but he appeals without any background. Es, people then stop seeing that he was a jacot tomato zer.

I came, we actually how I was a, but he was quite a violent individual. As he attacked melt ant vessel, he would talk to sailors and captains are alike and that's pretty guys that's not to ality from. But I think we don't know nothing about how dress OK.

So people just kind of back project onto him that he was wearing that very distinctive .

heart look like.

yeah the ruffled the open wae code okay, so not him. But is there a connection between him and black bears?

They are both Operating around about the same time from the same areas or from new providence and the bahamas. From that.

wasn't there A P commonwealth or something in in the behaviors at one point, very improbably, because behaving as associate with James bond beach clubs and the idea of guy's wearing sort of you black hats, looking at all of a crumble .

IT was a formal english colony from me about the sixty and sixty one ones also settled by the lost proprieties of the CarOlina, some of those who settle north catAlina and south catalonia. So they also cleaned the bahamas and IT becomes becomes a colony. But to be honesty is already pretty. You know this even though as an special quality, there's a lot of pyi smuggling recon all the way through second half of the seventeen santry full bahamas. But during the war, IT essentially becomes devastated by the french in the spanish, who both attack IT several times, stood in the water, the spanish, so that by the end of the war in seventeen thirteen, the bahamas is basically no longer a formal colony, is latest completely the governments they are, and there's just families and .

across these and have to make .

a living idea, and just it's location next to the spanish colonies of cuba and florida. A is also a really good hot for those who who don't agree with the war, come into an end, and who wants to continue to attack this spanish, which is with these pilots come from, most of them had been private in the war, and then afterwards, this sort of continue the attacks on this spanish from the bahamas.

Okay, can I do a quick for quiz for just for the benefit of OK? This is going to be real, not real. OK colico .

check real.


do you the joy, Roger? The other thing is jack?

Yes, exactly. okay. Calo, jack discussed.

Calo, jack rack is also all of them from new provider that points, or from seven, sixteen hours. He is actually not a very successful pila at all, as in the rank up very briefly, takes a few vestals around the road, jamaica, but is basically captured as quickly as as he begins. But what makes some famous as is, yes, he said of been given the created for the jolly old job.

Is he calico job?

Because he wears celica, he becomes gala just .

because he good IT makes .

something. Also, what makes some famous is the fact the on board has basically, he also has two female .

pilots who are open to quick.

Yeah, they become really famous cathedrals, because that as real for women to be on board these vessels, active members of the crew and they are, and body, immediately afterwards, there's a sort of story that goes around the hidden their identities, that the hidden gender, A R by way, in male clothing. But if you read the taste of venice of their victims, they really on all. And it's very clear that these are, these are women, are they are .

dressed in in skirts, dressed as women are not hiding their gender. What that's amazing. How about so .

really, really.

really, really and just to end cut in hook.

what even really, really.

really well, okay, I .

talk he had .

a little .

sort .

of process. He's definitely Margaret thatchers .

for definitely. I mean, think in the movies they do, climate would teach.

I'm sure i've seen that sort. And yes.

I think I think the error period a little bit obsessed.

They were teaching in the reason for that. It's pented in one of the newspapers of the time, the bosses newsletter, which has one of the largest circulations in the we've been his name as Edward teach. But actually, look at all the echos, his name was more likely. Edward thatch is just that.

Teach is the one that takes off. So they ran with a typo. amazing.

Gosh, OK, I member of me? Oh.

no. Outrageous.

always right for teach, always for teach.

Okay, so where was he born? When was he born? And and tell me what was the ground?

The claims are that he was a made to do make to become a private tio dude in the water of the spanish location of more recent claims, who said his family actually migrated to breast when he was quite Young and so began to see fear career in jamaa. Either way, IT seems, is connected to jamaa somehow. And the family name of that tche is fairly common. Amon wells in testers in the eighteen century and jamaica IT seems reasonable that he.

at least this has his origins in jamaa. That's very start of talk of, you know, the silk sling over his shoulders know he cuts a dash.

yes, something he events the bundling that kind of invention of this guy .

as an invention, sadly, by an invention of a gentleman. Charnels Johnson, who write a book and seventeen twenty four called the general history of the pilots and IT really is a book which has been right at the same time that there's A A sorry of pacy and that some of these actors are still already the Operating. But at at that point that all these mets come from, including the band, deliver the salt a banda lio and the I D A of black of within a heart with matches that he likes to an act feed and his and his play.

I didn't know that one great.

that basically none of the they would have the discussion we have of them, that he went by the name of black, he let his beards grow, and he tied up up in black weapons that one of his victims.

who says that that really is the the jack sparrow of his Richard, think that .

the and he makes .

his name and finds destiny carbon but before that, I mean, is he a cultured man, or is ha rough and brute on the wave? What do we know about his refinement and education? Should we say.

yeah, what are uses for?

So until he, a rops sent to the newspapers and seventeen particle attacks, we've really know nothing about his back down as education. All we know is that some of the most pilots is a sea at or so. He has secret ding education, and he was likely more just a common sea theater, a common seiler, like most pilots in this period will have been involved in private and seems to taking up a private in caption. And ja IT doesn't seem likely. IT was a captain of a va, the rank and fail sailor.

Do we know who was literate as .

he left many letters or any written accounts .

himself? No hakes films, books, fantasies you can expect on. You can project anything you like on him and and you you can be a booky man. You can make him as frightening as you like.

I mean, one thing you know, to have A A crew on a ship like this, if you are, you know, somebody from nowhere, I would from nowhere, who you know, we don't know very much about, is IT a lot of defection from the english navy. Because we know, and we know from people like Samuel Johnson, that being in the navy was hard. IT wasn't very lovely, I think he wrote, you know, a lot of the sailor was very much the same as that of a prisoner. Y.

with the added possibility of drowning.

So, very Johnson, but I mean, is that why people at sea would suddenly go? Well, actually, forget this, i'll just go enjoying ewood nowhere. Who we don't really know very much .

is Better vessels we are by its not extended to recruit from so particularly slave in vessels, but also other mettle vessels as well. We are merchants who are being taken by pilots. Some of the are crews would join voluntarily, would join the pilots who are taken the vest.

They tended not to ensure our vessels to take to avoid them as much as possible. So those defectives doesn't really happen to pacy, although perhaps some disaster, and found away on board pilot vessels as well. But for the most, pot attended to be more from the action.

So do things. So, okay, so he devotes his life. We do know that he does decide to be a pirate. Do we know how successful he was in the early days? And who does he target when he, you know, sort of little black beard little bit that when he's just starting out, who does he go for first.

like double excess.

He also, again, like most of these individuals from your providence, at first he's actually sAiling with one of the the foremost captains and naia of Benjamin hornig to is one of the originals of these pi creese from new providence. So he says with Benjamin hornig ld for a couple of eels out of new providence, mostly attack in the spanish ship must be said so they continue to to concentrate the attacks on the spanish particularly.

Is the religious talk of that? I mean, is that the fact the spanish 啊 catholic and they uh protestant, or is IT just the spanish H A rich got .

gold on the ships? Part of that as the religious context, but really as the local, the geopolitical context. Because these are individuals who have been trained as private teos.

I've been taken part in private team voyages will, to see where the enemy. And they just want to continue that because, being, they do have wealth as well. So they want to continue to plunge all these vessels and to plunge the spanish.

What we haven't said, in which we should haps terrify, is that the reason that everyone is so keen on these spanish vessel ls, is the gold, silver and is IT tin. What are the other things that they are finding in the new world?

Gold, silver, sugar is wale and tobacco and all these vessels, and lots of different manufacturer also that they are bringing to the amErica is up to trade, but mostly, to be honest, worthy, uninterested. And as the cell, vast of the pieces of IT that we, we all know from all of the other films.

sorry, I need to do IT pieces of eight pieces is what the parents say on all the movies.

And again, just explain what a piece of a is eight to what.


describe the piece of as a cell are going. So is eight pestles, basically, which is a significant other. But these are large.

So coins and the melt IT downside lor for all the mines and central and southern meda and is really what this spanish are extracting from the medics and same and back to you to fund their their wars and their empire building elsewhere. And it's that silver that the pilots want access to because it's that. So over the circus in the cadogan is the mean cy.

with all in mind, with the idea of the plant in mind, let's take, join us after the break where we go from go tea to full beard. And I suppose with I just, I love just double things so much had to trump in back soon.

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Welcome back. We are with David Wilson, and we are now heading to the pirate republic of naso in the bahamas. In the films we all know that the pirates of the carabi, an pirates pub, that they all go with, the incredibly beautiful bar mates and all these characters around the tables with peg legs and so on, that is actually based on a real public, and there is a historical .

basis for that. exactly. The the community at nasal and new travel ence begins after the world of the sections, or from seventeen, fourteen, one month.

You have these small sites of pilots Operating from naso to attack this spanish, particularly they are quite small scales. You have these accounts of or of crews of about twenty five people using canoes to attack this spanish. But they start to build up their Operation to start taking large our vessels.

And really, this is where you get the emergence of Benjamin hall. Gold has been one of the leaders within this space. But after seven hundred and fifteen, this really explodes. And the reason explodes is that the spanish with tele, which Carries all of the whale from the mines of social media and central medical back to europe, that actually get shepherded off the cost of fla on the thirsty thirst of july seventeen and fifteen.

This is like whisky go, but with pieces of vate, rather than rather ky.

this cover up the the gulf of fladda let see and IT causes a treasure hunting fanzine among sea fator through .

the atlantic s spanish.

this village of july seven, fifteen.

This is where we all should have been seventeen, fifteen in the bahamas, with gold littering the beaches.

It's pretty good. People are still to you in these rates, so they are still doing. But these pivots then start to to Operate these rates. But what that means that you get a lot of differenced fats from throughout the atlantic coming to florida, also come into the bahamas and starting to get involved in these pilot crews as well. And I should be, we get this explosion of a seafood in population who come to pdc.

and who are the people that are part of this? They are mainly british, mainly english. What some nationalities .

would you find in this republic? Give us some stories that I M. IT was british public members of these crews as well. So one famous individual is that is a character called Olivia liberti.

who is an extravagant french ch. Captain, ends up in reactive. I have a bottle.

He is subject of what we would call vu do.

And when you go there in the evening, there are these incredible crimes of people leaving offerings today for lab.

Sy, why wasn't a good person? I think we really highlighted what these pirates did.

Give us a story.

we think, back in the patience. We sort of romantic size these figures as beat anti establishment. What they were really doing was quite violent, attacking a vesely and sleeving basics as well, and nor treating either the sailors of the slave persons of being all the captains particularly. Well, they are very violent. A lot of torture happened on both these vessels, and what they really wanted to do is an not fear and the broader a feeding community.

So the torture, again, I but mean, you know, things like walking, the plan called kill hauling and and the stuff that, you know we're raised on in the movies are these gifts of the navy or gifts of piracy to the world. I think about of.

to be honest, regards to the torture that we that we seen in the rack, because IT tends to be a lot more violent in some ways than those things like morning matches on the people's .

eyes is one of the ones that we have keep going.

He is more, more, come on, yes.

more lots of lashing and wetting, and then a lot of hanging people from .

the mass as well, hanging the .

things that they do, that they want to feel, also to give up the pleasure and to give up information of other.

Okay, so the grave, with the view do in the William m. Whisky .

offering room.

offering, what? What .

did he do? This sixteen elements and his commenting parties, in line with other, more british pilots, particularly sam Bailey as another individual, he cruise es wife and the labor billion of the catapez, and they are packing off different bettah vessels, different french vestals. But Olivia labesse is one of the very few pilots who then also direct to the waistline of africa and is Operating the .

attack and sleep in indian ocean.

one of the very few who makes up for the end the ocean, because really, that's what they want. What these pilots want to do is to trade up their vessels to get bigger to the indian ocean after the cost of result.

Okay, I mean, well, on the vesle, how bigger we talking, we talking to match the royal name much, much smaller than the royal navy vessels.

So they start often very much smaller vessels, the as they build up and build up the reason they sought to attack the the slave trade special, the slave and vessels, is because they warn large vessels that they basically can match the royal navy, if they have to. These, these are eyes, beggars, nav business and atlantic.

Now, if I remember correctly, the big strike of lab si was when in the south seas, he captures the governor of goa going home with his fortune, and he pulls into reunion, and he gets the entire live savings of this enormous portuguese sort of mega x governor. And that is his great find. And he buried IT, and it's never be discovered.

And he leaves half the map or something, this one wonderful stories about the boy when he dies, he's being hung publicly by the french. And he shows half the map and then takes the other half of his graves. And this and this never .

hand the a bit with the x marking the spot. Nobody can we cycle back IT. Just for second, the park republic ican, because you mention this amazing character, Benjamin honey, and anyone who plays video games, assassins creed has a character, Benjamin honored.

I did. Do you play a science? great. Do you .

know who I?


you got A P, H, D, and assess Green.

I mean, I don't play, but I know about IT. And so in the game they have a very handsome, dashing square George, clean cut, you know, girls might swim kind of character as Benjamin hora gold. I just want to flesh out his personality because he's going to be very, very important in a little while, because he is going to be black bears mentor. We can't lose sight of black beer because he's the reason where here. So I mean, what what do we know about what people said about honey, how dripping in blood he was, or how dripping in gold he was?

Honey resting because he seems to have been a british votel to the of the spice access. And he's one of the pilots who sort continues to want to only attack this spanish. So he has the sort of national alister straight tube as well.

So he only wants to attacks spanish basics. He doesn't eventually start to attack some british basics. But really, you can tell that horo is as a Better, more petioles than see some of the other ides.

And he is one of the first to take apart, and that is later awful. And he actually turns out to a pie hunter. So he is one of the less .

violent and one of you.

So that first appeals as a number of ornee als crew and as Gavin is first command under Benjamin ornequin so he does become about main talk to that tch. And at that point of seventeen, sixteen and twenty, seventeen and seventeen, that is very much loyal to the bench of in horner gold and seems to believe in his mentoring to sort follow what is mentor set out for them.

In terms of piracy, in terms of religious focusing on attack in this spanish, they do attack some british vesle. In fact, the largest Price comes in April seventeen seventeen when they take two trading slippers, not far from which are actually so sea company vessels, and the reported to Carry twenty five thousand pieces of eight, as well as several in slave persons as well. And this is one of the first stage of undergo really attacks the british, but is also interested this type of so sea company who have this trading connection with the spanish as well. I think that might be part of .

the reason that I understand well as the pieces of the commodity matter that you wanted to bring back to as or or or back to the bahamas would be flower, for example, because there's just no farming us. So if you want bread, you can have to steal the flower to make IT. Is that right?

And is that more valuable than whisky? Make sure to the alcohol was on the various is more provisions that they need because at that point, especially by the incentivises, are isolated from any color report. So they need to get their provisions from somewhere. So what they have to do is attacked smaller vessels and build up their provisions, build up their supplies. Today, they be able to to .

continue their paces. David, what I haven't got in my head is the picture again in that is IT just about you guys living and for themselves, or do they have a set of paris council? Is there any form of collective action that they take against the government? And do they defend themselves against the government? Is is genuinely of the map doing the thing seems that .

there were are different factions involved and NASA new providence. So there was different. Prior captains as who serve had groups cool as our own them. So you had horn gold as one camp vegan seems to be another camp aim and some bai as well.

And these individuals that they had, there's crews who would follow them, but they also had to negotiate with with each other because they are all used as pie peace. What important also remembered is that there was a population and the bahamas before these pilots to Operate there. So they're also working with some of the members of the community as well who are already involved in things like pine smoke, len as well. So the are Operator is part of that, but all are a licit network. It's just a piece to take over from the periods.

And is there appointing which the government takes these guys on? Do you ever have a unorganized navy attack on the park havens or regular attack? Does he go over a period really .

unless they don't at first the drift government release sleep. So unless there's a lot of government are one coin about po nest is record as nest of pilots and the bahamas. They warn the government constantly that you know you need to take that out before IT becomes too much of a problem.

But they don't respond because basically, they don't have the resources. There's not a great royal lady presence in the catapez or the atlantic at this time, and they don't really want to put the resources into somewhere like the bahamas, which doesn't promise to become much of our lucrative quality. They are are happy to negate, to ignore until IT becomes too much of our problem and then they do take on.

And is there any sense that they are aiming mainly at the spaniard? So the british government fairly happy to let them get on with IT or or is a point when they crossed the thresh hold and they start attacking british vessels and they become in the sites .

of the role navy. Exactly half of that's when these private started to just Operate against anyone. So he to take the dog, the french under british as well.

And it's really from that point on, really when the may options get involved, the british options get involved. That's when you start to see more proactive measure against hiders. But again, they don't go against new providence. IT takes an even by individual with Rogers, who they intakes on dance, basic part of private election, rather than a naval expected.

With this drop, you've got the nee of the master with with one or gold, so of teaching him the ropes, quite literally, from the yard. ARM. But at what point? Edward, fetch, teach blackbeard say, actually my name is black beard. Now that is who i'm going to be.

Is IT a name that people start calling him because he's decided to grow as bad? Or this image matter? And I i'll tell you something that was said about him, apart from the eyes like a frightful metal, his beard covered his whole face and frightened amErica more than any comments that has appeared in a long time. So I mean, it's a sort of circle seventeen and seventeen that you you hear him being referred to. His black beard, his decision, the newspaper s decision, a journalist decision, who who does this?

I think he must be a bit of both, because if he is chosen to read this in this way, and that is quite long and quite distinctive and most useful for that, if he wants to take VS, what he wants to do is to take them quite easily, doesn't really want to engage, and I lang stand and you against these vested.

So if he can create a name for himself, whether that me is black heels or just an image of the black beeld, if they see that from a farm, that they might be more likely just to give up. They're vessel to give up. They are goods without a fight, just to avoid any sort of tortured or violence, but nothing like that. But at the same time, as news of his attacks stopped to circuit, newspapers are also building up this image as well, which is really helpful for hamburger, is also helpful for the royal navy, for aims pacy. Because if you become notorious, and if you become notorious as the black the, then you are going to become to argue of these antibiotic campaigns.

of benefits parties. His god, he's sAiling a six gun slop and a slop for those who don't know much. Fast vessel, smaller leaker. I mean, IT wouldn't be steam slopes at this point with IT. I mean, it's just a smaller swift of vessel at this point time.

a smaller threat to, say, investment that there tends to be favoured by pdas at that pointing because it's quicker and you can get in out of places much easier and much fast or so you can take a veal escape, really useful about a slope as it's got a shallow draft. So you can also escape, entice or shallow or waters and around ideas and clicks away from the royal family who are and much larger or besons, and can follow you and to these years.

And what point does he swap the loop for? You know, the very famous, the vessel, the revenge, where does he get that from on?

What is that is actually called the revenge. That's the real name for black bear's real ship. I'm beginning to look at parts the cabby as as a work of history. Now.

the revenge, the first revenge of the queen and revenge, which is a really famous flagship, but the revenge itself is actually a visual, that is, that is, portrait by and visual one is deep bond. And he is a really interested in cater, because he is, no one is the gentle man pia. He is actually .

a plantation.

ara, but he has quite a comfortable life. And barbares is a plantation or or is a slaver. But he turns to pic.

No one really knows why he makes a decision, but he does. He bells a vessel. He calls the revenge, hires a crew. You please the crew, which is unusual wages to your sailors, and he turns up and new providence, and really from that point on him, in fact, that their stories become up twin, because that starts to take steep on, that came up on the wing. But what is really doing is, is using steep bonnet.

using his dresser. Okay, what I mean, the thing I had about steep on the plantation owner, and again, I how much as a ort of back projected journalistic goff, but that he has this on the plantation, he's got a family. He is very happy, you know, living the life of a gent. He hasn't slaved people as servants, are living a lovely life and eating of silver, and then his children die, and he has a complete sort of mental breakdown. And that's what leads to this lawless life, is grief and well, and then he .

just takes you to Johnson is a general history. And what he tries to do is he takes the little information we have in the inflation es out or something that may have happened. We don't actually know .

that what happens to IT ddt make maybe why what data is written, how reliable is IT .

is read and publish in seventeen twenty four. And we don't know who channels Johnson is this or thought for a while people thought of is Daniel of the fool but I being tally disproved and no so we don't know who child ws Johnson is. But what we do know is when you read the book, you can see where the facts are combing from. You can see the newspaper articles you use when you start to dive in to this research. But they knew, just start to see how he takes that and just runs and I I think he takes little details and then you times up ten eleven and just goes rather .

and whether based who is he this guy so .

we don't know her eyes, but we the book is published in london, so is basically a popular book for for those interested in .

IOS yeah for punters. And you can see why, because when he writes his delicious, gorgeous details, like, you know, bonnet has a an entire library of his ship, know he's like, he's like this gentleman pirate who can recite poetry at the drop of a hat. Tan is is pining for dead children.

And you can see, yeah, that's a great .

story of really from the and that how people wanted to see pdas, how people wanted to engage with pdas.

So take us, David, to september seventeen, seventeen. And there is a crisis bullet, and his crew have limped into the pirate sancy, and not so having run a file of a .

spanish warship to have, and the mistake, a spanish worship for a merchant vessel. And they engage and are quite quickly dispatched, the spottis worship, as you can expect. And so the lamp on to new providence haven't been haven't been devastated by this attack. And it's truly from this point on that you start to see that catch becomes in charge of this. Basie starts to take over steeds crew and his basic with his orden basel with his old crew as well. And it's really from that point on this sort of late, or seventeen and seventeen, where touches name appeals in the rake up more more forcefully air because he is terrorizing the eastern sea board of north media west bona and tool is basically is coin sol.

So when you say terrorizing the coasts of america, what's going on his landing on a remote solar .

and reading the plantations and move, they can, in a short amount, appear. So they moved to new york to deliver to the chavez OPEC, the lie of the caves of these ports, waiting for vessels to arrive or to try to leave. They planned, are those.

But then before anyone can respond, you'll just move up to the next port and they keep going. And they take several vessels of us pointing time. And his named started, become very well known among the the colonies of the em.

Okay, well, look, let's let's leave you there. We will be back in the next episode of this double bill on pirates and black beard in particular, and find out what this sort of Virginia new career that's terrorizing everybody on the sea board is going to do next. If you want to hear the next one already, you know what you have to do.

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