cover of episode 189. Culloden: Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Last Stand

189. Culloden: Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Last Stand

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Jacqueline Riding
William: 本集回顾了1745年至1746年期间发生的雅各布派起义,以及最终在卡洛登发生的决定性战役。我们探讨了查理王子及其追随者在起义中的行动,以及英国政府的应对措施。 Anita: 我们分析了查理王子在起义过程中的策略选择,以及这些选择如何影响了最终的结果。我们还探讨了起义中各种人物的动机和角色,例如法国在起义中的作用,以及苏格兰不同氏族之间的复杂关系。 Jacqueline Riding: 我提供了关于查理王子及其军队的着装、行军路线、以及与当地居民互动等方面的细节描述。我还详细分析了普雷斯顿潘斯战役、德比进军、以及卡洛登战役的经过,并对这些战役的战略意义和影响进行了深入的探讨。此外,我还讲述了查理王子在战败后的逃亡经历,以及弗洛拉·麦克唐纳在其中的关键作用。 Anita: 本集节目重点关注了查理王子在苏格兰高地起义中的领导力,以及他在面对英国政府的强大力量时所面临的挑战。我们探讨了起义的背景,包括汉诺威王朝的统治以及苏格兰内部的政治分歧。我们还分析了雅各布派起义的失败原因,以及这场起义对苏格兰历史和文化的影响。 Jacqueline Riding: 我详细描述了雅各布派军队的组成、装备和战术,以及他们与英国正规军的对比。我还分析了在普雷斯顿潘斯、福克斯和卡洛登等关键战役中,双方军队的战略部署和战斗过程。此外,我还探讨了威廉·奥古斯塔公爵在卡洛登战役中的作用,以及他对战败者的残酷镇压。 William: 我们对雅各布派起义的叙述,不仅关注军事层面,也关注政治、社会和文化层面。我们探讨了起义对苏格兰社会的影响,以及它如何塑造了苏格兰的民族认同感。我们还探讨了起义中一些关键人物的命运,例如查理王子、威廉·奥古斯塔公爵,以及弗洛拉·麦克唐纳。

Deep Dive

This chapter recounts Bonnie Prince Charlie's journey from the Highlands to Derby, analyzing the strategic decisions, the fluctuating support from different clans, the growing fear in England, and the ultimate retreat back to Scotland. It explores the reasons behind the Jacobite army's advance and their eventual decision to turn back, highlighting the missed opportunity to potentially seize London.
  • Charles Edward Stuart's initial success in Scotland and the growing fear in England
  • The diverse composition of the Jacobite army and the varying levels of support
  • The strategic decision to march on London and the factors contributing to the retreat
  • The impact of the Jacobite advance on England and the run on the banks

Shownotes Transcript

Few battles in history have been remembered as powerfully, nor been as mythologised, as Culloden on the 16th of April 1746. Under the leadership of Charles Edward Stuart - Bonnie Prince Charlie, ‘the Young Pretender’ - the Jacobites fight to the death upon Culloden Moor to place their own king on the British throne. Outgunned, outnumbered, the kilted swordsmen and musketeers took on the forces of the Hanoverian George II of England, in what would be the last battle fought on British soil. What would be their fate?

In today’s episode, William and Anita are joined again by historian Jacqueline Riding to discuss the Battle of Culloden: one of the most cataclysmic battles in British history. 

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Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett

Producer: Callum Hill

Exec Producer: Neil Fearn

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