cover of episode 184. The Buddhist Merlin

184. The Buddhist Merlin

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Anita Anand
William Dalrymple
William Dalrymple: 我在这本书《黄金之路》中讲述了金刚智的故事。这段历史时期有很多历史记录的空白,需要将艺术、考古证据、铭文、陶器碎片和碑文等拼凑起来。金刚智的故事就像一个精彩的传奇,他以魔法闻名,而非冥想或哲学。他能够创造饺子,摧毁军队,甚至让死者复活。他12岁时去了那烂陀大学,十几岁时毕业,之后回到家乡,在那里接受了秘密的密宗仪式。他掌握了佛教秘密宝库中的所有内容。南印度国王派遣他作为大使前往中国,因为他是一位佛教奇人。他通过魔法降雨解决了干旱问题。当时,西藏人和阿拉伯人的军队分别威胁着南印度和中国的国王。伊斯兰军队已经到达印度河,对印度和中国都构成了威胁。金刚智前往中国时,也有自己的计划。他首先去了斯里兰卡,并遵照国王的指示前往亚当峰。他通过魔法克服了亚当峰上的危险,找到了佛陀的足迹。在巨港,他遇到了他未来的弟子不空金刚。他通过冥想和密宗仪式平息了一场巨大的风暴。到达中国后,他再次通过魔法降雨解决了干旱问题。金刚智及其弟子不空金刚被认为是至高无上的魔法师,他们主要以魔法技巧而闻名。他们不仅带来了魔法,还带来了宇宙学、宗教、药物、天文学、占星术等印度知识。金刚智的主要功绩是击败了入侵的外国军队。他有自己的军队。不空金刚通过仪式和咒语击败了入侵的军队。金刚智和不空金刚的弟子参与了婆罗浮屠的设计和建造。最近在婆罗浮屠遗址发现了金刚智和不空金刚的咒语,这表明他们的弟子参与了婆罗浮屠的建造。镇海沉船的发现证明了印度思想通过海上贸易传播到爪哇和婆罗浮屠。 Anita Anand: 金刚智,他的名字翻译过来就意味着智慧。金刚智是一位佛教徒,也是一位伟大的魔法师,他从事了一项史诗般的任务。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

While in the West the legends of King Arthur were being born, a Buddhist tantric magician of immense magical powers - Vajrabodhi - was enshrining himself as the Merlin of first India, and then China. Undeniably one of the most extraordinary characters of the 8th century, Vajrabodhi would play a crucial role in transporting Buddhism to the Chinese court, along with Indian scholarship. After being sent there on an important embassy by his cousin, a mighty Pallava king of Southern India, Vajrabodhi embarked upon a colourful odyssey to rival those of antiquity, meeting, as he went, a young boy who would later become his loyal companion and a powerful sorcerer in his own right; Amoghavajra. Together they were alleged to have sent rain dragons to cure droughts, and concocted spells or mantras capable of destroying the invading hordes of Islam and the Tibetans. What then is the truth of these exceptional monks and their purported “magic”? Did they really conquer rampaging armies and even master the elements?

Join William and Anita as they discuss Vajrabodhi, the Buddhist magician of India, and his sorcerer’s apprentice. From wizards, spells, and rain dragons, to invading armies, and the secrets of the previously unexplainable Borobudur…

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Assistant Producers: Anouska Lewis and Tabby Syrett

Producer: Callum Hill

Exec Producer: Neil Fearn

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