Stacey thought she had the perfect husband, Justin Rutherford. Doctor, father, family man. It was the perfect cover for him to hide behind. He was sitting at our kitchen table. The cops were on each side of him, guarding him. In the summer of 2021, their lives came crashing down. When I tell you that it was like a movie, I mean it was like a movie. Detective Weaver said to me, "I'm sure you know why we're here."
And I was like, no, I absolutely don't know why you're here. I mean, Justin was good at hiding things from Stacey and the family. It wasn't even panic. It was just like, what is going on here? What in the world is going on? Once the crimes were revealed, Stacey learned how far her husband would go to save himself.
He did not just say, I wish he was dead. He actually gave details and, you know, explained different scenarios on how to kill him. It was terrifying. There was nothing that would have been out of the realm for him to do. From that point on, I slept with a loaded gun next to my bed. He's bad to the core and you cannot fix that. He, to me, is scarier than Jeffrey Dahmer.
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