故事的核心是一个弟弟的意外死亡。Tracy从小就被告知她的弟弟Matthew死于意外事故。然而,医疗记录却显示她杀害了弟弟,这让她难以置信。“我被告知Matthew死于意外,”Tracy回忆道,“但医疗记录却说是我杀了他,我完全不明白。” 这种巨大的冲击,这种被指控杀害自己亲弟弟的指控,是难以想象的创伤。“我无法相信自己会做出这样的事,”她说,“这简直是无法想象的创伤。”
弟弟死因的疑点,让Tracy开始怀疑真相。她无法接受这个结论,一个两岁的孩子不可能将婴儿从婴儿床里扔出去造成颅骨骨折。 “这说不通,”她坚定地说,“如果我没有做,那么是谁做的?” 这个疑问,驱使她开始了漫长的真相追寻之路。
她坚持要求重新调查案件,甚至推动了Matthew遗体的重新检验。“我不管这个案子有多久,”Tracy说,“让我们掘出遗体,重新检验!” 正是这个决定,让尘封已久的真相开始浮出水面。
调查过程充满了曲折和意外。Tracy逐渐发现,她的父母隐瞒了真相。“他们不是我的父母,”她痛苦地说,“他们是恶魔。” 十五年来,她背负着莫须有的罪名,承受着巨大的精神压力。最终,真相大白,但随之而来的,是难以承受的痛苦和对家庭关系的彻底崩塌。
“15年来,我背负着这个罪责,” Tracy说道,“最终找到了真相,但真相也让我难以承受。”
《负罪感》并非仅仅是一个犯罪故事,它更是一个关于家庭、谎言、真相和救赎的故事。它展现了家庭悲剧的残酷,以及人们在面对真相时所经历的痛苦和挣扎。 这部纪录片以其引人入胜的情节和深刻的主题,引发了人们对家庭关系、人性和正义的深刻思考。 它提醒我们,即使是最亲密的人,也可能隐藏着不为人知的秘密,而真相的追寻,往往是一条充满荆棘的道路。
He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight.
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. To have a murder as gruesome as Jade Beasley's doesn't happen very often down here.
In Marion, Illinois, an 11-year-old girl brutally stabbed to death. Her father's longtime live-in girlfriend maintaining innocence but charged with her murder. I am confident that Julie Beckley is guilty. They've never found a weapon. Never made sense. Still doesn't make sense. She found out she was pregnant in jail. The person who did it is still out there. Listen to Murder on Songbird Road on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Welcome to the Criminalia Podcast. I'm Maria Tremarcki. And I'm Holly Frey. Together, we invite you into the dark and winding corridors of historical true crime. Each season, we explore a new theme from poisoners to art thieves. We uncover the secrets of history's most interesting figures, from legal injustices to body snatching. And tune in at the end of each episode as we indulge in cocktails and mocktails inspired by each story.
Listen to Criminalia on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. One of my favorite true crime podcasts has just been turned into a docuseries. Hey guys, it's Andrea Gunning. Right now, you can watch the Burden of Guilt docuseries on Paramount+. Here's a sneak peek of what you're going to see during this three-part series. Imagine all you know is that you had a brother, the brother died when he was four months old,
I was told that Matthew died in an accident. We were amazed at what we saw. I can't imagine sitting with the kind of mystery of what happened with your baby brother. This was a once-in-a-lifetime case. Medical records said that I had killed my baby brother. I don't understand. A two-year-old didn't throw this child from a crib.
Is there any kind of possibility that I could have done this? It's an unimaginable sort of trauma to inflict on a person. Honestly, it just didn't make any sense. There was a skull fracture, and we knew that couldn't have been caused by his sister. There's no way in hell that this child died from being pushed. Something doesn't wash here. I just didn't believe it. But if I didn't do it, who did?
I don't care how old the case it is. Let's go exhume the body. That's when those wheels began to turn. Is it possible Matthew's death wasn't an accident? To me, it felt like the case had started right there. While we had prosecuted some cold cases, this was the coldest. This was frigid. Tracy begins to realize that her parents are hiding something. They weren't parents to me. They were monsters.
There are so many twists and turns. You leave her alone. That's a threat. I wanted to talk about your son Matthew's death. But my nerves are just too bad. I can't get drawn into Tracy's fantasies anymore.
15 years, she's carried the burden. Tracy, her whole life has fought trying to bring justice, but there was nothing that anyone could have done to prepare us. What just happened? Just like that. All my life, I knew there was something wrong with Matthew's death, but I was not prepared to learn the truth.
Be sure to check out Burden of Guilt right now on Paramount+. He was a Boy Scout leader, a husband, a father, but he was leading a double life. He was a monster, hiding in plain sight.
Journey inside the mind of one of history's most notorious killers, BTK, through the voices of the people who know him best. Listen to Monster BTK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. To have a murder as gruesome as Jade Beasley's doesn't happen very often down here.
In Marion, Illinois, an 11-year-old girl brutally stabbed to death. Her father's longtime live-in girlfriend maintaining innocence but charged with her murder. I am confident that Julie Begley is guilty. They've never found a weapon. Never made sense. Still doesn't make sense. She found out she was pregnant in jail. The person who did it is still out there. Listen to Murder on Songbird Road on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Welcome to the Criminalia Podcast. I'm Maria Tremarcki. And I'm Holly Frey. Together, we invite you into the dark and winding corridors of historical true crime. Each season, we explore a new theme from poisoners to art thieves. We uncover the secrets of history's most interesting figures, from legal injustices to body snatching. And tune in at the end of each episode as we indulge in cocktails and mocktails inspired by each story.
Listen to Criminalia on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.