Cassandra planned to kill Angelique with butcher knives and steal her baby. She had prepared items like diapers, onesies, and a carrier to take the baby. When her initial plan failed, she started a fire as a distraction, hoping Angelique would pass out from smoke inhalation, allowing her to perform a C-section and take the baby.
Angelique felt the police were dismissive because they joked about her past drug use and questioned whether the incident was real. They also failed to act quickly when Cassandra disappeared from the hospital and didn’t provide updates on the investigation, leaving Angelique in the dark.
Angelique discovered that Cassandra was never pregnant. A friend who worked at the hospital accessed Cassandra’s medical records and confirmed she had faked the pregnancy, which was the basis of their friendship.
Angelique conducted a recorded phone call with Cassandra, pretending to be unaware of the situation, and got Cassandra to admit she was alone in the room before the fire started. This admission was crucial for the police investigation.
Cassandra pleaded insanity and was sentenced to eight years in a psychiatric hospital. The prosecution’s case was weakened because they claimed Cassandra’s confession was inadmissible due to a lack of Miranda rights, though Angelique later discovered this was false.
Angelique learned from Cassandra’s confession that she was part of a gang involved in selling babies. Cassandra claimed her boss had a plan to sell Angelique’s baby in Mexico, suggesting the crime was part of a larger operation.
The trauma of the event overshadowed Angelique’s early years with her son. She struggled with fear and anxiety, feeling robbed of the joy of motherhood. It took years for her to heal and rebuild a sense of normalcy in their relationship.
Angelique credits her intuition for saving her life. She had a gut feeling that something was wrong during the encounter with Cassandra, which prompted her to act cautiously and ultimately avoid being killed.
Angelique became an advocate for preventing fetal abduction, sharing her story to raise awareness. She also became a surrogate, helping others grow their families, which she found healing and empowering.
Kassandra’s plan to kill Angelique is revealed. But Kassandra may not have been acting alone.
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