Cassandra planned to kill Angelique with a butcher knife and steal her baby. She intended to perform a C-section on Angelique while she was unconscious from smoke inhalation caused by a fire she started as a distraction.
Cassandra's plan failed because she got cold feet when she was about to stab Angelique. She felt guilt and second-guessed her actions, leading her to abandon the initial plan and start a fire as a distraction instead.
Angelique found two large butcher knives, scissors, disinfectant, and alcohol in Cassandra's diaper bag. These items suggested Cassandra was planning to harm Angelique and take her baby.
Cassandra was charged with attempted first-degree murder, arson, and burglary. She confessed to the crimes but was offered a plea deal of eight years in a psychiatric hospital due to her mental illness and the inadmissibility of her confession in court.
Years later, Angelique discovered that Cassandra's Miranda rights had been read before her confession, contradicting what prosecutors had told her. This revelation made her question why the plea deal was offered and whether there was more to the case involving a gang operation.
Angelique's experience left her traumatized, affecting her ability to bond with her son during his early years. She struggled with trust and safety, but eventually found healing through advocacy, surrogacy, and building a family with her husband Josh.
Cassandra claimed in her confession that she was part of a gang involved in selling babies. She stated that her boss had a plan to sell Angelique's baby in Mexico, suggesting a broader criminal operation behind her actions.
Angelique agreed to the plea deal because prosecutors told her Cassandra's confession was inadmissible in court due to a procedural error (not reading Miranda rights). She later discovered this was false, but by then, the deal had already been made.
Angelique was shocked and hurt when Cassandra showed no remorse during sentencing. Despite this, Angelique chose to forgive Cassandra for her own peace of mind, acknowledging Cassandra's mental illness.
Angelique's intuition saved her life when she sensed something was wrong during Cassandra's visit. She turned around and discovered the butcher knives in Cassandra's bag, which led her to realize the danger she was in.
Kassandra’s plan to kill Angelique is revealed. But Kassandra may not have been acting alone.
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