cover of episode EP 22 - Angelique Pt. 1

EP 22 - Angelique Pt. 1

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Andrea Gunning
Angelique Robledo
@Angelique Robledo : 我17岁怀孕,经历了冰毒成瘾的痛苦,以及朋友的疏离。在最孤独无助的时候,我遇到了@Cassandra ,她似乎是我的同类,给了我安慰和支持。然而,一系列奇怪的事件让我开始怀疑她,最终导致我的衣橱着火,我怀疑她纵火。这段经历让我意识到,即使是看似最亲密的朋友,也可能隐藏着危险和欺骗。我怀孕后戒毒,并决心独自抚养孩子,这改变了我的人生轨迹。 @Andrea Gunning : 本期节目讲述了Angelique 17岁怀孕的故事,以及她在怀孕期间经历的孤独和背叛。她与一个名叫Cassandra的女孩成为朋友,但Cassandra的奇怪行为和最终发生的火灾,让Angelique怀疑Cassandra的真实身份和动机。这个故事揭示了青少年怀孕的困境,以及人际关系中隐藏的危险。 @Josh : Angelique怀孕后,我尽力支持她,虽然因为工作原因陪伴时间不多,但我一直都在她身边。 Cassandra: (没有直接的陈述,通过Angelique的叙述可以推断出她的行为和动机,但缺乏她本人的观点。) @Edwin : (没有直接的陈述,仅通过Cassandra的电话提及。)

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Angelique decide to have the baby despite her difficult circumstances?

Angelique saw her pregnancy as a second chance and a lifeline to change her life. She believed the baby could help her stay sober and give her a new purpose.

How did Angelique's life change after she became pregnant?

Angelique experienced sobriety for the first time in weeks, which she attributed to her pregnancy saving her life. She also faced isolation as her old friends avoided her, and she missed out on typical senior year experiences.

What was the turning point for Angelique in her addiction?

The moment she sat in front of the toilet with a wrench, trying to retrieve her stash, was her rock bottom. It made her realize how far the drug had taken over her life.

How did Angelique and Josh's relationship evolve after she became pregnant?

Josh agreed to be involved in the baby's life and supported Angelique. They went to doctor's appointments together, and he worked overtime to save money for the baby.

What was the significance of Angelique meeting Cassandra?

Cassandra, who was also pregnant, became Angelique's pregnancy buddy. They bonded over shared experiences, and Cassandra's friendship provided Angelique with the connection she desperately needed.

Why did Angelique feel uneasy about Cassandra?

Angelique had a growing sense of unease about Cassandra, especially when Cassandra shared similar stories to Angelique's life and became overly attached. Angelique's instincts told her something was off.

What happened during Cassandra's visit that made Angelique feel threatened?

Cassandra insisted on giving Angelique a gift in the dark, which made Angelique feel scared and paranoid. She had vivid thoughts of being in danger and felt Cassandra's behavior was suspicious.

How did the fire start at Angelique's house?

Angelique believes Cassandra started the fire by tampering with a candle in her room. The authorities collected the candle for evidence, but the exact cause of the fire remains unclear.

What were the consequences of the fire for Angelique and Cassandra?

The fire destroyed Angelique's belongings, including her mother's wedding dress. Both Angelique and Cassandra experienced contractions due to inhaling smoke, with Cassandra being taken to the hospital as she was only six months pregnant.

What was Angelique's initial reaction to Cassandra's gifts?

Angelique noticed the gifts had a strange smell, like cologne, but she chose to be polite and thankful, despite her discomfort. She later felt the gifts were part of something more sinister.

Angelique's life takes an unexpected turn when she becomes pregnant at 17. This chapter explores her struggles with addiction, isolation, and the challenges of teen pregnancy. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she finds unexpected support and strength.
  • Angelique's teen pregnancy
  • Struggles with Meth addiction
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Support from Josh

Shownotes Transcript

Angelique’s teen pregnancy leaves her isolated and alone. Then, she makes a new friend.  If you would like to reach out to the Betrayal Team, email us at

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