cover of episode EP 21 - Audrey
Andrea Gunning
Audrey Thompson
@Andrea Gunning : 本集讲述了@Audrey Thompson 在遭遇车祸后,其母亲利用监护权侵吞其财产并剥夺其子女监护权的故事。节目深入探讨了家庭信任的背叛以及法律程序中的漏洞,引发了对家庭关系、法律保护和社会支持体系的反思。节目还采访了相关法律专业人士,对案件进行分析,并探讨了类似事件的预防措施。 Audrey Thompson: 我在车祸中失去了伴侣,并遭受了严重的伤病。在康复期间,我的母亲利用我昏迷期间签署的授权书,将我的房子以极低的价格卖给了自己,并从中获利。她还获得了我的孩子的监护权,并且多年来拒绝让我探望孩子。我经历了漫长的法律诉讼,最终才拿回了儿子的监护权,但女儿的监护权仍然在母亲手中。整个过程中,我感受到了深深的背叛和绝望,也看到了法律体系的不足。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Audrey's mother take control of her house and children after the accident?

Audrey's mother used her power of attorney to sell Audrey's house for a dollar and took guardianship of her children, claiming it was for Audrey's best interest. However, Audrey believes her mother wanted the money from the house sale and used the accident to manipulate the situation.

Why did Audrey's mother petition for permanent guardianship of Audrey's children?

Audrey's mother petitioned for permanent guardianship of Audrey's children while Audrey was in the hospital, claiming it was to help Audrey and provide a stable environment for the children. However, Audrey believes her mother did this to maintain control and prevent Audrey from regaining custody.

Why did Audrey's mother sell her house for a dollar and what happened to the money?

Audrey's mother claimed the house was in foreclosure and had back taxes, but property records showed it was paid for in cash. She sold the house for a dollar, made a $67,000 profit, and claimed the money was used to help Audrey. However, Audrey never saw any of the money.

Why did Audrey believe her mother's actions were motivated by financial gain?

Audrey believed her mother's actions were motivated by financial gain because her mother sold the house for a profit, claimed it was in foreclosure and had back taxes (which were false), and did not provide the promised financial support to Audrey. The mother also maintained full custody of Audrey's daughter and did not bring her to visit.

Why did it take Audrey so long to realize her mother's true intentions?

Audrey was in a medically induced coma and heavily medicated after the accident, making it difficult for her to understand what was happening. She initially trusted her mother and believed her explanations. It took time for Audrey to gather evidence and realize the extent of her mother's manipulation.

Why did Audrey's mother tell the judge that Audrey had a history of drug use?

Audrey's mother told the judge about her history of drug use to cast doubt on Audrey's ability to take care of herself and her children. This likely influenced the judge's decision to grant her mother permanent guardianship and approve the sale of the house.

Why did Audrey's attempts to regain custody of her children face significant challenges?

Audrey's attempts to regain custody of her children were hindered by financial constraints, lack of legal representation, and the difficulty of challenging her mother's guardianship. She could not afford a lawyer and faced obstacles in the legal system, which made it nearly impossible to regain custody.

Why did Audrey's son return to her custody, but not her daughter?

Zach's mother, who had guardianship of Audrey's son, decided to return him to Audrey in 2019. However, Audrey's mother, who had guardianship of her daughter, was not willing to give up custody. Audrey's daughter remains with her mother, and Audrey has limited contact with her.

Why did Audrey decide to write a book about her experiences?

Audrey decided to write a book to document her experiences, heal from her trauma, and provide a record for her daughter. She hopes her daughter will read the book and understand what happened. The book, titled 'Rebuilt,' serves as a way for Audrey to share her story and advocate for better protection for vulnerable individuals.

Audrey and her fiancé Zach were in a terrible car accident. Zach died instantly and Audrey was in a coma for days. After waking up, she discovered she was paralyzed and had to undergo numerous surgeries. She also learned that her children were with their respective grandmothers and that she was alone in her house.
  • Audrey and Zach were in a head-on collision.
  • Zach died at the scene.
  • Audrey was in a coma for five days and underwent 22 surgeries.
  • She was left alone in her house after the accident, separated from her children.

Shownotes Transcript

After a tragic accident, Audrey turns to the only person she has left: her mom.  

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