cover of episode BONUS EP 2: Andrea Dunlop’s Story

BONUS EP 2: Andrea Dunlop’s Story

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrea Gunning
@Andrea Gunning : 我和我的妹妹Megan从小关系亲密,但她高中时期开始出现各种健康问题,例如背痛、膝盖痛和脱发。起初,我认为她只是运气不好,但随着时间的推移,我开始怀疑她的病情。她总是去看医生,进行各种检查,这让我感到担忧。当她宣布要学习医学时,我感到很惊讶,因为她并不是一个喜欢学习的人。后来,她成为一名护士,并在工作中表现出色。然而,我搬到纽约后,对她的生活了解不多,直到她告诉我她怀孕了,并且后来早产失去了双胞胎婴儿。我当时相信她,甚至感受到了胎动。但后来,我父亲告诉我,Megan关于怀孕和流产的故事前后矛盾。母亲也发现Megan的住院记录与她所说的情况不符。妹妹的前男友也证实了她的说法不实。最终,Megan承认她撒谎了,并没有怀孕。我难以接受妹妹的谎言,感到震惊和害怕。妹妹对发生的事情表现得好像什么都没发生一样。她结婚后,再次怀孕,生下了一个儿子。但儿子的健康状况恶化,让我感到事情不对劲。我搬回老家后,发现妹妹总是谈论儿子的健康问题,并且对医生的建议前后矛盾。父母怀疑她患有代理型孟乔森综合征。我们决定介入,保护侄子。医院报警,将侄子紧急带走,这让我们很震惊。尽管我们讨厌这个结果,但我们是为了侄子的安全。侄子的安置处理得很糟糕,没有进行警方调查。法庭听证会上,妹妹及其支持者否认了指控,法院判决对妹妹有利,孩子被送回她身边。妹妹与我们断绝了联系,我专注于自己的心理健康和写作。妹妹的丈夫联系了我的父亲,但最终站在了妹妹那边。我出版了我的第三部小说,内容与妹妹的故事有关,并因此收到妹妹律师的律师函。妹妹的律师函中提到法院将孩子的监护权归还给了妹妹,并且没有对妹妹提起任何指控。检察官认为无法证明妹妹有罪。妹妹向媒体否认了指控。我创办了一个播客,讲述关于孟乔森综合征的故事,并成立了一个非营利组织来帮助其他家庭。 @Andrea Dunlop : (This section would contain Andrea Dunlop's perspective and experiences, similar in length and detail to Andrea Gunning's statement above.) @Megan Dunlop : (This section would contain Megan Dunlop's perspective and experiences, if she chose to share them. It would be at least 200 characters in length and written from the first person perspective.) @Andy : (This section would contain Andy's perspective and experiences, if he chose to share them. It would be at least 200 characters in length and written from the first person perspective.)

Deep Dive

This chapter chronicles Andrea's close relationship with her sister Megan, from their shared childhood to the unraveling of Megan's deceitful behavior. It details Megan's repeated health issues, the suspicion surrounding her pregnancies, and the eventual family conflict that followed.
  • Close sibling bond in childhood
  • Megan's recurring health problems and questionable medical history
  • Megan's alleged false pregnancies and lies
  • Growing family conflict and sisterly estrangement

Shownotes Transcript

Her sister became someone unrecognizable.  

You can find Andrea Dunlop’s podcast, Nobody Should Believe Me, on all platforms. Her first nonfiction book, The Mother Next Door, is available now.  

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