cover of episode Weekend Extra: Why ‘People Love Dead Jews’

Weekend Extra: Why ‘People Love Dead Jews’

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Honestly with Bari Weiss

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主持人:本文回顾了美国历史上最严重的针对犹太人的袭击事件——2018年匹兹堡生命之树犹太教堂枪击案三周年。此后,美国发生了多起反犹太主义袭击事件,包括新泽西州的犹太超市枪击案和纽约州的汉卡节袭击案。这些事件以及社会对此的漠视,突显出美国社会中反犹太主义的严重性和普遍性。 达拉·霍恩:匹兹堡枪击案后,社会对犹太社群表达了大量爱与支持,这在犹太历史上并不常见。然而,随后的袭击事件,特别是针对哈西迪犹太社群的袭击,以及媒体报道中对受害者的负面描述,让她意识到人们对反犹太主义事件的反应与其受害者群体形象有关。攻击哈西迪犹太人的行为并非源于对他们宗教习俗的异议,而是因为他们的可见性。人们对反犹太主义事件的反应取决于受害者和施暴者的形象。 达拉·霍恩:她写这本书并非出于自愿,而是因为她意识到自己有责任讲述犹太人的故事。她认为,人们讲述死去的犹太人的故事,是为了让自己感觉更好。安妮·弗兰克的故事之所以广为人知,是因为它迎合了人们的喜好,而扎尔曼·格拉多夫斯基的故事则不然。存在两种形式的反犹太主义:一种是公开的暴力,另一种是要求犹太人自我抹杀的隐性暴力。两种形式的反犹太主义分别对应逾越节和光明节的故事,前者是公开的暴力,后者是隐性的同化压力。犹太人在苏联时期的自我抹杀,以及“犹太布尔什维克”的现象,也体现了这种隐性暴力。洛杉矶电影学院博物馆对犹太人在好莱坞历史贡献的忽视,体现了犹太人自我抹杀的现象。犹太人历史上一直采取各种策略来融入非犹太社会。关于爱丽丝岛更改犹太人姓名的说法是一个虚构的传说,目的是为了掩盖犹太人在美国社会中所面临的困境。美国犹太人对反犹太主义事件的反应与其历史记忆有关。美国教育体系对犹太人历史的忽视,导致人们对犹太人的刻板印象。将犹太人简单地归类为“白人”无法解释他们既是压迫者又是受害者的复杂身份。犹太人在历史上代表了自由的可能性。犹太人的存在提醒人们自由是可能的,但自由需要责任,需要人们共同努力维护公民社会。我们现在社会对多元化和包容性的强调是虚假的,反犹太主义事件的增加证明了这一点。人们对犹太人的偏见根深蒂固,即使是那些自认为开明的人也难以摆脱。

Deep Dive

The Tree of Life Synagogue shooting marked a significant turning point for American Jews, highlighting a rise in anti-Semitic incidents and a shift in feeling safe in the U.S.

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It’s been three years since the Tree of Life synagogue shooting, the most lethal attack on Jews on U.S. soil. That day was, for me, as it was for so many others, a watershed event. The country I knew was changing. While anti-semitic incidents in America had been climbing for a few years, this was different. Jews were afraid, and no longer felt safe. After Pittsburgh, there were countless other disturbing incidents: from a shooter at a kosher supermarket in New Jersey to a man with a machete at a Hanukkah party in Munsey. This past spring, antisemitic attacks skyrocketed, and even in a year where George Floyd’s killing and attacks against Asian Americans rightly captured our attention, Jews are still the number one victim of hate crimes in America.  

But what’s most shocking is that in an era where we worry so much about hatred and bigotry and exclusion, Jews don’t seem to count; Jews don’t seem to make headlines. My guest today, Dara Horn, whose book ‘People Love Dead Jews’ is a brilliant explanation of anti-semitism in 2021, joins us for a conversation about how most of the world thinks about Jews, and how the future of America, and the future of American Jews, may be one and the same. 

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