cover of episode Bigger, Stronger, Faster: The Truth About Testosterone

Bigger, Stronger, Faster: The Truth About Testosterone

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Honestly with Bari Weiss

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Barry Weiss
Carole Hooven
Barry Weiss: 本期节目探讨了性别和性别的争议性话题,以及公开讨论这些话题的风险。他回顾了过去人们对睾酮素的讨论,并指出如今仅仅是对这个话题感到好奇都是一种危险。 Carole Hooven: 通过对黑猩猩的研究,她解释了睾酮素在侵略行为中的作用,以及人类和黑猩猩在行为上的相似之处。她详细解释了睾酮素的定义、作用和误解,并指出睾酮素会降低男性表现出攻击性、暴力或性欲的门槛。她还讨论了文化环境对这些行为的影响,以及人们对性别差异生物学根源的恐惧。 Griffin Hansberry: 通过Barry Weiss的转述,他分享了在注射睾酮素后,他的性欲显著增加,对女性的感知和对性的想法也发生了改变,甚至感到自己像个怪物的经历。 Carole Hooven: 她解释了在学术界和科学界关于性别问题的争论,以及对“性别是连续谱”这一观点的批判。她认为,将科学政治化会造成混淆,降低人们对科学方法的信任度。她还讨论了媒体报道中存在的虚假信息以及改变语言以迎合特定群体观点的弊端。她坚持在教学中保持科学的完整性,即使这意味着冒着职业风险。她还讲述了Larry Summers在哈佛大学关于性别差异的言论引发的争议,并表达了自己对该事件的看法。她认为,在变性女性参与体育运动的争议中,科学证据显示存在平均优势,但更重要的是要关注人权问题,并以开放的心态进行讨论。

Deep Dive

The episode explores how testosterone influences male behavior, using anecdotes from a This American Life episode and an interview with a trans man discussing the immediate effects of testosterone.

Shownotes Transcript

Why are men the way they are? Are they naturally more aggressive? And is it fair for transwomen to compete in sports separated by sex? Is it possible to overcome our animal instincts?

And why has it gotten so hard to ask these questions out loud? To admit that there are any differences between men and women?

On today’s episode, a deep dive into these subjects and more with Carole Hooven, the author of “‘T: The Story of Testosterone, the Hormone that Dominates and Divides Us." The book was named one of the WSJ’s ten best.

Carole is an evolutionary biologist and lecturer at Harvard, where she focuses on behavioral endocrinology and sex differences. Here, she explains the science of T, the misinformation about sex, and the importance of telling the truth, even if it makes you unpopular.

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