cover of episode 11/20/24: Ryan Presses Israeli Journo On Endless War, The Real Reason Kamala Lost To Trump

11/20/24: Ryan Presses Israeli Journo On Endless War, The Real Reason Kamala Lost To Trump

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Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

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Haviv Retiger
Haviv Retiger: 本人认为,拜登政府的人道主义干预反而延长了冲突,损害了平民利益和以色列士兵的生命。以色列应该采取更果断的军事行动,迅速结束战争,避免与伊朗爆发更大规模的冲突。同时,本人认为哈马斯是加沙地区唯一能够劫持联合国援助卡车的势力,并且加沙地区除了哈马斯没有其他组织能够填补权力真空。以色列的目标是清除哈马斯,但这是一个巨大的军事、文化和宗教问题,需要国际社会的共同努力。哈马斯从未提出过仅仅以结束战争为条件释放人质的方案,并且以色列政府在应对加沙问题上存在严重的不作为和无能。以色列目前面临的困境在于,如果从加沙撤军,哈马斯将会卷土重来,而如果继续军事行动,则会造成更多平民伤亡。以色列民众担心从西岸撤军会重蹈加沙的覆辙,这使得和平协议难以达成。本人认为,巴勒斯坦与约旦之间的邦联制可能是解决巴以冲突的一种方案。解决巴以冲突的关键在于双方之间的和解,以及对双方安全问题的妥善处理。以色列人将战斗视为生存和救赎的方式,因为他们面临着周边国家对其存在的威胁。 Ryan: 加沙冲突严重影响了美国民众对卡马拉·哈里斯的评价,导致其在2024年美国大选中失利。美国民众对加沙冲突的厌恶感,以及对拜登政府处理国际冲突方式的不满,是导致卡马拉·哈里斯败选的重要因素。民主党未能有效回应民众对经济和战争的担忧,将美国国内和外交政策视为相互独立的,忽视了两者之间的张力。民主党应减少对外战争以重获民众支持,并以更符合美国民众利益的方式来处理国际事务。 Emily: 就加沙冲突中平民的苦难,以及以色列政府的应对措施,提出了自己的疑问和看法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Hamas pose such a significant challenge to Israel's security?

Hamas has built an extensive network of tunnels in Gaza, making it difficult to remove them militarily. Additionally, their ideological commitment to Islamic restorationism and the belief that overcoming Israel is essential for Islamic redemption complicates any long-term solution.

How does the Biden administration's approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict differ from the Israeli perspective?

The Israeli perspective criticizes the Biden administration's humanitarian approach, arguing that constant pressure to slow down military operations has hurt both Palestinian civilians and Israeli soldiers, prolonging the conflict and allowing Hamas to regroup.

What role do religious ideologies play in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas?

Religious ideologies within Islam, particularly the belief in Islamic restorationism, drive Hamas's actions. They view the conflict with Israel as a fundamental war for the redemption of Islam, making any peaceful resolution challenging.

Why does the Israeli government face criticism for its handling of the conflict in Gaza?

Critics argue that the Israeli government has been incompetent in dealing with the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, failing to implement effective solutions for civilian suffering and not adequately addressing the root causes of the conflict.

How do Israelis perceive the world's moral outrage over the conflict in Gaza?

Many Israelis believe that the world's moral outrage is driven by anti-Semitism and selective outrage, pointing to other global conflicts where similar levels of suffering do not garner the same attention.

What is the Israeli public's view on the possibility of a two-state solution?

The Israeli public is skeptical about the two-state solution, fearing that a withdrawal from the West Bank would lead to a situation similar to Gaza, where Hamas takes control and poses a security threat.

Why do some argue that the conflict in Gaza is not just about territory but also about ideology?

The conflict is seen as deeply ideological, with Hamas's religious narrative framing the struggle against Israel as essential for the redemption of Islam. This ideological foundation makes the conflict more complex and resistant to purely territorial solutions.

How does the Israeli government's handling of the conflict impact the perception of Palestinian suffering?

The Israeli government's perceived incompetence in addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza contributes to the perception of Palestinian suffering, as it fails to implement effective solutions that could alleviate the situation.

What is the significance of the tunnels built by Hamas in Gaza?

The tunnels are a significant tactical advantage for Hamas, allowing them to evade Israeli military operations and regroup. They also pose a humanitarian challenge, as they make it difficult to ensure the safety of civilians during military actions.

Why do some argue that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be resolved without addressing ideological differences?

Addressing ideological differences is crucial because Hamas's actions are driven by a religious narrative that views the conflict as essential for Islamic redemption. Without addressing this ideology, any political solution is likely to fail.

Discussion on the role and capabilities of Hamas in Gaza, including the rise of looting and the argument that Hamas is the only force capable of controlling the region.
  • Hamas is sufficiently strong in Gaza to not allow anyone else to come in.
  • Looting in Gaza has increased since Israel took over Rafah.
  • There is speculation of collaboration between Israel and gangs in Gaza.

Shownotes Transcript

Ryan and Emily discuss Ryan presses Israeli journalist on endless war in Gaza, the real reason Kamala lost to Trump. 


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