cover of episode The Arc of Love - The Poly Dinner Party

The Arc of Love - The Poly Dinner Party

logo of podcast Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Diana Adams
Esther Perel
Esther Perel:本集并非治疗对话,而是对现代关系中多元爱情议题的探索。参与者们分享了十年来多元爱情的演变,以及他们各自在实践中遇到的挑战、收获和反思。讨论涵盖了向家人朋友出柜的恐惧、社会对多元爱情的偏见、多元爱情与子女抚养的关系、以及如何处理嫉妒等情感。 Diana Adams:法律应承认非浪漫伴侣关系的重要性,并减少对多元爱情的社会污名化。在涉及子女的情况下,多元爱情家庭需要放慢速度,加强沟通,避免仓促引入新的家庭成员。稳定的亲子关系可以通过多种形式建立,并不局限于传统的一夫一妻制家庭模式。 匿名人士1:选择多元爱情是一种特权,但这种选择并不容易。向家人和朋友出柜是令人害怕的,因为这涉及到性生活和不同寻常的选择。家人的宗教信仰可能会影响他们对多元爱情的接受程度。 匿名人士2:从两人关系到三人核心关系的转变,比从一夫一妻制到多元爱情的转变更具挑战性。多元爱情家庭强调共同生活、资源共享和共同养育子女。在经济条件允许的情况下,多元爱情家庭可以提供更大的稳定性和安全感。 匿名人士3:多元爱情关系可以帮助人们克服孤独感,并建立更健康的自我认同。处理嫉妒需要沟通和共同创造解决方案。接受嫉妒是多元爱情关系中个人成长的一个方面。

Deep Dive

The conversation explores how polyamory and consensual non-monogamy have evolved over the past decade, with participants reflecting on their personal journeys and the societal acceptance of these relationship models.

Shownotes Transcript

Join Esther for a dinner table conversation on the topic of polyamory. The dinner was held to mark the anniversary of a panel discussion Esther was part of on the same topic ten years earlier. Together the original panel and a few new friends explore what has changed in the last decade as consensual non-monogamy has become more mainstream, why some advocate for their choices, and what consequences and challenges they still face as well. This is not a session but a fly on the wall conversation. Some of the guests chose to be anonymous, while others allowed us to use their names.

To watch the talk from ten years ago "Special Arrangements: The Changing Face of the 21st Century Relationship"discussion panel on non-monogamy and polyamory with Sunny Bates (moderator), Reid Mihalko, Diana Adams, Esq., and Esther Perel, go to:

Diana Adams is the Executive Director of nonprofit advocacy group and a mediator serving families nationwide to negotiate polyamorous agreements with

Reid Mihalko is a sex and relationship educator. More about his work at

What you are about to hear is a series Esther calls The Arc of Love. Each session centers around a couple’s story. Whether it’s issues of trust and betrayal, care and aggression, closeness and distance, repair and rupture, polyamory or monogamy. The episodes can be listened to in any order you want but were curated with a beginning, middle, and end.

For the first time on the U.S. stage, Esther invites you to an evening unlike any other. Join her as she shines a light on the cultural shifts transforming relationships and helps us rethink how we connect, how we desire – and even how we love. To find a city near you, go to

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