cover of episode Say More - Neil Patrick Harris on Friendship

Say More - Neil Patrick Harris on Friendship

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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Esther Perel
Neil Patrick Harris
Esther Perel:友谊是人生中最重要的关系之一,这从她父母的经历中可见一斑。爱与承诺不应局限于浪漫关系,友谊中也包含着深刻的爱与承诺。她关注到在不同文化背景下建立友谊的挑战,以及家庭背景对友谊的影响。最近的家庭健康问题让她更加体会到朋友和社区的重要性。她认为友谊是孩子能自主选择的首个关系,这与家庭成员关系不同。在生日派对的背景下,她认为朋友们更看重的是彼此间的陪伴和情感联结,而非深入的谈话。朋友们来参加生日派对,是为了表达对他的重视,而非需要他给予什么回报。友谊的核心在于彼此的重视和认可,以及对对方生命的重要性。她建议在派对上采用一种互动的方式,让宾客们分享他们与他的回忆,从而更有效地表达彼此间的联系。她建议Neil Patrick Harris在日程中安排专门的时间用于维系人际关系。 Neil Patrick Harris:他与儿时朋友Cody Willard至今仍保持联系,体现了友谊的持久性。由于家庭责任(孩子),他很难抽出时间结交新朋友并维系友谊,只能进行简单的问候式交流。他曾在50岁生日派对上感到自己表现不佳,没有给予每位朋友足够的关注,觉得自己没有很好地维系友谊。他认为50岁是一个新的开始,他准备好以更成熟的姿态去分享自己的经验和智慧。他承认自己有时回复信息较慢,因为生活忙碌,需要在不同事情之间权衡。他通过给自己发短信的方式来提醒自己联系朋友们,认为电话和语音留言是维系友谊的重要方式。这次谈话让他意识到自己需要更关注人际关系,并感到既兴奋又焦虑。

Deep Dive

Neil Patrick Harris and Esther Perel discuss the importance of friendship and how it differs from romantic relationships, emphasizing the role of love and commitment in friendships.

Shownotes Transcript

Friendships are their own love stories. Our friends provide continuity in an ever-changing world. They accompany us through the trials and tribulations of lovers that come and go, job changes, family rifts, births, deaths, and recoveries. And in the case of Neil Patrick Harris it's his 50th birthday that has brought friends from all the corners of his life together- which as he tells Esther can bring with some anxiety too. In her new Apple Subscription Esther is joined by the actor and Tony Award winner Neil Patrick Harris for an intimate chat.

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