cover of episode Esther Calling - Part of Me Wants to Cheat Part Two

Esther Calling - Part of Me Wants to Cheat Part Two

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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
来电者:我脑海中一直有个声音,让我去欺骗我的伴侣。这个声音不是我自己的,而是性侵犯者的声音,这是一种创伤重演。我内心深处不想伤害我的伴侣,但这个声音让我想要让他体会我曾经遭受的痛苦。它不断挑战我,试图让我成为一个坏人,让我自我破坏。我和家人朋友谈过我的经历,他们很同情我,但我很少主动提起这件事。我和伴侣沟通了我的感受,希望他能更关注我的情绪,但他理解不了。这个声音让我觉得我可以逃脱惩罚,没有人会注意到,这让我重新体验了性侵犯事件中被忽视和隐藏的感受。 这个声音并非真的想让我去欺骗,而是想让我重新体验创伤事件中被忽视和隐藏的感受,它利用欺骗作为隐喻,因为欺骗是秘密的、隐瞒的、有害的,并且与性有关。它让我感到羞耻,这与我多年来因性侵犯而感到的羞耻感如出一辙。 我和伴侣的谈话只是个开始,这将是一个漫长的过程。我过去曾试图原谅性侵犯者,但我当时很天真。现在我意识到,只有当施暴者承担责任后,受害者才能真正意义上地原谅。 我的性侵犯者是我一位多年的朋友,他了解我的家人,我也了解他的家人。那是我21岁生日,我喝醉了,他本该是我的代驾,但他却侵犯了我。这件事给我带来了巨大的背叛感。 Esther:来电者脑海中的声音并非真正想让她欺骗伴侣,而是想让她体会性侵犯者“逍遥法外”的感觉,这是一种创伤重演。重点不在于欺骗行为本身,而在于如何逃脱惩罚,不被发现。来电者伴侣的不够好奇,无意中强化了来电者创伤事件中“秘密”和“隐瞒”的感受。 来电者脑海中的“邪恶声音”是其对性侵犯经历的一种复仇式反应,它试图让她重蹈覆辙,但她一直在努力对抗这种声音。来电者需要将创伤经历整合进生命历程,而不是将其隐藏起来。 建议来电者写信给伴侣,以便更好地沟通。伴侣的不作为无意中强化了来电者创伤事件中“秘密”和“隐瞒”的感受。 来电者需要关注并处理自己的羞耻感,利用愤怒的情绪作为一种积极的力量来应对创伤。性侵犯康复的三个关键要素是:连接、控制和快乐。只有当施暴者承担责任后,受害者才能真正意义上地原谅。

Deep Dive

The conversation explores the 'evil voice' telling the caller to cheat, which is linked to her past trauma and the desire for her partner to feel what she felt. The voice challenges her to be the bad person, but she constantly chooses not to act on these thoughts.

Shownotes Transcript

This episode contains discussions of a sexual trauma. Please take care listening. This is the second part of a special two part conversation. Certain conversations stay with Esther long after the caller has hung up. And in this case, Esther wanted to follow up and go further with the young woman with the voice inside her head telling her to cheat on her partner. But this evil voice is not her own. It is that of her assailant in a form of trauma reenactment.

Esther Callings are a one time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. They are edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to [email protected].

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