cover of episode Esther Calling - Part of Me Wants to Cheat Part One

Esther Calling - Part of Me Wants to Cheat Part One

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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
女嘉宾:我与男友感情很好,但他从未过问我的过去创伤。我脑海中反复出现想出轨的念头,这让我感到困惑和痛苦。我从未付诸行动,但这个想法挥之不去,让我想知道它是否会伴随我一生。我曾经历过性侵犯,这可能与我现在的想法有关。在之前的恋爱中,我也曾有过类似的想法,但这次更加强烈和持续。我把脑海中的声音称为‘邪恶的我’,它不断怂恿我出轨,并认为我可以轻易逃脱。它并非出于恶意,而是以一种理所当然的语气,让我感到困惑。第一次听到这个声音是在恋爱初期,它劝我与其他人发生关系,以避免再次受伤。我从未向男友提及我的性侵犯经历,也从未想过要告诉他。我认为自己已经从过去的创伤中走出来了,能够信任男性,并对未来有期待。但我意识到,‘邪恶的声音’可能源于过去创伤带来的愤怒和报复心理,我将男性视为可以随意利用和抛弃的对象。我通过一些小举动来引起男友的注意,这与我脑海中的‘邪恶的声音’有相似之处。我希望男友能够更多地关注我,并表达对我的好奇。我没有付诸行动,所以没有必要告诉男友自己脑海中的想法。 Esther:我认为这个‘邪恶的声音’并非单纯的性幻想,而是试图通过出轨来表达某种诉求,可能是为了弥补过去创伤带来的影响。这个声音并非简单的性幻想,而是持续困扰她的、具有破坏性的声音。她内心的声音并非简单的性幻想,而是源于内心的需求和不满。她男友的被动态度可能也影响了她的想法,男友的被动态度让她感觉不被理解。这个声音的出现是为了提醒女嘉宾关注自己被忽视的需求,而不是单纯的出轨欲望。女嘉宾的想法并非单纯的性幻想,而是源于内心的需求和不满。建议女嘉宾可以尝试与男友沟通,表达自己希望被更多了解的需求。可以尝试用一些有趣的方式与男友沟通,例如在家里留下一些问题纸条,引导他更多地关注自己。

Deep Dive

A woman discusses her constant intrusive thoughts about cheating on her loving partner, questioning if she has to live with this voice throughout her relationship.

Shownotes Transcript

This episode contains discussions of a sexual trauma. Please take care listening. A woman in a healthy and loving relationship talks to Esther about the fantasies she has of cheating on her partner. Together they delve into whether these are truly adulterous thoughts or if this voice in her head is connected to the unresolved shame and trauma from an earlier sexual assault.

Esther Callings are a one time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. They are edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to [email protected].

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