cover of episode Esther Calling - I Left. Now I Want My Wife Back.

Esther Calling - I Left. Now I Want My Wife Back.

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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
男主人公:我与同事发生婚外情,并因此草率地离婚,现在我后悔了,想要挽回我的前妻和家庭。我意识到自己从小缺乏归属感和被接纳感,在婚姻中也缺乏沟通,对前妻有所依赖,并且习惯压抑自己的情感。我犯了错误,伤害了前妻,也对儿子造成了影响。我现在非常后悔,并试图通过写信、寻求心理治疗等方式来弥补过错,但我仍然不确定自己是否值得被原谅和获得救赎。我的家庭成员之间存在着复杂和不健康的关系,这对我也有着深远的影响。 Esther:男主人公正处于人生的过渡期,希望与前妻复合。他曾拥有稳定的工作、家庭和孩子,却因婚外情而放弃了一切。他与前妻即将再次见面,希望复合,但前妻的态度不明朗。他的婚姻破裂并非仅仅是关系问题,可能源于更深层次的原因,例如缺乏沟通、自我认同问题和童年创伤。他需要专注于自我成长,而不是急于求成。他需要学会自我原谅和承担责任,将羞愧转化为责任感。他需要认识到自己与母亲的相似之处,并避免重蹈覆辙。他需要在保持自我连接的同时,与前妻保持联系,并寻求专业帮助。

Deep Dive

The speaker reflects on leaving his wife for another woman, realizing his mistake, and seeking redemption, questioning if he deserves happiness.

Shownotes Transcript

He fell in love with someone at work and left his wife. Fast forward a year, he's engaged and realizes he's made a mistake. Now he wants his wife and his life back—but even if she takes him back, he tells Esther he doesn't feel he deserves to be happy.

Esther Callings are a one time, 45-60 minute interventional phone call with Esther. They are edited for time, clarity, and anonymity. If you have a question you would like to talk through with Esther, send a voice memo to [email protected].

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