#sleep#literature and publishing#winter experiences#leisure#self-care practices#connection building#food discussion People
Katherine Nicolai
@Katherine Nicolai : 我过去常常认为冬季单调乏味,只有寒冷和冰雪。但实际上,冬季拥有许多值得期待的美好事物。清晨的空气清新而令人振奋,我贪婪地呼吸着它,就像春天闻到紫丁香或夏天闻到番茄藤的味道一样。日落时分,天空会变得格外明亮,橙色的光线透过窗户照射进来,驱散冬日的沉闷,让人感到活力十足。这鼓励我走出户外,呼吸新鲜空气,享受冬日的美好。 融雪后的几天,我穿着泥泞的靴子走在街上,却丝毫不在意,因为我沉浸在观察树梢上的鸟巢和蜂巢的乐趣中。一只红衣主教在枝头歌唱,我仿佛听到它在对我说:‘哦,人类,还不错嘛!’。几天后,路面干了,人们都出来享受这难得的好天气。穿着毛衣的狗狗,骑着自行车的孩子们,我们互相挥手致意,脸上都洋溢着轻松愉悦的笑容。 冬至以来,白昼变长了大约30分钟,这感觉像是上天赐予的礼物。每天傍晚,我都能多欣赏一会儿后院松树的景色。过去,天一黑我就感到疲惫,匆匆吃完晚饭就上床睡觉。现在,有了额外的时光,我放慢了生活的节奏,翻阅食谱、浇花、泡茶,享受生活中的点滴美好。 在接下来的冬季里,我计划去溜冰场溜冰,欣赏傍晚的灯光;参加电影节,观看各种类型的电影;种植大丽花,期待它们盛开;制作蓝莓酱曲奇,搭配咖啡一起享用。此外,我还计划进行一些其他的活动,例如解谜、看老电影、在雪地里远足、观察早起的太阳等等。冬季并非单一感受,它包含了丰富多彩的体验,值得我们去细细品味。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the surprising aspects of winter, focusing on the unexpected beauty of winter light, the simple pleasures of outdoor activities like walks, and the restorative quality of shorter days and slower living.
  • Winter offers unexpected beauty in its changing light and the opportunity for restorative rest.
  • The narrator finds joy in simple activities like walks and appreciating the extra minutes of daylight after the solstice.
  • The narrator emphasizes the unexpected gifts of winter, such as a sense of fellowship with others and time for self-care.

Shownotes Transcript

Our story tonight is called Winter Views, and it’s a story about some different things to enjoy or look forward to in the winter. It’s also about a cardinal singing from the branches, a jar of huckleberry jam, and the extra minutes of light that come with each day after the solstice.

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