Katherine Nicolai
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 : 我认为退伍军人应该得到重视和帮助,他们可以通过拨打988或发送短信到838255寻求帮助。我关心你们的睡眠,有时即使睡眠卫生做得很好,睡眠也难以到来。Bioptimizers的睡眠突破饮品帮助我改善了睡眠质量,剂量灵活,没有褪黑素,适合不同人群。 @Katherine Nicolai : 我制作了《没有什么大事发生》播客的所有内容。我们每周都会捐赠给不同的慈善机构,本周我们捐赠给Stray Dog Incorporated。听广告是一种免费支持我们播客的方式,订阅我们的高级节目也可以支持我们。我使用AquaTrue净水器,因为它可以去除比普通滤水壶更多的污染物,滤芯使用寿命长,更换方便,经济环保,水质好。情人节周末旅馆里举办了一场浪漫的活动,包括美味的早餐和舒适的环境。我为旅馆的客人举办了一场成人舞会,舞会现场装饰精美,气氛热烈。我曾经对自己的毕业舞会感到失望,所以想为客人创造一个更美好的回忆。我希望今晚的舞会能让每个人都玩得开心,宾至如归。我喜欢看到一切准备就绪的感觉,我相信今晚的舞会将会非常特别,成为旅馆历史上难忘的一夜。 @厨师 : 我对自己的毕业舞会很满意。

Deep Dive

This chapter emphasizes the importance of self-care, especially for veterans, and introduces Bioptimizers Sleep Breakthrough Drink as a sleep aid. It highlights the product's benefits and offers a discount code.
  • Self-care is vital for overall wellness
  • Veterans can access support through the Veterans Crisis Line (988 then press 1, text 838255, or
  • Bioptimizers Sleep Breakthrough Drink helps improve sleep quality
  • Flexible dosing options available
  • 365-day money-back guarantee

Shownotes Transcript

Our story tonight is called Valentine’s at the Inn, Part Two, and it continues from last week, a tale of a little romance and a lot of coziness by the lake. It’s also about cinnamon and cardamom, crepe paper streamers decorating the ballroom, and the excitement of a properly planned event about to start.

We give to a different charity each week, and this week, we are giving to Stray Dog,Inc. Stray Dog provides every rescue with a healthy, happy life until a forever home is found.

Visit and use code NOTHINGMUCH for 10% off any order.

For 20% OFF any AquaTru water purifier, go to and use the promo code NOTHINGMUCH.

Order your own NMH weighted pillow now!

Subscribe for ad-free, bonus, and extra-long episodes now, as well as ad-free and early episodes of Stories from the Village of Nothing Much! Search for the NMH Premium channel on the Apple podcast or follow this link.

Listen to our daytime show, Stories from the Village of Nothing Much, on your favorite podcast app.

Join us tomorrow morning for a meditation.

Save over $100 on Kathryn’s hand-selected wind-down favorites with the Nothing Much Happens Wind-Down Box. A collection of products from our amazing partners:

  • Eversio Wellness: Chill Now
  • Vellabox: Lavender Silk Candle
  • Alice Mushrooms Nightcap
  • Nutrachamps Tart Cherry Gummies
  • A Brighter Year Mini Coloring Book
  • NuStrips Sleep Strips
  • Woolzies Lavender Roll-On