Katherine Nicolai
@Katherine Nicolai : 我讲述了一个发生在冬天的温馨故事,故事的主人公是猫咪Marmalade和狗狗Crumb。它们在冬天找到了各种玩耍的方式,例如我种植的猫薄荷和每周一次的短途旅行。Crumb在镇上很受欢迎,它总是能得到很多小零食。我和Crumb还会去咖啡店,在有暖气的户外座位上享受我们的时光。 与此同时,我和Marmalade、Crumb以及我们的朋友Birdie(一只巨型格雷伊猎犬)的关系也越来越密切。我们几乎每周五晚上都会聚在一起,看电影、点外卖或者一起做饭。这种自然的相处方式让我们感到舒适和快乐。Birdie现在也有了自己的床和食盆,这体现了我们之间深厚的感情。 故事的最后,我向Marmalade和Crumb透露了我们的旅行计划。我们将把它们暂时寄放在旅馆老板那里,她非常乐意照顾它们,并且也正在考虑养一只宠物。这次旅行将带我们去阳光明媚的海滩,在那里我们可以散步,并且见证我们之间友谊的进一步发展。虽然离开它们会让我感到有点紧张,但我对这次旅行充满了期待,也期待着和它们再次团聚。

Deep Dive

This chapter introduces Marmalade the cat and Crumb the dog, and their unique winter routine. It details their daily lives, including walks (or lack thereof), playtime, and the growing bond between them and their human. The story also hints at a budding friendship with another dog, Birdie.
  • Marmalade's favorite spot by the window
  • Crumb's unsuccessful attempts at wearing booties
  • The weekly coffee shop trips with pup cups
  • The introduction of Birdie, the greyhound, and their growing friendship

Shownotes Transcript

Originally presented March 6th, 2023 as Episode 10 of Season 11

Our story tonight is called Catnap and it’s a story about Marmalade the cat and Crumb the dog as they find ways to play through the winter. It’s also about a spark of something sweet that begins to grow between friends, a pup cup enjoyed on a heated patio, and a suitcase ready to be packed.

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