cover of episode MS-13 and The 18th Street Gang's Reign of Terror

MS-13 and The 18th Street Gang's Reign of Terror

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The Underworld Podcast

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Danny Gold
Danny Gold: 本期节目深入探讨了MS-13和18街帮的起源、运作模式以及它们对萨尔瓦多社会的影响。从洛杉矶的萨尔瓦多移民社区兴起,到美国遣返政策加剧萨尔瓦多帮派问题,再到帮派与政治势力的勾结,Danny Gold详细讲述了帮派的发展历程。他还分享了自己在萨尔瓦多进行实地报道的经历,以及与帮派成员接触的感受,揭示了帮派成员的复杂性和社会背景。此外,他还分析了帮派的主要收入来源(敲诈勒索)、运作方式以及与政府和民众之间的复杂关系。最后,Danny Gold探讨了解决萨尔瓦多帮派问题需要采取的策略,包括社区投资和严厉执法相结合的方法。 Sean Williams: Sean Williams在本期节目中主要扮演倾听者的角色,对Danny Gold的讲述表示赞同和惊讶,并就一些细节问题进行提问,例如帮派内部的组织结构、与其他犯罪组织的关系、以及萨尔瓦多社会对帮派问题的态度等。他与Danny Gold的互动,丰富了节目的内容,也让听众更容易理解复杂的帮派问题。

Deep Dive

The origins of MS-13 and 18th Street gangs trace back to Los Angeles in the late 1980s, where they began as small groups of friends who partied together. MS-13 was initially a group of stoners who listened to heavy metal, while 18th Street was a more inclusive gang that welcomed members of any nationality.

Shownotes Transcript

El Salvador's warring street gangs-turned-armies may have finally been broken thanks to the heavy-handed policies of Nayib Bukele dumping anyone and everyone into prison. But before MS-13 and 18th Street had been taken down a notch, they ruled neighborhoods in El Salvador with a brutality rarely seen. It's not just face tattoos and machetes. We break down the origins of the gangs here and our time spent with them in El Salvador.

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