cover of episode From Fantasy Islands to a Coup D’État: The Dominion of Melchizedek:

From Fantasy Islands to a Coup D’État: The Dominion of Melchizedek:

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The Underworld Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Sean Williams & Danny Gold
Sean Williams 和 Danny Gold:本集讲述了 Melchizedek 王国的故事,从其建立到领导层的更迭,以及一系列的诈骗和权力斗争。他们采访了该国的现任首相,并揭露了该国背后的真相。 Elvira Gamboa(Pearl Asia Gamboa):Gamboa 作为 Melchizedek 王国的总统,参与了各种诈骗活动,并试图为该国寻找一块土地作为其领土。她与加州官员发生冲突,并声称将在梦境中与他们进行“形而上学之战”。她还参与了金矿公司的诈骗活动。 David Karem:Karem 作为 Melchizedek 王国的创始人,试图通过各种手段为该国获得国际承认,包括与其他微型国家建立外交关系,以及试图在南美洲、南太平洋和南极洲获得土地。他最终因诈骗罪被判入狱。 David Williams:Williams 在 Karem 入狱期间接管了 Melchizedek 王国,并试图与 Karem 的行为划清界限。他声称 Melchizedek 王国已经摆脱了 Karem 的影响,并致力于通过合法途径发展该国。 John Shockey:Shockey 作为美国货币官员,认为 Melchizedek 王国是一个骗局,并指出其缺乏合法性。 Eric Diesel:Diesel 是一位房地产商,他声称被 Pearl Asia Gamboa 骗取了钱财,并被菲律宾暴徒绑架。 Sadia Barameda:Barameda 是 David Karem 的情人,她为 Karem 的量刑请求宽大处理。她还出版了几本小说,其中包括一本关于伊斯兰国和埃博拉病毒的小说。

Deep Dive

The Dominion of Melchizedek is a fake country and global scam operation, led by conman David Kerem and his wife Elvira Gamboa. It involves fraudulent activities, fake passports, and a quest for a homeland, leading to a coup d'etat.

Shownotes Transcript

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fake country and a global scam operation, must be in want of a wife with a penny-stock mining operation who can stalk government officials in their dreams.

In the second instalment of our Dominion of Melchizedek two-parter, the conman mothership ventures out in search of a home; establishes diplomatic relations with fellow micronations; tries to rebuild the Queen Mary oceanliner; and endures a bitter power struggle. Oh, and its current PM spent two hours shooting the breeze with Sean.

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