cover of episode PDB Afternoon Bulletin | October 25th, 2024: Russian Soldiers Condemn North Korean Recruits & Chinese Hackers Target Trump, Vance Cellphones

PDB Afternoon Bulletin | October 25th, 2024: Russian Soldiers Condemn North Korean Recruits & Chinese Hackers Target Trump, Vance Cellphones

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Mike Baker
Mike Baker: 本期节目首先关注北朝鲜军队加入乌克兰战争引发的争议。泄露的通讯记录显示,俄罗斯士兵对北朝鲜新兵的战斗力和指挥能力表示担忧,并对他们表达轻蔑。一些北朝鲜士兵甚至在抵达乌克兰后不久就逃亡。克里姆林宫计划为每30名北朝鲜士兵配备一名翻译和三名高级俄军军官,但俄军表示人手不足。莫斯科已将北朝鲜营调至库尔斯克地区附近。乌克兰证实北朝鲜军队出现在库尔斯克地区,泽连斯基警告称北朝鲜军队可能很快参与战斗。美国和欧盟尚未就此事制定明确计划,但美国国防部长和白宫称北朝鲜军队将成为战场上的合法目标。仅仅谴责和杀害北朝鲜士兵不足以改变金正恩和中国政权的行为。中国否认知晓北朝鲜军队参与俄乌战争。 此外,节目还报道了中国黑客试图入侵特朗普和万斯的手机。除了特朗普和万斯,其他政府官员和工作人员的手机也成为攻击目标。调查人员正在调查黑客是否获取了信息,以及获取了哪些信息。西方网络安全专家认为此次黑客攻击与“盐台风”组织有关。此次事件可能对国家安全产生重大影响,并与美国国家情报总监办公室的警告相呼应。外国势力干预选举的企图在选举临近时会加剧。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are Russian soldiers unhappy with North Korean recruits?

Russian soldiers condemn the strategy and lack confidence in commanding North Korean troops.

What concerns do Russian soldiers have about North Korean troops?

Concerns include inability to command, arm, and integrate them into the Russian military.

Why did Ukrainian President Zelensky warn about North Korean troops?

He warned that their involvement in combat zones escalates Russia's aggression.

What did Chinese hackers target in the U.S. election news?

They targeted personal cell phones of Trump and Vance, and possibly other officials.

What is the potential impact of the Chinese hacking on U.S. national security?

It could expose sensitive communications and escalate election interference efforts.

Russian soldiers express disdain and concern over the integration of North Korean troops in Ukraine, highlighting issues with command and combat readiness.
  • North Korea deploying 12,000 troops to Ukraine.
  • Russian soldiers refer to North Korean troops as 'the fucking Chinese'.
  • Concerns about North Korean troops' combat readiness and potential defections.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:


  • First, we’ll have the latest on North Korea’s apparent entrance into the war in Ukraine, as leaked intercepts reveal that Russian soldiers have condemned the strategy and raised serious concerns about their ability to command the North Korean troops.

  • Then, some breaking election news, as national security sources reveal that Chinese hackers tried to break into the personal cellphones of former President Donald Trump and vice presidential candidate JD Vance.

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