cover of episode Moment 182: How To Make People Respect You In Seconds: Evy Poumpouras

Moment 182: How To Make People Respect You In Seconds: Evy Poumpouras

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Evy Poumpouras
Evy Poumpouras 认为,在职场中获得尊重,需要从自身做起。首先,要反思自身的行为,包括沟通方式和对团队的贡献。有效的沟通技巧,例如清晰的表达、合适的语调和积极的肢体语言,能够提升他人对你的重视程度。其次,要确保你的发言具有价值和意义,避免为了说话而说话。只有持续提供有价值的贡献,才能建立良好的个人声誉,提升你在团队中的影响力。她还强调,要及时处理不尊重行为,不要回避冲突。冲突可以是建设性的,通过有效的沟通和交流,可以解决问题,增进彼此的理解。她建议将冲突视为改进的机会,积极寻求解决问题的方法,并反思自身行为是否为不尊重行为创造了条件。总之,赢得他人的尊重需要内外兼修,既要提升自身能力,也要积极处理人际关系中的冲突。

Deep Dive

Evy Poumpouras emphasizes the importance of self-assessment in gaining respect, focusing on paralinguistics and delivering valuable contributions. She introduces the concept of a "contribution score," highlighting how consistent, meaningful contributions earn respect, while excessive or unproductive talking diminishes it.
  • Focus on paralinguistics: tone and pitch of voice impact how your message is received.
  • Contribute meaningfully: speak only when you have something valuable to add.
  • Build a high contribution score: consistent valuable contributions earn respect over time.

Shownotes Transcript

In this moment, former U.S. Secret Service Special Agent Evy Pompouras discusses how to earn and maintain respect in the workplace. According to Evy, it is important to reflect on your own actions when faced with disrespect. This includes assessing the tone and pitch of your voice to see if any changes could lead to gaining more respect. The same principle applies to self-assessments of your contributions in the workplace, as Evy emphasises that people who speak too much often lose respect in the workplace while those who provide meaningful insight gain in. Evy also recommends addressing signs of disrespect straight away rather than avoiding the situation. Although difficult conversations may be uncomfortable, they can ultimately strengthen relationships and improve future interactions.

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