cover of episode Mayday in Africa: Crash-Landing on the Savannah

Mayday in Africa: Crash-Landing on the Savannah

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Real Survival Stories

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Greg Rasmussen
Greg Rasmussen: 在这次事故中,Greg Rasmussen 讲述了他飞机失事后在津巴布韦荒野中挣扎求生的经历。他描述了坠机后的严重伤势、酷热、脱水以及与野生动物(狮子、鬣狗、大象)遭遇的危险。他强调了保持清醒、保持冷静以及运用在英国商船队获得的生存技能的重要性。他还谈到了他对野生动物保护事业的热爱以及这如何激励他坚持下去。他详细描述了在极端痛苦和绝望中,他如何一步一步地克服各种挑战,包括脱掉靴子以防止坏疽,以及用飞机残骸制作工具来吓退捕食者。他强调了深呼吸在控制恐慌和节约能量方面的作用。最后,他讲述了被搜救队发现的经过,以及在哈拉雷接受手术和漫长康复过程的经历。 Narrator: 叙述者概述了Greg Rasmussen的经历,强调了他面临的各种挑战,包括严重的伤势、酷热、脱水以及与野生动物的遭遇。叙述者还强调了Greg Rasmussen的决心和韧性,以及他如何运用自己的知识和技能来提高生存几率。叙述者还补充了关于非洲野犬、大象、狮子和鬣狗等动物的信息,以及它们对人类的潜在威胁。

Deep Dive

Greg Rasmussen survives a plane crash in Hwangi National Park, Zimbabwe, but is severely injured and stranded in a dangerous environment.

Shownotes Transcript

Greg Rasmussen is a wildlife conservationist, a man dedicated to protecting endangered species. But when he crashes his light aircraft deep in the Zimbabwean bush, he’ll become a prisoner in the landscape he strives to preserve. It’s a place known for breathtaking safari. But Greg must deal with life-threatening injuries and the searing heat. And then, as night closes in, the predators start circling…

Find out more about Greg’s conservation work at

A Noiser production, written by Joe Viner.

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