cover of episode Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 11-7-24

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 11-7-24

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Monday Morning Podcast

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Bill Burr
本期播客开始,Bill Burr首先为错失周一早间播客录制而道歉,解释了原因,并对自己的疏忽表示歉意。他随后谈及自己对观看体育比赛的困惑,质疑自己为何如此关注比赛结果,并建议人们应该享受比赛本身,而不是过度关注输赢。他还幽默地谈论了自己年龄和人生阶段,并对纽约市异常温暖的天气表示担忧,将其与洛杉矶的野火天气进行比较。在谈到宗教时,Burr对宗教中关于善恶二元论的观点表示怀疑,认为人类的冲突是自然状态的一部分,并幽默地推测上帝创造人类的动机。他还分享了自己为脱口秀节目准备素材的经历,以及自己无意中在孩子面前说脏话的情况。Burr对那些告诉人们“一切都会好起来”的人表示不满,并想象自己在Joel Osteen的竞技场表演脱口秀。他还对牧师和传教士的营销策略感到好奇,并分析了Joel Osteen的布道风格。Burr还谈论了自己对MotoGP赛事的关注,分享了一个关于自卫的视频片段,并认为在酒吧斗殴中吐口水是一种自卫行为。他分享了自己与一位老人关于天气的对话,并讨论了死亡和保险的重要性。Burr还推荐Policy Genius购买人寿保险,并分享自己参加“Comics Come Home”演出的经历。他表达了自己对24小时营业的Dunkin' Donuts员工的工作环境的担忧,并批评体育场馆老板利用体育赛事牟利。Burr评论了小布什总统的棒球开球仪式,批评了小布什政府的经济政策,并揭露了小布什利用棒球队勒索得州政府的事件。Burr表达了自己对美国各州的喜爱之情,并建议人们尽早开始圣诞节购物。他还建议人们在新年期间注意保持运动,并分享自己意外发现一家卖木制玩具的商店的经历。Burr对比了自己童年时期的玩具和现代玩具的质量,回忆了自己童年时期的饮食习惯,并谈论自己处理家中废旧物品的经历。他决定处理掉自己收藏的大量鼓类杂志和视频,并对NFL收视率下降的看法。Burr将NFL的发展历程与菲尔·柯林斯的音乐生涯进行类比,并批评希拉里和特朗普的竞选广告。Burr指出希拉里和特朗普的竞选广告回避了重要社会问题,并对希拉里竞选广告中使用儿童形象的看法。Burr回忆自己童年时期对政治新闻的感受,并对即将到来的美国总统大选进行预测。他幽默地想象希拉里当选总统后的情景,并认为特朗普的竞选言论导致他输掉大选。Burr评论了伯尼·桑德斯的竞选情况,并批评媒体对希拉里和特朗普的报道不公平。Burr对美国总统大选的结果表示担忧,并对戈尔和特朗普的演讲风格进行比较。Burr对巨人队和老鹰队的比赛进行评论,表达自己对巨人队球员伊莱·曼宁的欣赏,并分析了伊莱·曼宁的比赛风格。Burr回忆自己第一次醉酒的经历,并对新奥尔良市的评价。Burr对路易斯安那州立大学和阿拉巴马大学的比赛进行评论,对美国阿拉巴马州不同地区居民的口音进行调侃,并描述自己观看体育比赛的习惯。Burr对棕熊队的表现进行评价,分享自己妻子观看卡戴珊家族节目的经历,并推荐《西部世界》和《亚特兰大》两部电视剧。Burr对莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的纪录片表示关注,对洛杉矶房地产市场进行分析,并解释中国投资者购买美国房地产的原因。Burr对达伦·斯普劳尔斯(Darren Sproles)的评价,对科技亿万富翁购买房地产的看法,对Indigo Girls乐队的评价,以及对过去社会偏见的反思。Burr回应一位女性听众的邮件,对希拉里和特朗普的政治立场进行评论,认为民主党和共和党对环境和政治腐败问题不作为。Burr将希拉里和特朗普的政治形象进行类比,认为希拉里和特朗普都是糟糕的政治选择,认为美国政客的腐败与低薪有关,认为奥巴马比特朗普更关心普通民众,表达自己对希拉里和特朗普的厌恶之情,呼吁人们认真对待投票,认为无论谁当选总统,美国的现状都不会有太大改变。Burr对瑜伽教练Bikram Choudhury的评价,以及对一位听众感情问题的建议。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Bill Burr forget to do the Monday morning podcast this week?

Bill Burr completely forgot it was Monday and got busy with a big gig, leading to the absence of the Monday morning podcast.

How does Bill Burr feel about the current weather in New York City?

Bill Burr notes that it's 68 degrees in New York City, which is unusually warm for November, and mentions that people are walking around without jackets and jogging in shorts.

What does Bill Burr think about the potential impact of climate change on the East Coast?

Bill Burr expresses concern that if it stops raining on the East Coast, the trees could dry out, leading to potential wildfires, and suggests that people on the East Coast are not experienced with wildfires like those in Los Angeles.

How does Bill Burr view the current state of the NFL?

Bill Burr believes the NFL has become too broad-based and is now adjusting back to more realistic numbers, similar to the housing bubble bursting. He thinks the league went through a peak phase and is now readjusting.

What does Bill Burr think about Joel Osteen's arena and its potential uses?

Bill Burr suggests that Joel Osteen's arena, which is also used by the Houston Rockets, should be a multi-purpose venue and proposes a church league with games like Saints versus sinners.

How does Bill Burr feel about the upcoming presidential election?

Bill Burr hopes that the country picks the lesser of two evils in the upcoming election and wishes everyone good luck, acknowledging the rough four years of speeches that will follow regardless of who wins.

What does Bill Burr think about the allegations against Bikram Yoga's founder?

Bill Burr finds the allegations against Bikram Yoga's founder, including sexual abuse and derogatory remarks, shocking and believes that people in positions of power often abuse it.

How does Bill Burr advise someone dealing with a recent breakup?

Bill Burr advises that the person should sit in the pain of the breakup, cry it out, and then focus on positive actions like going to the gym and making a list of how they want to rebuild their life. He emphasizes the importance of not burying the pain and using it as a catalyst for positive change.

Bill Burr reflects on his busy week, forgetting it was Monday and missing his podcast. He discusses his frustration with sports, the absurdity of fandom, and the unexpected joys of finding a good coffee spot. He also touches on aging, his upcoming stand-up show, and his kids' reactions to his cursing.
  • Bill missed a Monday podcast due to a busy schedule.
  • He expresses frustration with the emotional investment in sports.
  • He finds solace in good coffee and reflects on aging and his stand-up career.
  • He shares anecdotes about his kids' reaction to his language.

Shownotes Transcript

Bill rambles about picking teams, preachers, and legal tender.

(00:00) - Thursday Afternoon Podcast

(29:25) - Thursday Afternoon Throwback *11-7-16 - Bill rambles about *Christmas shopping, getting rid of old shit, and this god damn election.

(01:30:19) - Anything Better Preview & Picks - Week 10

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