cover of episode Update: The Brentwood five massacre  | 4

Update: The Brentwood five massacre | 4

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Nancy Hixt
Nancy Hixt:本期节目回顾了2014年卡尔加里发生的布伦特伍德五人惨案,十年过去了,凶手Matthew DeGroote虽然被判不负刑事责任(NCR),但其现状、受害者家属的持续抗争以及加拿大法律体系在此案中的表现都值得关注。节目中详细介绍了DeGroote的治疗过程、居住安排、多次听证会和上诉,以及他寻求无条件释放的努力。同时,节目也展现了受害者家属的痛苦、愤怒和持续的悲伤,以及他们对修改加拿大法律的呼吁,希望对被判NCR的严重暴力犯罪者强制进行无限期的治疗和监控。 Nancy Hixt还详细讲述了每位受害者的生平,展现了他们青春活力和美好未来,以及这起惨案给卡尔加里这座城市带来的巨大冲击和创伤。 Greg Paris(Katie的父亲):作为受害者家属,Greg Paris分享了他们十年来持续的痛苦和挣扎。他详细描述了DeGroote的案件自2016年以来经历的多次听证会和上诉,以及这期间他们不断提交受害者影响陈述书的艰难过程。他表达了对DeGroote可能获得无条件释放的深深担忧,并强调DeGroote需要持续的药物治疗才能维持精神健康,否则可能再次发生类似的悲剧。Greg Paris还谈到了他们建立Quintera Legacy Garden纪念受害者的经历,以及这个花园给他们带来的慰藉。

Deep Dive

The podcast episode details the events of the Brentwood Five Massacre, where five young adults were brutally murdered during a house party in Calgary. The suspect, Matthew DeGroote, was found not criminally responsible due to a psychotic episode.

Shownotes Transcript

It’s been ten years since one of the darkest days in Calgary’s history- On the anniversary of the biggest mass killing to ever happen in the city, Global News senior crime reporter Nancy Hixt shares the frustration the families of the five victims are feeling and why they’re pushing for changes in current legislation. Learn where the man found not criminally responsible in the case is living now, the freedoms he’s pushing for and how Canada’s top court is involved in it all.


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