cover of episode Sheldon Kennedy and the scars that last a lifetime |13

Sheldon Kennedy and the scars that last a lifetime |13

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Crime Beat

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brian Bell
Greg Gilhooly
Nancy Hixt
Sheldon Kennedy
Theo Fleury
Todd Holt
Sheldon Kennedy:公开讲述自己被性侵的经历后,虽然推动了社会变革,但个人生活却更加艰难,并没有因此而改善。他详细描述了被性侵的经历,以及事后施暴者表现出的冷漠。他强调了当时自己害怕不被相信,而没有向任何人求助,并因此陷入自我毁灭的循环。他讲述了施暴者如何利用其在家庭和社会中的影响力,对受害者进行控制和孤立,以及很多人知道施暴者的行为,却没有人采取行动。即使受害者在冰球场上受到其他球员和教练的骚扰,也没有人采取干预措施。他最终在向妻子坦白后,才最终向警方报案。在NHL取得成功后,他仍然无法摆脱性侵经历带来的心理创伤,并因此陷入酗酒等问题。他认为社会需要创造一个安全的环境,让人们能够自由地谈论自己的创伤经历,并呼吁人们学习如何识别和应对性侵行为。 Greg Gilhooly:讲述了自己被性侵的经历,以及康复之路的艰难。他强调性侵的发生并非突然的,而是一个逐步的“塑造”过程,施暴者如何利用其知识和影响力,逐步取得受害者的信任,并最终实施性侵。他描述了施暴者如何利用按摩为借口,逐步突破受害者的身体界限,以及受害者由于害怕失去重要的人和机会,而不敢向任何人求助。在法庭上见到施暴者时,由于心理创伤而无法面对他。 Todd Holt:讲述了自己被性侵的经历,以及施暴者对受害者的控制和威胁。他描述了性侵经历对受害者性生活和心理健康的影响。他讲述了在1993或1994年向他人透露自己被性侵,但没有得到任何处理,以及尽管球队成员向组织举报了施暴者的行为,但组织却未采取任何行动,反而解雇了举报者。 Theo Fleury:讲述了自己被性侵的经历,以及由此造成的心理创伤。他强调即使在Sheldon Kennedy公开讲述自己的故事之前,很多人就知道他也是受害者之一,但没有人采取任何行动。他解释了当时没有公开讲述自己的故事,是因为担心会影响球队,以及在公开讲述自己的故事之前,受到了欺凌和恐同的言论。他描述了施暴者如何从小就梦想在NHL打球,并利用这一点来控制他。

Deep Dive

Sheldon Kennedy's life drastically changed after he courageously revealed his years of abuse by his childhood coach, Graham James. This disclosure not only made him a prominent figure in the news but also started a crucial conversation about sexual assault in sports.

Shownotes Transcript

In the fall of 1996, the Canadian sports world was rocked by a major sex abuse scandal.

NHL player Sheldon Kennedy courageously went forward to police to reveal he suffered years of abuse at the hands of his childhood coach, Graham James.

When Kennedy broke his silence, it started an important conversation around sexual assault and opened the door for others to do the same.

In 1997, James pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting two former players -- including Kennedy. He admitted to sexually assaulting the boys hundreds of times.

Since then, according to the Parole Board of Canada, there are six victims named on his record but the board notes he’s “admitted to have had sexual intercourse with around 20 hockey players he was coaching ... using manipulation, control and his position of trust and authority to facilitate the assaults.”

One of the other hockey players James has admitted to sexually assaulting, is former NHL star Theo Fleury.

In this episode of the Global News podcast, Crime Beat), crime reporter Nancy Hixt) shares the stories of four men who James abused as boys. Learn the shocking details of how signs were ignored -- so were outright requests for help from hockey officials.

These men now work every day to empower victims and take control back from their abusers. Hear their inspiring stories in “the scars that last a lifetime.”


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