cover of episode Most Wanted - The Hunt for Michael Bebee | 8

Most Wanted - The Hunt for Michael Bebee | 8

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#true crime#criminal justice#law enforcement and public safety#investigative journalism#mystery and suspense#revenge narrative People
Brody Bonas
Charmaine Flowers
Olivia Elliston
Tracy Tong
Trevor Grieve
@Tracy Tong : 我报道了发生在多伦多希腊城的一起枪击案,以及警方如何追捕涉案嫌犯Michael Beebe。事件发生在一个温暖的夏夜,多伦多希腊城丹佛斯大街热闹非凡,然而凌晨3点半,一声枪响打破了宁静。一名年轻男子中枪,送医后不治身亡。本案的调查过程曲折惊险,最终警方成功抓捕了在逃嫌犯。 @Trevor Grieve : 我是第一个到达案发现场的调查员。案发时是深夜,现场已被控制。我随后赶往圣迈克尔医院了解情况,并与受害者的朋友们进行了简短的交谈。最终确认受害者Shamar Powell Flowers因伤势过重死亡。我们通过收集证人证词和视频证据来还原案发经过,确定了案发地点和大致范围。由于监控录像的盲区,我们无法直接拍摄到案发过程,但我们通过其他监控录像找到了逃逸车辆,并追踪到了嫌疑人的住所。电梯监控录像帮助我们识别并逮捕了一名嫌疑人Mohamed Farah。另一名嫌疑人Michael Beebe的照片被公布,并悬赏缉拿。 @Olivia Elliston : 我描述了得知我弟弟Shamar Powell Flowers去世时的感受,以及我们对他的思念。 @Charmaine Flowers , @Dwayne Blake , @Shane Lammy : 我们分享了对Shamar Powell Flowers的回忆,以及他作为哥哥、儿子和叔叔的形象。他热爱生活,充满爱和责任感。 @Brody Bonas , @BJ Donnelly , @Pete Stay : 我们根据线报在爱德华王子岛找到了Michael Beebe。我们在Sherwood Motel附近布控,并最终认出了Michael Beebe。我们跟踪他,并在一家商店里将其逮捕。 Trevor Grieve: 我们从爱德华王子岛警方手中接管了Michael Beebe,并将其带回多伦多。 Tracy Tong: Michael Beebe的被捕要感谢BOLO计划和公众提供的线索。但仍有其他嫌疑人在逃,我们鼓励公众继续提供线索,帮助警方缉拿其他在逃嫌疑人。

Deep Dive

The episode begins by setting the scene of a fatal shooting in Toronto's Greektown. It describes the events of the night, the victim, Shamar Powell Flowers, and the initial police response. The investigation's challenges are highlighted due to a lack of video evidence directly capturing the incident.
  • Fatal shooting in Toronto's Greektown
  • Victim: Shamar Powell Flowers, 29-year-old construction engineer
  • Lack of video evidence directly capturing the incident
  • Investigation focuses on witness accounts and surrounding video footage

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, it's Nancy. Before we begin today, I just wanted to let you know that you can listen to Crime Beat early and ad-free on Amazon Music, included with Prime.

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From a brazen double murder in a busy shopping center to daytime shootings in residential high-rises and homicides just steps from transit stations and elementary schools. These violent crimes have shattered families and sparked fear in our communities. Those allegedly responsible have not been brought to justice.

Police are asking you to be on the lookout for some of Canada's most dangerous suspects, because your tips could come with a big payout. I'm Tracy Tong, and this is Crime Beat Most Wanted. It's a warm summer night in Toronto's Greektown. Danforth Avenue is lined with patios, bars and restaurants. And people are out for a good time. At 3:30 in the morning, it's quiet. Until... We heard a loud one gunshot.

We called 911 right away and we can hear shouting afterwards and we can hear somebody saying, "Just breathe, just breathe." It happens on a dimly lit side street. A bullet strikes a young man in the chest. He is rushed to hospital. We begin tonight in Greigtown where a man is dead after an overnight shooting. I was the first investigator on scene from our team.

Toronto Police Homicide Detective Trevor Grieve shares what he saw on July 23, 2023 in the city's East End. It was the middle of the night, still it was dark out. By the time I had arrived there, there was a lot of uniformed officers already there. The scene had been controlled. I went to St. Michael's Hospital at that point in time to see what was going on and get an update there. There were a couple witnesses, some friends. I had an opportunity to speak with them briefly at the hospital.

And by that point, I had come to learn that the victim in this case, Mr. Shamar Powell Flowers, had passed away from his injuries. 29-year-old Shamar Powell Flowers was a talented construction engineer, the youngest of six siblings. He lived with his mother in Toronto. He didn't come home that night. Believe me, I felt it. When you're a mother, I felt it. I knew something was wrong.

Olivia Elliston, Shamar's sister, remembers that day well.

Call that I received was from my mother screaming at the top of her lungs that Shamar is not here. Get to the hospital. I see two officers coming down with one of the main doctors. Even now, even now, I struggle with the understanding and the concept of the fact that he's really not coming back. Like, how? Detectives search for answers.

The investigation tells a story from the beginning to the end. How did those individuals get there? What led them to get there? What happened there? Police search for witnesses and video evidence. We had officers come out to the Damforth and start canvassing and collecting as much video as we possibly can, right? You know, we grabbed their footage both pre and post shooting to start to tell a little bit of the narrative and the story.

Detective Trevor Grieve says what they found painted a picture of Shamar's final moments near Danforth and Carlisle Avenues. The whole incident in terms of our investigation happened from the Danforth to the laneway just up in front of us here, contained within this little area actually. So the victim and his friends actually parked their vehicle on Danforth Avenue and then were on foot and then ended up in this location afterwards.

It happens in the shadows of the night. And even as the sun rises, some truths remain in the dark. Were there video cameras in this spot that caught what happened? No, unfortunately we have great video from the Danforth and we have video that covers the laneway forward. We just don't have video that actually covers the incident and can speak for itself.

How big would you say your blind spot is? I'd say in total we're looking at about 30 to 40 metres maximum. And that's where it all happened, in that blind spot? Yeah, the whole interaction occurs between this little pocket. The interaction lasts less than three minutes. Then, cameras pick up a vehicle that appears to be fleeing the scene. We tracked the vehicle east along Danforth Avenue over to an apartment that was located near Main Street and Danforth Avenue.

Lucky for us, as part of our investigation, a bus rolled up and came to a stop behind the vehicle of interest to us. They're all equipped with video cameras, internally and externally, and we were able to identify a license plate as part of this investigation. But it's after the vehicle pulls into this parking lot that detectives get their biggest break. We have footage of them going inside, but more importantly, we got footage from inside the elevators.

And those images were very good quality, very clear images, and they were very important to us in terms of identifying the suspects. We identified and arrested Mohamed Farah, 34 years old, from Toronto. He was charged with second degree murder. One suspect remains at large. I am here today seeking the public's assistance in locating our second identified suspect in this investigation.

The individual here to my right on the screen is identified as Michael Beebe. The surname is B-E-B-E-E, 35 years old from Toronto and he is now wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for the charge of second degree murder.

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Some claim to wear their heart on their sleeve. Shamar Powell Flowers did this literally, with a tattoo of his mother's name. Shamar loved life. He loved living. He loved people. He was so caring. He was very, very, very, very loyal. Very loyal to the end.

He loved his big family fiercely, and they loved him back. Shamar was just a little bit of all of us. So he had a goofy side, he had a serious side. His siblings, Dwayne Blake, Olivia Elliston, and Shane Lammy, are hanging on to memories with their youngest brother. Shamar was like my first baby. Like the baby that taught me how to pretty much become, you know, a mom.

I was started initially with him relying on me and me just making sure I was always there for him. It just switched. I don't know when, I don't know how, but it just switched. And all of a sudden our conversations were more so about me needing him. But then he became this, such an amazing uncle. Lucky enough for me, I spent the Saturday all day with him at my son's basketball tournament. His last full day was spent as a loving uncle cheering on his nephew.

I'm so grateful that I got to spend that last day. It surely was truly a blessing. At 29, he was reaching new heights as a high-rise engineer. He had just gotten a raise and on the Saturday was heading out with friends. They were out for just a social night, the three of them. They go into a couple different establishments. At one point, they'd gone to do some karaoke and then they'd ultimately made their way up to the Dam Fort to continue enjoying their evening somewhere.

They end up in Greektown, heading to an after-hours bar. The night gets blurry here, but investigators believe Shamar was defending his friends when he was killed. There was an interaction between two groups of individuals. Shamar stepped in to assist his friends that were with him that night to intervene in the altercation and as a result was shot and died as a result of that injury. Do you have any indication that they knew each other before?

I have zero indication that they knew each other prior to this incident. So this would have been a heat of the moment type of argument or fight? I honestly don't know what led up to or what started or which of the groups even started. I don't know. His mother, Charmaine Flowers, says she never got to say goodbye. It's sad because I never knew he was going to die. So I never said, I mean, I never knew something was going to happen to him or I just know that he never came back.

How does one write an eulogy when they're not ready to say goodbye? Rest in peace, baby brother. Rest in peace, baby brother. Rest in peace. This person doesn't know what they took, what they did to me. It was my life. It was my everything. Before he is laid to rest, Toronto Police apprehend 34-year-old Mohamed Farah. We were able to identify an address where we believed he lived.

And then we went to that address and got the video surveillance from that location, which ultimately showed him arriving the day after the homicide in the same clothing that he was wearing the night of the incident. How and why? The questions are haunting. Shell-shocked friends and family travel to the dark sidewalk where Shamar was shot. As police keep eye on the vigil,

Homicide detectives are on the hunt for their second suspect, Michael Beebe. The 35-year-old had already spent time behind bars and was under a firearms prohibition. In 2019, at a sports bar in the Greater Toronto Area, he was caught on security camera heading out to the parking lot after trading words with someone. Minutes later, in a laneway behind the bar, there's a gunfight.

Bibi fires four shots. No one is injured. Four years later, he is wanted for second-degree murder. Under armed escort, a new weapon in the hunt for Canada's most wanted is secretly making its way to police headquarters. You've evaded arrest so far, but you can't look over your shoulder every minute of every day. And the loyalty of your friends will be tested today.

We show you the money. One million dollars in rewards. I don't think many people will ever see a million dollars cash in their lifetime. We're making it real. A big cash reward is on the table in hopes of generating tips that lead to his arrest. The new number one suspect is Michael Bebe, wanted for the murder of Shamar Powell Flowers.

Our investigators have no doubt there are people out there who know where Michael Bebby has been since Shamar was killed. But perhaps seeing the cash here on this table will help. As soon as the media launch occurred, they were calling Toronto Crime Stoppers, how may I help you? For what city or town? The phone started ringing.

As that moved across the country in different time zones, you could see tips coming in as this hit different areas of the country. Detectives jump on a trail heading east. You won't believe where they end up.

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At approximately 9 o'clock this morning, as law enforcement was moving through various sectors of the property, an individual, without warning, shot a Georgia State Patrol trooper.

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Quaint communities and oceanfront scenes make Prince Edward Island one of Canada's most picturesque provinces. Charlottetown, its capital city, is home to 40,000. It's a close-knit community where strangers stand out. What brought us this hotel is we've been receiving several different tips that Mr. Beebe was in Charlottetown. One of the tips says he possibly could have been at this hotel at the Sherwood Motel.

That's Detective Constable Brody Bonas from the Charlottetown Police Street Crime Unit. He, along with Detective Constables BJ Donnelly and Pete Stay, recount what happened next. I'm positioned directly in the middle of the motel. It's a courtyard style drive up to your room and I'm parked right in the middle. I'm positioned at the corner of McAleer Drive and Brackley Point Road. I have a view of the front face of the Sherwood Motel.

I'm parked about a football field away from the Sherwood Motel. We just kind of set ourselves up in a position where I can see the front motel rooms and the two side motel rooms, and then Brody's inside the parking lot where he can see everything else inside. There's a lot of people in and out, of course, but this specific male just stood out to me. He would open his door up, and it would only be open a few inches, and I could see him standing around in the doorway,

And we'd come back numerous times. That kind of piqued my interest. So I gave my partners a heads up. I said, this potentially could be our suspect just from the way he was acting. I'd say it was probably around 6:00 PM where I saw him finally come out.

He exits his room and I can see him in my rearview mirror. He's coming closer and closer to me. And I just look out my driver's side window to my left. He's probably 15, 20 feet away from me. And that's when I 100% knew that was Michael Beebe and that's the guy that we wanted and we were looking for. But as a cab pulls up, their suspect is on the move.

The importance of not losing him at that point, it really amps it up and making sure that we keep eyes on him. If we lose sight of him there, then we may never see him again. He gets into the cab and I just grabbed my radio and I let the other guys know. I kept eyes on it from then on out. As they pass, I call out saying they're continuing south towards the bypass.

I'm just a couple cars back from him. I'm just redoing every movement that we do, left, right, straight. I believe there's four or five of us all together that are falling in line. We have no idea where we're going to. Just, like I say, we keep a close eye on him and make sure that we don't lose him. The cab pulls up at a local store. Seeing him go inside the store, I parked my vehicle and I ran across the street and

That's where Michael Beebe was. He's at the counter and we just approached him and arrested him. After the takedown and after placing Mr. Beebe in arrest, I don't think he had any idea anybody was following him.

They make the call to Toronto Police Homicide Detective Trevor Grieve. It was an exciting phone call to get. They actually brought him to the airport, at which time we took custody of him. They turned over all of his property to us. And then we got back on a flight and flew back to Toronto.

Canada's most wanted fugitive has been arrested. Michael Beebe is a suspect in a murder in Toronto's East End last summer. He was found in Prince Edward Island. Now this comes exactly one week after he was put in the number one spot on Canada's most wanted list by the BOLO program, which stands for Be On The Lookout. A little over a month after the arrest, on National Day Against Gun Violence, Charmaine Powers walks to make a difference.

Life is so unfair. I wish that mothers wouldn't lose their children. It's too much. His family says his presence was larger than life. Life now must go on with a mission. My mission now, to carry on his name, I want dignified charity in his name. The money is going to be going to help other youths. It's someplace called Shomar's Hope or Shomar's Dream, something...

that signifies who he was. Michael Beebe was arrested with the help of the Bolo program and tips from the public. But there are more suspects that remain on the wanted list. Behind each one are families waiting. I want to let them know that somebody's going to pick up the phone and help you. Don't give up hope. I know one day you guys will get your justice, and I hope to God that somebody will pick up the phone

The suspects we've shared on this podcast series are allegedly responsible for serious crimes and they have not been brought to justice. Police are asking you to help and be on the lookout. If you have any information, Crimestoppers is waiting for your anonymous call at 1-800-222-TIPS or 1-800-222-8477. You can also submit a tip online.

We'll include this information in our show notes. You can watch our docuseries Crime Beat Most Wanted on YouTube, where you can see the suspects still at large. Thanks so much for listening. Crime Beat Most Wanted is hosted and reported by me, Tracy Tong. Adapted to podcast by our senior producer, Dila Velasquez. With help from our associate producer, Elizabeth Sargent. Audio and sound design by Rob Johnson.

We'd love to have you tell a friend about this podcast. And please consider rating and reviewing Crime Beat Most Wanted on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. Thanks again for listening. Please join me next time on Crime Beat Most Wanted.

The only investigating I'm doing these days is who shit their pants.

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