cover of episode Most Wanted - The Hunt for Daniel Tomassetti  | 7

Most Wanted - The Hunt for Daniel Tomassetti | 7

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#true crime#forensic investigation#criminal justice#law enforcement and public safety#suspect profiles#assassination attempt#mystery and suspense People
Alessio Barberi
Catherine McDonald
Jason Cattle
Marianne DeMaine
Nicole O'Reilly
Peter Chung
Tracy Tong
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 : 本案涉及两起光天化日下的枪击案,受害者分别为20多岁的米拉·巴尔贝里和40多岁的安杰洛·穆西塔诺。米拉在接男友下班时被枪杀,安杰洛在家门口被枪杀。两起案件都显示出精心策划的痕迹,警方怀疑是同一伙人所为。 警方公布了监控录像,显示枪手身穿外套和手套,戴着面具,难以辨认身份。 案发前后,多伦多和约克地区发生多起纵火和枪击事件,警方怀疑与本案有关联。 @Tracy Tong : 本期节目讲述米拉·巴尔贝里和安杰洛·穆西塔诺的谋杀案,凶手丹尼尔·托马塞蒂潜逃六年,警方需要公众协助破案。 @Peter Chung : 我接到一起在Vaughan发生的凶杀案的电话,一名女子死亡,一名男子受伤。女子被枪击多处,死因为枪伤,男子手臂中枪。受害者是米拉·巴尔贝里,28岁,在接男友下班时遇害。监控录像显示,枪手朝副驾驶座开枪,发现无人后才意识到米拉在车后。凶手事先对案发现场进行过跟踪。 @Jason Cattle : 2017年5月2日,Hamilton警方接到一起枪击案报警,安杰洛·穆西塔诺在家门口被枪杀。穆西塔诺家安装了多个摄像头,监控录像记录下枪击过程。警方在穆西塔诺的口袋里发现一张纸条,上面写着一个车牌号,该车曾跟踪过他。警方根据邻居提供的线索找到了被遗弃的福特Fusion汽车,车牌号是偷来的。在穆西塔诺的卡车下发现了一个追踪器。警方认为Michael Cudmore是两起案件的枪手。 @Marianne DeMaine : 安杰洛·穆西塔诺有犯罪前科,曾因参与谋杀入狱服刑十年。 @Catherine McDonald : 警方发现黑色本田思域用于两起案件,并追查到车主。 @Nicole O'Reilly : 米拉·巴尔贝里的男友Saverio Serrano与有犯罪前科的家族成员有关联。安杰洛·穆西塔诺是Hamilton黑手党成员,其家族与多起谋杀案有关。Angelo Musitano的死震惊了Hamilton,因为该地区的黑手党活动在2000年代曾一度沉寂。警方根据追踪器找到了另一名嫌疑人Michael Cudmore,他是一名惯犯,与黑帮和摩托车帮有联系。警方公布了Daniel Tomasetti的照片,他是购买追踪器的嫌疑人之一,与犯罪团伙有联系。 @Alessio Barberi : 丹尼尔·托马塞蒂应该为自己的行为负责,他应该自首。米拉的死不应该发生,她不应受到这样的对待。

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Hey, it's Nancy. Before we begin today, I just wanted to let you know that you can listen to Crime Beat early and ad-free on Amazon Music, included with Prime.

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It was only a matter of time until Amanda's whole world came tumbling down. You're not going to believe this. Scamanda. New episodes Thursday nights on ABC and stream on Hulu. A listener's note. The following episode contains coarse language, adult themes, and content of a violent and disturbing nature and may not be suitable for everyone. Listener discretion is advised. It was like a scene out of a movie.

A young woman picking up her boyfriend after work was sitting in her SUV, waiting, when suddenly she's horrifically gunned down in broad daylight. What we do know is that a woman in her 20s and a man in his 40s were both shot. The woman had the more serious injuries. She was rushed to hospital with no vital signs. Two months later, a man pulls into his driveway and is executed by a hitman, leaving a neighborhood in fear.

She heard six gunshots and then she went over with another neighbor and they were going to try CPR and then the police came. Two brazen daylight shootings and a suspect on the run. Today, your world gets smaller. We won't give up and we will find you.

I'm Tracy Tong and this is Crime Beat Most Wanted, a podcast that takes you inside open investigations of some of Canada's most serious crimes in the hopes your tips lead police to justice. Today I'm joined by Karen Lieberman to share the stories of Mila Barberi and Angelo Musitano. Police say they need your help. A suspect is wanted and has been on the run for more than six years.

This is the hunt for Daniel Tomasetti. Daniel, if you ever watch this, come home. You have to pay for what you did. You know what you did. We're here by Highway 7 in Weston Road where a shooting took place in broad daylight in this pretty much an industrial plaza. What we do know is that a woman in her 20s and a man in his 40s were both shot. The woman had the more serious injuries. She was rushed to hospital with no vital signs.

It's March 2017. York Regional Police Constable Laura Nicole updated reporters at the snow-covered crime scene. Investigators are looking at every possible avenue and are looking to speak with anyone who knows the individuals that were involved or anyone who can provide any information that may help. Here's York Regional Police Inspector Peter Chung, the lead investigator in the case.

I got a phone call about a homicide that took place in Vaughan. At the time, we were told that there was a female deceased and a male victim who went to the hospital. She was shot multiple times, so the cause of death is as a result of gunshots to her body. And the male victim, he was shot in the arm.

Her name is Mila Barberi. She just turned 28. She was there to pick up her boyfriend who was getting off work. He and his brother owned the business at that location. It was March 14th, 2017, one week since the Barberi family of Vaughan, north of Toronto, celebrated their daughter Mila's 28th birthday. Yeah, I recall that day. I can just picture it. It's always there in my head, you know, like a bad, bad dream.

Elvira Karanchi Barberi could not believe her 28-year-old daughter Mila was gone.

Her boyfriend, Saverio Serrano, was rushed to hospital. Lead detective Peter Chung tells us what happened next. You have the boyfriend leaving the business. They were going to go see Mila. Mila's getting out. She loves the dog. That's why he brought the dog out. And they were just kind of hanging outside along the driver's side. And then the unthinkable happens. The gunman came out.

walk up to the passenger side of the BMW, fire a couple of shots, then came around and then went to the driver's side and then start shooting. Mila's murder is captured on video and so is the shooter. We got this video from the business where the boyfriend worked. It's situated just above the door. That's him parking the Honda Civic. He's getting out from the driver's side. It's a big man.

We cannot tell what kind of ethnic city that person is because he's wearing a mask and he's wearing a jacket and gloves. And he's holding his gun in his right hand. As York Regional Police try to piece together who did this and why, other police forces in the Greater Toronto Area are dealing with a number of unusual incidents. Around that time, we do have a lot of firebombing, shooting.

Hamilton Police Detective Sergeant Jason Cattle becomes the lead detective in his own case and would later realize the investigations are connected. There was several murders in Toronto and York that were connected to traditional organized crime. The most high profile, some 70 kilometers away in Hamilton. She heard six gunshots and then she went over with another neighbor and they were going to try CPR and then the police came.

Here's Detective Sergeant Jason Cattle with what happened next. So it was May 2nd, 2017, that the Hamilton Police received a call of a shooting in a nice subdivision in Waterdown. I mean, it is a nice area though. Nice suburb of Hamilton. A couple of schools in the neighborhood, soccer fields, baseball parks. And also right here, the scene of a murder. Yeah. It happened at approximately between 3 and 4 p.m.

He was shot seven times through the window, side door. Gunned down in his driveway with his wife and kids at home. We had to find arrangements for her and the family. The house was the scene, essentially. Word had got out who was murdered, Angela Musitano. A murder of a mob person that people wouldn't think is living in this neighborhood. Marianne DeMaine is a former Global News reporter who covered the case in 2017.

It's a violent end to Musitano's life which has a storied criminal past. He was born into a notorious mafia crime family. Musitano and his brother Pat were charged with first-degree murder in the contract killing of mob boss Johnny Papalia. Musitano served 10 years in prison and was released in 2007. I'm sure it's well recorded that Mr. Musitano did some jail time for three murders back in the 90s. Now, do you believe that this was a targeted shooting? Absolutely.

police discover the house was wired with multiple cameras. Here's Detective Sergeant Jason Cattle. We did have one piece of key evidence, which was their home surveillance system captured the shooting. We had to seize that right away. What you're seeing here is the home surveillance system. Angelo Musitano arrives home driving this white Ford pickup truck. He pulls in the driveway. He doesn't get out right away. He stays in his car. And at this time, we see the shooter running across the front lawn of the Musitano's home.

and goes right up to the driver's side door and begins shooting. Angelo Musitano has no chance of getting out of the truck. The shooter then runs away, runs back to his car, and the car leaves from there. What you didn't see on video was after that, Angelo Musitano's wife comes out on the front porch hearing disturbance and calls out to Ang and runs over to the truck to find that he had been shot, unfortunately.

A second brazen daytime shooting caught on video, and the suspect is shockingly familiar. On the hunt, two different homicide teams comb through hours of surveillance footage. Lead detectives Peter Chung and Jason Cattle make an important discovery. What we have is the Black Honda Civic and also the Jeep Cherokee. They were just driving in tandem. There was the maroon Ford Fusion, which was used in the shooting.

We saw it circling the neighborhood, even I believe up to a day before. A very switched on neighborhood person jotted the plates down. They saw these vehicles parking at the side of their house. They thought some drug dealing was going on. Now because this person actually noted that car, noted the vehicles coming and going from that car, jotting the license plates down of all these vehicles associated to that car, it came back to the actual people who own those cars. Global News crime reporter Catherine McDonald updated the public on the case.

Well, Hamilton police are still at a loss for who killed Angelo Musitano. They say they now know that the gunman fled in a black Honda Civic like this one before ditching his getaway vehicle. The driver of the Honda Civic gets into the passenger seat of the Jeep Cherokee and they drive directly to Mila Barberi's crime scene and the passenger of the Jeep Cherokee gets out and shoots Mila Barberi. In both murders, a black Honda Civic

So we did meet with York Homicide and we shared information on both investigations to see if any were connected. Peter Chung from York said, "Do you guys have a black Honda that was involved in your murder?" And I said, "Yes."

It was very much identical to the black Honda that we found in Waterdown where that person said, "These cars are parking at the side of my house." And they got pictures of them and the license plate. And it was the same black Honda. And they discover they have the same shooter. The shooter had the same build and again was completely covered head to toe, covering his face. We believe that we're dealing with the same gunman.

Police would soon discover that these were planned hits with multiple suspects, including Daniel Tomasetti, one of Canada's most wanted. Making big financial decisions is never easy. Whether you're buying a home, renewing your insurance or collecting your pension, there are so many things you need to think about. Having confidence in the financial services professionals and institutions you're working with is critical.

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The fatal shooting of a young woman, Mila Barberi, and the shooting death of notorious mobster Angelo Musitano. Police make the connection between the two cases in what's becoming a complex investigation. Meanwhile, Elvira Karanchi Barberi and her husband, Alessio Barberi, grieve the loss of their daughter. So, this is Mila. She loved her elephants, Disney Princess, Midas, the bears from Jungle Book.

She loved trees. She was a vet technician. She loved all kinds of animals, yeah. And this is her with Midas. And he was always with her, always. She loved him so much. She was my firstborn. I was there at the hospital when she was born. Beautiful girl. Very loving, very caring, very independent. She taught herself how to ride a bike. She had a purpose here on Earth, you know, just to bring happiness to everybody.

The family had concerns about Mila's boyfriend.

Here's Nicole O'Reilly, a reporter with the Hamilton Spectator, who also covered the case. She was dating a member of the Serrano family. Severio Serrano himself had no criminal record, wasn't known to police other than the association for his family. His father, Diego Serrano, was a convicted trafficker. Although not named by police as a mafia member, they described him as a facilitator for the mafia when he was arrested.

Him and his brother own the lighting store where the shooting took place. The Serrano family is known to the police and have had connections in the past to organized crime groups. Her attackers had been stalking the location. Our victim, her BMW is already parked in the parking lot. Here again is lead detective in Mila's case, Peter Chung. This is not the first time. They were there a little bit earlier. And so that tells you it was a planned shooting? Yes.

Two months later, over in Hamilton, there is little doubt that Angelo Musitano was targeted. - His well-known Italian traditional organized crime mafia in Hamilton, obviously,

That goes back to him and his brother Pat. Pat Musitano, of course, was considered the boss of the Musitano crime family. His younger brother was Angelo. They both went away to prison for a time back when they were convicted with their involvement in the murder of Johnny Papalia, who was another Hamilton Mafia figure, and Carmber Alero, who was from Niagara Falls. Staff Sergeant Jason Cattle says police were familiar with the victim.

Here's Hamilton Spectator reporter Nicole O'Reilly with more. Hamilton has a very long history of mafia, but it had been very quiet in the 2000s for a long time. And then when Angelo Musitano was murdered in his driveway in Waterdown, it shocked everybody. In a surprise turn of events, police get help with the case for Musitano himself.

When Angelo Mustena was murdered and they went to do the autopsy, they found a note in his pocket that had a license plate on it and it was one of the cars that had been surveilling him. In our own way, we think that Angelo might have been looking over his shoulder. There was the maroon Ford Fusion, which was used in the shooting.

We saw it circling the neighborhood. We really got our lucky break when we found the vehicle. It was located several days later, abandoned in that Waterdown Flamborough neighborhood. The license plate was still on the car. The plates obviously were stolen. Hamilton Police Staff Sergeant Cattle says they were able to identify a suspect, all thanks to a neighbor taking pictures of suspicious cars that met up with the Ford Fusion.

When police tow Angelo Musitano's white truck in for forensics, they discover just how calculated this hit was.

We took it down to the police station bay and there was a tracking device found underneath the vehicle.

Reporter Nicole O'Reilly says it wasn't the only one. There were actually trackers that had been installed on victims' cars as part of the really sophisticated surveillance that was happening before the murders. This tracker would lead detectives to a second suspect. When we did go to the store where the tracking device was purchased, we went with search warrants. The tracking devices were purchased by people using their real name. Once we got that name, it led us to a Michael Cudmore.

He also did very much fit the build and stature of the shooter. And when the forensic team swabs the Ford Fusion's interior for DNA, it's his. This wasn't the suspect's first brush with police. Michael Cudmore was a very well-known violent criminal, repeat offender, somebody who rubbed shoulders with mobsters and bikers and did all their dirty work.

Police hold a press conference to disclose a person of interest. Investigators from both York and Hamilton now wish to release surveillance photo of a person of interest who they believe participated in the surveillance of Angelo Musitano and Mila Barbari.

Hamilton, they have identified Michael Cutmore as the shooter in their investigation. And when I look at the video evidence that they have and through the way that he moved and his stature, I believe that Michael Cutmore is also responsible for our shooting. York Regional Police Detective Peter Chung and Hamilton Staff Sergeant Jason Cattle had another lead, which was also shared at the press conference.

Showed photographs of security footage from the shopping center where the tracking devices were purchased. And one of them was Daniel Tomasetti walking down the hall. Here's Hamilton Spectator reporter Nicole O'Reilly with more.

Daniel Tomasetti is from Ancaster. He was somebody who didn't have a criminal record. He had a travel business and he worked in fitness. He was a high school friend of Jabril Abdullah's. What police have said is that Tomasetti did have some criminal associates and that's where the connection was made in terms of allegedly them being hired to carry out these murders.

The purchasing of the GPS trackers put Tomasetti on the radar, but they also bring more mystery to the killing of Mila Barberi. There was no tracker on any of the vehicles in the Barberi case, but they found there was an Italian restaurant near the lighting store that the Serrano's like to go to, and it was a BMW that looked, not only did it look similar, but it was a similar license plate. And they found a tracker on that car. So who were the hitmen actually targeting?

Lead detective Peter Chung describes what he sees in security video.

You can see the gunman, he went straight directly toward the passenger side and a couple shots were fired into the front passenger seat. I think afterward he realized nobody was sitting in the car. I suspect that he probably didn't even see Mila was standing behind.

Still unsure of who was being targeted, police move on to finding those responsible. Investigators arrested Jabril Abdallah of Hamilton on Wednesday and have put out warrants for the arrest of Michael Cudmore and Daniel Tomasetti, allegedly involved in the planning and murder of both victims. Staff Sergeant Jason Cattle and reporter Nicole O'Reilly tells us what happened next.

All three were charged with two counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempt murder. Daniel Tomasetti left his phone at home and used a different car and traveled to the airport, flew to Mexico, to Cancun, and he had a return flight booked and he never got a return flight. We knew that Michael was down there. We had made a connection with his family who lived here. One sibling told us that Michael had been calling him from Mexico and telling him he moved down there and he was living a good life.

Three years after Mila's murder, accused trigger man Michael Cudmore is located, but not the way investigators had hoped. We were making attempts to look for him, and it was shortly after that he was found dead in Mexico. The circumstances around his death, he was just found in a vehicle, but it was inconclusive from the pathologist here. I can't say that he was murdered for sure. You just know that he died immediately.

With one arrested and one dead, police focused the manhunt on Daniel Tomasetti and put out a sizable reward.

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We won't give up and we will find you. Staff Sergeant Jason Cattle is one of many investigators who have partnered with the BOLO program, which stands for Be On The Lookout. We just recently had Daniel Tomasetti put on BOLO's Top 25 Most Wanted. They can amplify his whereabouts through means that we don't have access to.

They can up a reward to help the police out if the reward is enhanced a bit. That's huge incentive for some people. In this day and age, everybody's on their phone, everybody's on social media. BOLO really has that niche to get in there.

We have had tips come in. We've had sightings in Tomasetti at West, actually, in this country. We had sightings down in some Caribbean islands. So tips have come in and we follow them all up and they've just all proved negative. It's been six years. Jabril Abdallah pled guilty to the lesser charge of participating in a criminal organization. Put an end to this. Find Daniel Tomasetti. And may I say something to Daniel?

Alessio Barberi, Mila's father, has a message for the man wanted in his daughter's death. Daniel, if you ever watch this, come home. I don't think you have a good life. You must be having a very sore neck, watching over your back all the time. You have to pay for what you did. You know what you did. You know, and this didn't have to happen to her. It shouldn't have happened to her. She didn't deserve it.

One month after Mila's murder, family and friends released balloons into the sky and at a memorial in her honor, they held sunflowers. They were her favorite. She would always bring me sunflowers and now it just became, you know, I have them out. Alessio plants in the garden. He just plants all the sunflowers. She loved yellow. It's so bright. This is who she was.

Tall and bright and just the way she was. Elvira and Alessio Barberi say Mila is missed every single day. Life is such a heaven. She's up there, yeah, surrounded by all the trees, with Midas and the lakes, the waters, the flowers. Just, I hope she's at peace, you know? My last words to Midas, her dog, when we had to unfortunately put him down is,

Don't worry, you're going to go to sleep, wake up, Mila's going to be there. But if there's a heaven and she's there looking after God's creatures, with Midas on her side and happy running around in the woods. Daniel Tomasetti stands at 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighs around 145 pounds. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Daniel Tomasetti is wanted for murder in Canada, but he may be in the United States.

If you have any information, Crime Stoppers is waiting for your anonymous call. The number is 1-800-222-TIPS or 1-800-222-8477. You can also submit a tip online. We'll include this information in our show notes. You can watch our docuseries Crime Beat Most Wanted on YouTube, where you can see the suspects still at large. Thanks for listening.

Crime Beat Most Wanted is hosted by me, Tracy Tong. Reporting in this episode is by Karen Lieberman. Adapted to podcast by our senior producer, Dila Velazquez. With help from associate producer, Elizabeth Sargent. Audio and sound design by Rob Johnson. We'd love to have you tell a friend about this podcast. And if you can please consider rating and reviewing Crime Beat Most Wanted on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. You can also find me on social media at

Thanks again for listening, and please join me next time on Crime Beat Most Wanted.

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