cover of episode Gone in an instant - The Hunt for Talal Amer Part 2 | 15

Gone in an instant - The Hunt for Talal Amer Part 2 | 15

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Angela McKenzie的家人
Max Landlohe
Nancy Hixt
Tracy Tong
@Tracy Tong : 本期播客将继续讲述一名男子因致命车祸致使一名五口之家母亲丧生的案件,警方希望公众能协助寻找这名通缉犯。 @Nancy Hixt : 2022年春天,卡尔加里东南区发生一起混乱事件,涉及两辆驾驶行为异常的车辆和枪击事件,最终导致一起致命的撞车事故。事故中一名五口之家的母亲不幸丧生,肇事司机逃逸。警方通过监控录像等证据锁定了嫌疑人Talal Amer。 @Angela McKenzie的家人 : 一个无辜的人夺走了我女儿的生命,他的愤怒和企图杀害他人的行为最终导致我女儿的死亡。我们希望看到正义得到伸张。 @Jeff Poirier @Sylvia McKenzie : 在Angela去世后,我们共同抚养她的五个孩子,生活很艰难,但我们互相扶持,一天一天地度过。我们希望Amer被捕归案,但这并不能让Angela回来。我们专注于抚养孩子们,并尽可能地保持家庭的联系。 @Max Landlohe : BOLO项目列出了加拿大25名最通缉犯,并提供高达25万美元的悬赏奖励,以协助警方抓捕他们。我们希望通过提高公众意识和提供奖励来鼓励人们提供线索,协助警方抓捕Talal Amer。

Deep Dive

The episode starts by describing the chaotic events in southeast Calgary that led to Angela McKenzie's death. It highlights the aftermath, focusing on the family's struggle to cope with their loss and their efforts to provide for Angela's five children.
  • Erratic driving and gunfire in southeast Calgary
  • Angela McKenzie, a mother of five, killed in a collision
  • Family's struggle to cope with the loss and care for the children

Shownotes Transcript

In the spring of 2022, chaos erupted in southeast Calgary.

There were reports of two erratic drivers, followed by a shooting.

Moments later, a violent collision. Angela McKenzie, a mother of five, died at the scene. Join Nancy Hixt, senior crime reporter for Global News as she explains what led to the senseless crash and the hunt for the person believed to be responsible. 

Talal Amer is wanted on a Canada warrant for manslaughter, attempted murder and several firearms offences.

He is 30 years old, 5 foot 11, 230lbs with brown eyes.

He was last seen with black hair and is known to change his appearance by growing a beard or changing up his facial hair.

You can see Amer’s photo at

If you have any information that could lead to the arrest of Talal Amer you can call Crimestoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477 there’s a reward of up to 50 thousand dollars which can also be collected anonymously. 

If you’re inclined and able to help the Mckenzie family there is a gofundme set up for her children.


Twitter: @nancyhixt



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