cover of episode Crime Beat returns March 4th

Crime Beat returns March 4th

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Crime Beat

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Nancy Hixt
@Nancy Hixt : 我是一名资深犯罪记者,在《犯罪现场》节目中,我将带大家深入加拿大一些备受瞩目的案件,以及一些鲜为人知的案件。罪犯为了掩盖罪行,无所不用其极,他们想出的办法甚至连史蒂芬·金都无法在他的恐怖小说中构思出来。但调查人员会更进一步地挖掘真相,我曾多次去垃圾场,那里的环境极其恶劣,肮脏不堪,在那里工作简直是令人难以忍受的经历。本季节目将带你深入幕后,看看一个杀手是如何向假释委员会争取自由的,以及受害者家属被迫再次经历可怕的犯罪的痛苦。我无法向你描述那种感受,也无法告诉人们我们失去了什么。这不仅仅是案件本身,更是对受害者及其家属的尊重和关怀。我们试图揭示真相,让正义得到伸张,让社会更加安全。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, it's Nancy. Before we begin today, I just wanted to let you know that you can listen to Crime Beat early and ad-free on Amazon Music, included with Prime.

There's no limit to how far criminals will go to cover their tracks. They came up with ideas that Stephen King couldn't come up with in one of his horror stories. But investigators will go even further to uncover the truth. I went to the dump regularly and it was absolutely, incredibly filthy, disgusting to spend your days.

I'm Nancy Hixt, a senior crime reporter for Global News. This season on Crime Beat, I'll take you from the crime scene to the courtroom and inside some of Canada's most high-profile cases and some you've likely never heard of before. It almost seems unbelievable. It seems like something that you would watch in a movie, not something that would happen in one of our major cities. Plus...

This season, I'll take you behind the scenes as a killer makes a bid for freedom to the parole board. My fear is if they get out, that they'll try and track us down and find us. While families are forced to relive the horrific crime all over again. I can't describe it to you. I can't tell people this is what we've lost.

Search for and listen to Crime Beat on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and wherever you find your favorite podcasts.