cover of episode Distant Thunderstorm with Insect Serenade Sound Machine (12 Hours)

Distant Thunderstorm with Insect Serenade Sound Machine (12 Hours)

logo of podcast 12 Hour Sound Machines for Sleep (no loops or fades)

12 Hour Sound Machines for Sleep (no loops or fades)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brandon: 该播客提供12小时不间断的远方雷雨和昆虫鸣叫声效,旨在帮助用户放松身心,改善睡眠质量。它还提供移动应用程序,允许用户创建自定义声音组合,并下载离线收听。该播客自创建以来,已帮助数千万来自150多个国家的用户改善睡眠,缓解焦虑,冥想,安抚婴儿或屏蔽噪音。用户可以通过订阅去除开头介绍和广告。 Brandon: 播客中的声音效果包括远方雷声、雨声和昆虫鸣叫声,旨在营造一个宁静祥和的氛围,帮助用户放松身心,从而改善睡眠,缓解焦虑,或用于冥想。该播客特别强调其长时间不间断的特点,以及通过移动应用提供的个性化定制功能,以满足不同用户的需求。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with a distant thunderstorm setting the scene, followed by the gentle sound of initial rainfall.

Shownotes Transcript

The rain is beginning. It taps gently on the windows of your cozy mountainside loft. The storm is still distant, nothing more than mild background noise. The quiet thunder rolls through the sky, echoing across faraway peaks. The crickets and peeper frogs will continue their nightly chorus until the storm is directly overhead. Tucked snugly in this warm, safe space, you relax and enjoy the concert. The storm is moving slowly – many hours will pass before it arrives. Wrap yourself in a soft blanket and settle in. Rest easy in your secure mountainside retreat.

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This free episode has an ad or two at the very beginning but once the Sound Machine starts, rest assured there will be no more interruptions whatsoever 😴 .

If you have any specific sounds you'd like added, hit me up at [email protected]).

Episode Keywords: Thunder | Thunderstorm | Storm | Mountain | Rain | Rainstorm | Insects | Ambient Noise | Baby | Sleep | Travel | Sound Masking | Sound Cancellation | Meditation | ADHD | Anxiety | Autism

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