抠鼻子并吃掉鼻屎: 这简直令人作呕!我见过太多人在公共场合毫无顾忌地抠鼻子,甚至还……吃掉!我无法理解这种行为,也无法想象他们的身体是如何消化这些东西的。这种行为不仅不卫生,更严重地缺乏公德心,让人无法直视。
长时间大声咳嗽: 我知道咳嗽无法避免,但有些人会持续不断地大声咳嗽,尤其是在安静的环境中,比如图书馆或课堂。这不仅会打扰到别人,还会让人感到非常不耐烦。我自己也深受其扰,每次剧烈咳嗽时,我都努力憋住,生怕影响到周围的人。
大声打电话: 在公共场合大声打电话,滔滔不绝地讨论着与他人无关的私事,简直是噪音污染!尤其是在超市或公共交通工具上,这种行为更让人难以忍受。我尽量压低声音,避免打扰到别人。而有些人却肆无忌惮,甚至说出一些令人尴尬的话题。我曾经听到有人在电话里用极其肉麻的称呼称呼对方,这让我感到非常不舒服。
在公共场合睡觉: 这并非总是奇怪,但确实容易让人尴尬。在公共场所或公共交通工具上睡着,很容易暴露自己的窘态,比如流口水等等。我曾经在机场睡着了,醒来后发现自己睡姿难看,感觉非常丢脸。
在公共场合哭泣: 虽然哭泣是人之常情,但在公共场合放声大哭,尤其是在工作或学习场所,会让周围的人感到不适。我小时候就经常因为一些小事哭泣,现在回想起来,觉得当时的自己很不懂事。
在公共场合唱歌跳舞: 除非是在特定的场合,比如派对或演出,否则在公共场合唱歌跳舞或大声哼歌,都会让人觉得不妥。我曾经在办公室听到同事哼歌,虽然歌声不错,但还是让我觉得有点尴尬。
发表有争议的言论: 在公共场合发表有争议的言论,尤其是在涉及政治或敏感话题时,很容易引发冲突。我通常避免与不熟悉的人讨论政治,因为你永远不知道对方对这个话题的看法有多么强烈。
播放大声的音乐: 在公共场合播放大声的音乐,会严重影响周围人的休息和工作。我见过有人在健身房使用便携式音箱播放音乐,这让我觉得非常不妥。
穿着奇装异服: 除非是万圣节或主题派对,否则在公共场合穿着奇装异服,会让人觉得这个人很奇怪。我见过有人穿着香蕉或蜘蛛侠的服装在校园里走动,这让我觉得很不可思议。
放屁或打嗝: 虽然这是人的自然生理反应,但应该尽量避免在公共场合大声放屁或打嗝。
自言自语: 在公共场合自言自语,会让人觉得这个人有点奇怪。我曾经在课堂上因为麦克风没关,不小心说了脏话,结果被老师点名批评,非常尴尬。
牵着人遛弯: 这是一种非常罕见的现象,通常只在网络视频中看到。但这种行为确实让人感到匪夷所思。
总而言之,在公共场合,我们应该注意自己的言行举止,尊重他人,避免做出一些奇怪或不雅的行为,维护公共秩序和良好的社会风貌。 这不仅是对别人的尊重,也是对自身形象的维护。
Picking one's nose is one of the most frequently observed weird behaviors in public, often followed by eating the picked content.
Constant coughing in a silent environment can be very disruptive and irritating to others, making it a source of annoyance.
The speaker tries to hold in their cough to avoid disrupting a silent environment, even if it means turning purple in the face.
The speaker finds it extremely annoying and tries to keep their phone conversations quiet when in public to avoid disturbing others.
Sleeping on a public bench makes one vulnerable, as it can lead to embarrassing situations like being recorded or photographed while deeply asleep.
The speaker used to cry frequently in school over trivial matters, which they now find embarrassing and unlikable.
The speaker avoids singing in public because it can lead to embarrassment, especially if the song is unfamiliar or contains inappropriate lyrics.
The speaker advises against expressing controversial opinions in public to avoid unnecessary conflicts and negative reactions from others.
The speaker finds it annoying when people play loud music in public, especially if the music is repetitive, low-quality, or played at inappropriate times like early in the morning.
The speaker thinks wearing goofy outfits in public, like a banana or Spider-Man costume, is unnecessary and can be inappropriate depending on the occasion and weather.
The weirdest things people do in public. Now, I know I'm not exactly outside a lot. I've definitely seen some weird things in my time. So I compiled a list of the weirdest things people could do in public. And obviously not too weird or else this video would get taken down. Number one, picking your nose. The amount of times I've seen people just straight dig through their nose in a public setting is insane. And some people even have the audacity to pick their nose and-
Eat it! Like what the fu-
How do you even swallow that or how does your body even digest it? Like I'd be throwing up in the toilet right after I'm convinced some people literally just eat anything like anything that just spawns in front of them They'll eat it and if anybody sees you in the act doing that no one's ever gonna look at you like a normal human being again Okay, maybe that's a bit of an over-exaggeration But you get the point coughing loud like very constantly and now obviously there's no way to escape this right? If you gotta cough you gotta cough
But a lot of people are just annoyed when you cough over and over in a silent environment. So that's why when I really got a cough, I just get purple in the face trying to hold it. Especially when I was in school, the silent classroom coughs were not hitting. It would be even worse because if I was constantly coughing, I would just get really embarrassed. Because I already knew everybody was staring at me thinking, if this kid doesn't shut the
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I don't know what it is about my timing, but I just happen to always be sick when I'm traveling. So when I was going to a concert earlier this summer, I was in an hour-long Uber ride, just straight coughing the entire time. And I'm sure everybody just wanted to rip my head off when I was just sitting there coughing the whole time. It's not a pleasant sound here. Over and over again. That sh** sucks. No one's trying to hear that for an hour straight. Talking loudly, especially when you're on the phone. No one wants to hear your conversation, Lil B.
bro like why are people on the phone like yeah did you hear about danielle at yoga class like i don't care about danielle at goddamn yoga class especially at the grocery store i don't know how many people do this in a goddamn grocery store it's insane like whenever i'm on the phone in public i'm just more quiet and when people walk by i just say what i need to say like really quietly because i
really don't want to be a disturbance to people or well, at least I try my best not to be. And I've heard some people say some wild ass shit on the phone. Like why even say that in a public setting? I don't understand. At that point, you're pretty much just asking to get cooked. Like I once heard somebody like call their girlfriend, right? And they were like, hello, my little sugar pooey muffin. Like I don't fucking know something like that. The last thing I'm saying in public is sugar pooey muffin or whatever the fuck.
Well, I just said it in front of a hundred thousand of you. So, oh well. And especially when I was a cashier, I was hearing all kinds of conversations. I've heard endless amounts of work drama that I don't need to know about sleeping. Now this one isn't necessarily weird. It's just something that you don't want to be caught doing in public. It's just bad. It's different if you're on a flight and sleeping, but if you're on like a public bench sleeping, like you don't know what the hell people are going to do to you.
That is your most vulnerable state, okay? You do not want to be recorded sleeping or taking a picture of sleeping in the car or something. And especially if it's a really deep sleep. If I got drool hanging out of my mouth and I'm catching flies or whatever the hell people say, it's embarrassing to watch. I once was just slumped in one of those airport chairs. For one, I've never got a worse sleep in my life. And two, I don't even think the trade-off was worth it because I just looked stupid as hell the entire time.
And sometimes, bro, when I'm with my friends, I'm just sitting downstairs watching TV or something. I just start drifting off to sleep. And I try to stay awake, of course, because I don't want to be rude. And I don't know what else to say, bro. I'm just fucking tired. I got to get my sleep schedule sorted out so I don't have to sleep in front of people.
Crying or even holding back tears now when I was a kid, I would always cry in school I don't know why I was just a very sensitive kid So the amount of times I would cry over stupid shit, it was just embarrassing and I was just a very unlikable person All right
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Everybody was just annoyed by it. I would have cried over some stupid shit like, he made fun of me.
And I would always run and snitch to the teacher saying that like this kid made fun of me and he said this and that and even the teachers were probably annoyed with my ass. I don't think they wanted sh*t to do with me either. But next we got singing and dancing in public. I mean obviously if you're like at a party or something
on the dance floor. I mean, that's one thing, but like if you're at a grocery store or you're at the office or something and then you hit a little emo as you're printing a paper and somebody catches you, oh yeah, you're getting roasted. And also just singing like nobody's there is crazy. Like I'm sure my boss would say some corny ass shit like, what are you trying to get a Grammy or what?
I don't care how good the song is, I'm just gonna pass on singing it in public. And especially if I'm singing something that nobody really knows, or even just rap songs in general. 'Cause obviously the lyrics aren't very family friendly. You told your boy go roll like 10 blunts for you? What are you gonna be smoking this afternoon, mister? Do not sing such profane garbage in my office.
So yeah, it's just how to get your boss on your ass 101 pretty much. Next, we got saying something controversial. If you say something that just isn't gonna sit right with people, yeah, just get ready to have people on your ass. So if you're in a public setting and you have a very controversial opinion about something, yeah, in most situations, it's probably best to keep it to yourself.
because the amount of bullshit that would spiral out of it is just not worth it. I generally avoid talking about politics with people, especially if it's people I don't really know. And I also don't really know shit about it either. 2024 was my first time voting. And well, regardless, it's just one of those topics you should avoid talking to people you don't really know that much. You never know how like deeply passionate they are about the subject. Like they could just start ranting to you out of nowhere about it.
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I am most definitely not trying to hear all that. Next, we have playing music really loud. And I'm sure any of you attending school or college or wherever you are, you have most definitely seen this speaker kid. Everybody knows that this dude always has a loud speaker on him at all times.
And if he's playing some hard music, you know, I'm not really complaining. But if it's garbage, well, that's when I'm complaining. And if I've heard the song too many times, yeah, I'm definitely complaining. And if it's like 7 in the morning, yeah, I'm definitely not in the mood for music. Imagine hearing Fiend at full volume in the hallway at 7 a.m.
Pretty annoying. And I guess the speaker kid, all right, Fiend is his theme song. He's just walking around with that going in the hallway, acting like he's the main character. I don't think people would be too thrilled with that. And I've also seen people at the gym carry a speaker with them. I don't know why the hell they can't just play their own music in their headphones. I mean, I wouldn't want to listen to Taylor Swift in the gym either, to be fair. But bringing a speaker to a public gym is crazy. I was going to talk about this one earlier in the video, but I got to throw it in here now.
All right. It just has to be said. I have seen so many TikToks or YouTube videos where it's like social anxiety is scared of me and they'll just get on a table and just start doing an acapella of thick of it. I'm in the thick of it.
Or something like that. I don't know. But yeah, I've seen people just do not really weird, but just like stupid shit in public because of this. Imagine if I just jumped up on a table in like the college cafeteria. I got a mic in hand and everything. And I just say, hey, everybody, we bring the boom.
Yeah, that would keep me up at 3 a.m. So that's why I personally opt out of doing stupid shit like that. I've seen so many videos of things like that popping up on my Instagram reels. Or somebody would make like a main character-ass speech in front of everybody. Something along those lines.
I'm just scared even talking in front of a bunch of people. I mean, the reason why I can do this is I'm in my room recording this. I don't have to say it in front of a bunch of people. Okay, next we have wearing a goofy ass outfit. All right, listen, we're not at a costume party. We don't need a goofy ass outfit right now.
The amount of times I've seen people walk around on my college campus dressed up as a banana or like Spider-Man or something like that is just unreal. I mean, if it's Halloween and it's a costume party, that's different. But like if we're in the middle of goddamn August or something, there's no need to be wearing a fucking banana costume when it's 90 degrees out. I guess some people are just trolls and they really don't care what they wear at all. Farting or burping?
Now, obviously you got to do what you got to do, right? But at the same time though, you got to suppress the sound a little bit. You can't just rip ass extremely loud, especially like if you're in an empty hallway, that shit will echo throughout the hallway and everybody in like a one mile radius will hear that shit. Or if you burp, you just cannot belch in front of a bunch of people.
You gotta close your mouth so nobody hears it. And especially if I'm in front of a girl, I can definitely not get caught ripping ass. That's just really embarrassing. And not even that alone, just the smell. Especially if it was burrito night the night before. That smell isn't exactly gonna be pleasant. Next, we have people that like talk to themselves, have like full-on conversations. I mean, technically, I am talking to myself right now if you really think about it. But if you're in a public setting, like in a classroom, you cannot be having fun.
full-on dialect with yourself. Sometimes I do think out loud when I'm by myself, but obviously if I'm in a public setting, not the best idea. I don't want people to think I'm weird as hell and they need to stay away from me. Especially if whatever I was thinking about, I want nobody to hear it. One of my most embarrassing moments where that did happen, you know, I thought my mic was muted. I was in Zoom class in 2020 and I said something along the lines of, ah f-
I hate this class or something like that. I mean, it was biology. I have an excuse. That shit's garbage. And the teacher called me out in front of everybody and was like, Birdie, do you have something to say? And I just left the meeting. I didn't want to deal with that shit. They can't exactly come get me and force me to go to Zoom class. And by far the weirdest thing I have seen somebody do in public through a TikTok video.
video is this whatever this is for whatever reason people feel the need to walk around on a leash in public say you were at the dog park or something walking your dog around and these people just happen to pull up on you yeah you would probably think you're living in some kind of fever dream
Now this is a very rare occurrence, obviously this is something you'd probably only see on the internet. I've been seeing a lot of videos where people are on that type of timing, so unfortunately, I think slowly but surely, that shit's actually becoming more common.