cover of episode Weirdest Things People Do In Public...

Weirdest Things People Do In Public...

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#exploration of social taboos#social issues People
@主持人 :在公共场合,许多人的行为举止令人感到奇怪、尴尬甚至反感。例如,抠鼻子并吃掉鼻屎的行为极其不卫生和不雅观,会让周围的人感到恶心和反感。在安静的环境中长时间大声咳嗽会严重影响他人,尤其是在学校或图书馆等场所。在公共场合大声打电话,内容涉及个人隐私或不雅话题,不仅会打扰到周围的人,还会让人觉得说话者缺乏公共意识和礼貌。 在公共场合睡觉,尤其是在公共交通工具或公共场所,很容易暴露个人隐私,也容易成为他人取笑的对象。在公共场合哭泣,虽然情有可原,但也会让周围的人感到不适,尤其是在工作或学习场所。在公共场合唱歌跳舞或大声唱歌,除非是在特定的场合,否则会让人觉得不妥,甚至会打扰到他人。 在公共场合发表有争议的言论,尤其是在涉及政治或敏感话题时,可能会引发不必要的冲突和矛盾。在公共场合播放大声的音乐,会严重影响周围人的休息和工作,尤其是在公共交通工具或公共场所。在公共场合做一些奇怪或引人注目的行为,例如穿着奇装异服或做出一些不雅的动作,会让人觉得这个人缺乏公共意识和礼貌。 在公共场合放屁或打嗝,虽然是人的自然生理反应,但应该尽量避免,尤其是在人多的地方。在公共场合自言自语,会让人觉得这个人精神状态有问题。在公共场合牵着人遛弯,虽然比较罕见,但也反映出一些人的行为已经超出了正常的范围。总而言之,在公共场合,我们应该注意自己的言行举止,避免做出一些奇怪或不雅的行为,以免影响到他人。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the most common weird behavior people do in public?

Picking one's nose is one of the most frequently observed weird behaviors in public, often followed by eating the picked content.

Why do people find constant coughing in public annoying?

Constant coughing in a silent environment can be very disruptive and irritating to others, making it a source of annoyance.

What is the speaker's strategy for dealing with a cough in public?

The speaker tries to hold in their cough to avoid disrupting a silent environment, even if it means turning purple in the face.

What is the speaker's opinion on talking loudly on the phone in public?

The speaker finds it extremely annoying and tries to keep their phone conversations quiet when in public to avoid disturbing others.

Why does the speaker avoid sleeping in public benches?

Sleeping on a public bench makes one vulnerable, as it can lead to embarrassing situations like being recorded or photographed while deeply asleep.

What was the speaker's experience with crying in public as a child?

The speaker used to cry frequently in school over trivial matters, which they now find embarrassing and unlikable.

Why does the speaker avoid singing in public?

The speaker avoids singing in public because it can lead to embarrassment, especially if the song is unfamiliar or contains inappropriate lyrics.

What is the speaker's advice on expressing controversial opinions in public?

The speaker advises against expressing controversial opinions in public to avoid unnecessary conflicts and negative reactions from others.

What does the speaker find annoying about people playing loud music in public?

The speaker finds it annoying when people play loud music in public, especially if the music is repetitive, low-quality, or played at inappropriate times like early in the morning.

What is the speaker's view on wearing goofy outfits in public?

The speaker thinks wearing goofy outfits in public, like a banana or Spider-Man costume, is unnecessary and can be inappropriate depending on the occasion and weather.

Shownotes Transcript

Weirdest Things People Do In Public...