People may watch TikTok while driving because they believe their brain can multitask effectively, or it has become a common habit, despite the obvious dangers.
Texting while driving can significantly impair reaction time and increase the risk of accidents, leading to potential legal consequences such as being pulled over and facing charges.
New drivers often avoid highways because they feel less confident and experienced, preferring to stick to familiar, less complex routes until they gain more practice.
Overly passive drivers can cause congestion and frustration by strictly adhering to speed limits and road rules, often driving slower than the flow of traffic, especially in the left lane.
Aggressive drivers are dangerous because they often speed, swerve through lanes, and cut off other drivers, significantly increasing the risk of accidents and road rage incidents.
Road ragers are unpredictable because they can react violently to minor incidents, such as cutting someone off, potentially leading to dangerous confrontations and property damage.
Driving while tired is risky because it impairs reaction times and can lead to dozing off at the wheel, significantly increasing the likelihood of accidents.
Driving under the influence is extremely dangerous as it severely impairs reaction time, coordination, and judgment, leading to a high risk of accidents and legal consequences.
Drivers who blast their music at high volumes may do so for personal enjoyment, to enhance their driving experience, or to share their music with others, despite potential distractions.
The best type of driver is one who is considerate of others, allowing others to merge into lanes and generally being mindful of traffic flow and safety.
Types of drivers. A lot of people have told me I have to make this video and I agree. It's a topic that needs to be discussed. There are so many different types of drivers you will encounter on the road and out of all the cars on the freeway, you don't know who you're going to run into. And I'm sure some of you are watching this video while you're driving. And if you are,
Pay attention to the goddamn road. It's one thing if you're just listening. I listen to videos all the time when I'm in the car. But looking at your phone is another. I can't believe that people actually watch TikTok while they're driving. And yes, I know people who do that. How do you pay attention to the road and watch TikTok at the same time? Shit's just not adding up, bro.
Unless their brain is just completely superior to mine. And I'm over here rocking a peanut brain. I don't know what it is, but I guess a ton of people are doing that now. It's the new meta. Is it really that important? Just listen to music or something. Me personally, I'm trying to turn up in the car. I don't want to listen to some damn TikTok. Like I'm amazed their car isn't in like 50 different pieces right now. Or those people that text when they're driving and then when the-
Okay, I have to tell you. I was just looking on eBay where I go for all kinds of things I love, and there it was. That hologram trading card. One of the rarest. The last one I needed for my set. Shiny like the designer handbag of my dreams. One of a kind. eBay had it, and now everyone's asking, ooh, where'd you get your windshield wiper? eBay has all the parts that fit my car. No more annoying, just beautiful.
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Pull over, pull over so you can really lock in and think about what you're going to say. But people do it anyway. I don't know why. I don't even want to touch my phone when I'm driving. I got Apple CarPlay for a reason. The noob. We were all once the noob. If you are a new driver, you got a lot to learn, but trust me, you'll figure it out. I was the noob like four years ago now. I got my license and I was finally able to drive to work. I didn't have to walk anymore.
Walking to work is crazy, but I had to do what I had to do. And when I was a noob, oh my god, the amount of mistakes I made. Jesus Christ. And I'm glad I was spared for whatever reason, because the amount of times I almost got into an accident when I was a noob was unreal. I was once turning left at a stoplight. The light turned green. I didn't know you had to yield to the people going straight, dude. I was a fucking idiot.
I almost crashed the whip, bro. It would have been a rough day. And I'm not even joking. I didn't drive on the highway until a year after I had my license. I deadass was just using back roads for a year straight. What the hell was I doing? I don't even want to talk about it.
I should not have had my license. I don't know what I was doing with that. You know what? At least I wasn't the dude with the goofy car. I'm pretty sure once we've all had to look at a car twice because of how stupid it looked. I don't know what the hype is around these cars, but I've been seeing these cars recently that look like they could get blown over by a gust of wind. I think they're like little mini compacts.
packed electric cars. How do you even like take a steep turn in these things? One turn and the car is falling over. I've also seen recently, I don't even know if this is real or not. I guess Kanye has a custom cyber truck and it looks like this. But genuinely though, who is hopping in this thing and driving around? Like what
What kind of goofy ass shit is that? Like it looks like this dude's whipping around in a solar panel. There's no way that's a real video. It can't be right. Next we have the really passive driver. This dude does not want to go one mile over the speed limit. He thinks if he goes one mile over, he thinks he's gonna have five stars in GTA. He's gonna have helicopters flying over him. There are people that are very stingy about like the speed limit and the rules of the road and shit like that.
When I see a yellow light, if I'm close enough, you know, to me, that means speed up. So I can actually get past this traffic light. I know a lot of you probably expected me to be a role model for the people. But yeah, unfortunately...
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I gotta drive like this for the rest of my life. And that's what they did. If you didn't use your turn signal once, it was an automatic fail. So by habit, even when I'm like turning into an empty parking lot, I use my blinker. Like it's stupid, I know. Because who the hell am I letting know that I'm turning? There's literally nobody there. But when I first started though, oh, I was a passive driver. A hundred percent. I was that bot driver you would see on the road.
that never went a single mile over the speed limit. And I also quite often run into the opposite, which is the aggressive driver. All right, this is the type of dude that's speeding on the road. All right, he's pulling a Marquez Brownlee. He's going 96 in a 35. He's swerving through lanes. He's acting like he's playing Mario Kart. He's cutting people off too. And now some aggressive drivers are just reckless and aren't aware of like how dangerous it could be just swerving through lanes like that.
YouTube sniping my ass down if I show any footage of this, but I saw a streamer on kick earlier this year. He was going like 100 miles an hour just cutting up in traffic. It was probably more than 100 to be honest with you. He was just trying to squeeze through lanes. He was playing a dangerous ass game, bro. That's insane. I don't know why anybody would risk their life like that.
But sometimes when you're driving, you know, you gotta be a little aggressive. Like when you're turning, for example, you can't just sit there and let cars pass by. You gotta do something about it. You can't just sit there and wait. They're not gonna let you go. So generally being a little more aggressive as a driver isn't a bad thing. It's when you're too aggressive. That's when it's a bad thing. You gotta know when to chill out, bro. And some-
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LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. Some aggressive drivers are road ragers. Now the road rager is very unpredictable. You do not want to mess with this guy because at a moment's notice, this dude could just take a baseball bat out of the back of his car. Like if you just cut some guy off, for example, and you're at the same stoplight as him, you're cooked. He's getting out of his car with his baseball bat. He's going to start wreaking havoc on your car.
The road rager is extremely unpredictable. That's why I don't even ever flip people off on the road or anything like that because I don't want them to pull out a switch on my ass because then I will start crying like a little bitch. So I will not be messing with road ragers anytime soon. And a lot of people that are road ragers, what they like to do is they just slam the horn when there's a bunch of traffic. Like it's just gonna magically start moving any faster just because he's honking the horn.
When I went to New York City, all I heard was just a bunch of horns honking and then there was like lines of traffic. It was insane. But yeah, I can't lie. I would be raging a little bit if I lived in New York City. My entire existence would be traffic. I don't know if it's really that bad all the time. I mean, I was there for like 12 hours during the day and that was it. I know I don't have a smooth transition for this one. I'm sorry, but we got to talk about the creep, man. Jesus. Sometimes people will straight up just stare down people.
Like at stoplights. Like I was once at a stoplight and I looked to my left and there was this dude just staring me down. Like it was insane. Or sometimes people will stare as they're driving. Like dude, pay attention to the road. Or if they see a girl they think is attractive, they'll get lost in the sauce and just stare them down. The tired driver. I'm not gonna lie. I doze off all the time.
And that's probably because of my shitty ass sleep schedule if i'm driving on just an empty highway for an extended period of time Sometimes I start to doze off at the wheel and the moment I catch myself I just gotta slap myself in the face and lock in I gotta put like tape on my eyes or something, bro I'm, not trying to get in an accident because the moment I get home my head's hitting the pillow
That's why I should be the last person to do like a long ass road trip. I know people that have done like 24 hour road trips or like 12 hour road trips. Like how do you even drive for that long? I once did a 24 hour road trip to Disney when I was in like second grade. I think I was that one annoying ass kid that was like, are we?
Are we almost there? Like shut the fu- I'm surprised my parents didn't just slap me in the face the amount of times I said that. But after that, we never did it again. Wow, I really wonder why. The decorator. No matter what, there's going to be some weird-ass bumper stickers on this dude's car. Thick dads who vape for Christ. What is this? I don't know how somebody could drive confidently with this on their car. I'm just confused.
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They already got Christmas decorations up.
You know what? I'd say the decorator is pretty cool. You know, as long as their car doesn't look stupid, it's fine. The shitty parker. Everybody knows a shitty parker, all right? They completely whiffed the parking spot.
Wait, why the fuck are you looking at me? They double park or hell sometimes they even take up three spots I don't even know how they manage to do that. Sometimes these people even park horizontally Okay, i'm not that bad. But look I I do botch the parking sometimes All right, i'm not gonna lie like I get out of the car and it looks atrocious and I know i'm trash at parking That's why I park all the way towards the end of the line I don't even attempt to try to squeeze in between two cars. I'm just like hit or miss whenever I try to park a
car i either get it like perfectly or i just completely screw it up all right next we got the driver that's uh very under the influence all right this is the worst type of driver on the list it's crazy because some people actually say oh yeah you know i'm fine man as they're like falling over this dude takes one step he's gonna crack his skull open yeah he is not fine
Please do not do this. Please do not drive under the influence. Like, your reaction time is gonna absolutely suck. And plus, if your ass gets pulled over, you're getting thrown behind bars. Like, don't even attempt the sobriety test at that point. You're gonna be all wobbly trying to walk in a straight line. And next we got...
The concert driver. All right, this is the dude that's always got his music all the way up. That's me again. Every time I'm in the car, I have to turn up. It's just a requirement. One time I was with my friends, we passed by like this fancy restaurant. I kid you not, everybody outside just like gave us a death stare as we were bumping Ken Carson in the whip. They're probably thinking to themselves, oh, Jesus Christ, these tunes are preposterous.
Such delinquents as they were sipping on wine or some shit. I don't know. And it was awkward as hell because we were stuck at this red light for like two minutes and we had the top to the car down so they could hear that shit full volume. And yeah, I did feel a little bit bad because I did disrupt their fancy dinner. They probably paid a shit ton of money for that, but I just needed to bless their ears with cardi. It just had to happen. I had to put them on real quick. They needed to know. I'm sure a lot of you are wondering who is the best type of drive.
The driver that is considerate of others. W driver. The amount of times I'm trying to switch lanes on my highway and nobody lets me in, but finally, this person does and they're truly the GOAT. The worst drives for me gotta be those early morning drives to the airport. If you like this video, you'll definitely like my video about the airport. It's on the end screen right now, just click it.