Fear of death often stems from the unknown and the desire to live a full life. Some people fear missing out on future experiences or leaving loved ones behind.
Choking on nothing, which could leave you feeling like you only got a free trial of life.
Train doors can close suddenly and trap people, leading to dangerous situations. The game 'Dumb Ways to Die' emphasizes safety around trains to prevent such accidents.
The 'penny challenge' involves sliding a penny into an electric socket, which can cause severe electric shocks and even death due to the high voltage.
High medical bills can cause stress and anxiety, which are risk factors for heart attacks. The cost of healthcare can be overwhelming and contribute to health issues.
Being buried alive, which is a common fear for those who are claustrophobic. The idea of suffocating in a coffin is terrifying.
Holding your breath underwater can lead to drowning if you run out of oxygen or get trapped. It's a risky behavior, especially in crowded or confined spaces.
Not wearing a helmet in space can lead to immediate death due to exposure to vacuum, extreme temperatures, and lack of oxygen.
Contaminated water contains harmful bacteria and algae that can cause severe illness or death. It's important to avoid such water sources.
Death from laughter is rare but possible, especially for older individuals with weakened bodies. A sudden, intense fit of laughter could lead to a fatal injury.
The dumbest ways to die. I'm sure at a point in all of our lives, we were afraid of dying. And honestly, I'm still kind of afraid of death. By the time I'm like 80 or 90 years old, bro, I'll be ready to go. I'll feel like I lived a long, prosperous life already. I know it sounds dark, but at that point, I won't be able to take a step without hurting my back. So I think by then, I'll be ready to go.
But today we're going over 15 of the dumbest ways to go out. Number one, choking on nothing. I've choked a lot of times. Pause. I choked on a piece of a mint. I have no idea how the hell that happened. And if I died in that very moment, I would have had cause of death, mint, written on my gravestone.
Or honestly, it could have been even worse though. Cause of death. Lunchly. But imagine if it was just nothing. I'll feel like I only got to experience a free trial of life. And that was it. In order to continue, I gotta pay a subscription. Next, we have getting squished by a door.
Like an elevator door or like a train door, I don't know. That's why the game that inspired this video, "Dumb Ways to Die", in order to play it, you gotta pledge to be safe around trains. You cannot do dumb shit around trains, just don't do it. I mean, I didn't exactly live up to this pledge, because one time I was in New York and I was about to catch a subway, right? And the doors were about to close.
and me and my friends decided to just run there. My friends get on, but my dumb ass gets caught in the door. And then the train starts moving and I gotta like squeeze my way in. This is the energy of electrification. Available Type S high-performance variant with nearly 500 horsepower and 278 mile EPA range rating. Choose from our complimentary charging packages so you can charge how you want. The all-electric Acura ZDX. This is the energy of innovation.
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been no more birdie videos after 2023 bro that would have been it because i have no idea if the person operating it was even paying attention like hey by the way there's a dumb ass stuck in the door i don't know man you never know you don't know what kind of people you're about to see on a new york subway there's all different breeds of people on the subway and even types of people that would number three lick an electric socket or honestly just do anything dangerous with electricity in general i don't know i'll give an example like sticking a fork in a toaster
Like who thinks to do that? There's gonna be an explosion as soon as that fork touches the toaster. There's even people out there that did a TikTok challenge. It was called like the penny challenge or something. And basically what people would do was literally slide a penny right in between an electric socket. Like you are quite literally asking to get fried. You're gonna like turn into a pile of dust like cartoon characters do. And I mean, I'm very sorry for the people who got injured. But dude, you're literally asking for it.
Like this was the dumbest thing you could have done I don't think i've had any experiences in my life where I messed with electricity that I could think of but I definitely was the type of kid to try to lick an electric socket or eat glue one of the above all the cogs weren't exactly Working in the machine if you pick up what i'm putting down. Okay next we have having a heart attack
Because of your medical bills. I mean, shit, bro. You never know how expensive these goddamn medical bills are nowadays. It pretty much looks like this bill that Squidward got in SpongeBob. Breathing, talking, standing, existing, lollygagging, and chewing. This is exactly how I feel when I gotta pay some kind of medical bill. Or even taxes and fees when I'm paying taxes. That's crazy. Alright, at this point, I might be better off evading. It's a joke. Chill out. Chill out. Alright, I know these are very specific, but I really don't care.
Number five, somebody unplugs your life support to charge their phone. I don't know how the hell I came up with this list, but I just did. I don't know if this has ever happened before, but if somebody does that to you, shit, I mean me, I'd have beef with them in the afterlife. And especially if it was at like 80%, bro, that shit would piss me off. We all know that one dude who hogs the charger when you're at like 5%, he's at 90, he's like,
I need to finish charging my phone. Little side tangent, but that shit always pissed me off. I can't even begin to describe my distaste for those types of people. And imagine having that on your conscience, bro. You let somebody die because you want to charge your phone. That's crazy. Number six, attempting to quote unquote fly. I'm sure we've all done this as a kid, or maybe it was just me. I had that thought in the back of my mind. Hmm, what if I could fly? Once when I was four years old, I tried jumping down.
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Down the staircase and my ass cheeks hit every stair on the way down and I was sore for like I don't even know how many days after that I don't know what kind of wavelength my brain was on But apparently I thought I was just gonna take flight like jordan real quick But in reality, I just completely ate shit There were some times where I did jump from a very high place and I somehow stuck the landing But obviously nowadays I would not be so lucky
I would definitely break a hip or two end up in the hospital. You already know number seven hiding in a washing machine Okay, I know this video is really dumb. I'm, sorry Some people have actually done this before I think I don't remember if it was me or a friend of mine that did it but
One of us hid in a washer machine during hide and seek, and we thought we were so cool. But in reality, all my mom had to do was start the spin cycle, and it was over. Or hell, you could even get stuck in the washer. Like, I'm pretty sure the moment you close the door, that shit locks.
But me and my friends, alright, we were pretty much the CEOs of hiding in stupid-ass places. Every time we would play hide-and-seek inside, we would always come up with a new stupid place to hide in. I mean, that's what we were cooking up at like seven years old, you know, we weren't the brightest. For God's sake, I hid behind a lamp, and I thought nobody was gonna find me. I thought I found the greatest hiding spot of all time. Number eight, dying after being stuck in a coffin.
This is my worst fear of all time. Like, if everybody thinks I'm dead, but I'm actually still alive, and then I get buried, and I'm just stuck to suffocate in my coffin. I don't know if this has ever happened to anybody, but definitely one of my worst fears for sure. I am very claustrophobic. Like, I don't know how the f-
Mr. B spent like 50 hours buried a lot. Okay, he didn't spend 50 hours buried. Probably spent like 30 minutes. But still, I'm not doing that. Even if it's one minute, I'm not doing it. Because what if I'm locked in there? It's game, all right? I'm stuck in there for even longer. Another one I could think of similar to this is if you get...
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Stuck in a tanning bed and you just burn to a crisp. This is why I'm never going in a tanning bed. Again, I'd be in a small space, cramped. I'm not doing it. And I'd 100% burn my skin in there. I would look like a tomato, I don't know, fresh out of the grocery store.
Number nine, holding your breath. I was a kid when I used to see how long I could hold my breath underwater. Like I'd do a contest against my friend. I don't know why I would bring myself to the point where I was almost running out of oxygen, but I don't know. I was doing the most to win. And sometimes I would even get stuck underwater. One time I was at a pool party and there was a bunch of kids just like floating around in the pool. So there was like basically no room to move around.
I went underwater and just decided to swim around underwater. And then I was just stuck underneath this kid's float that was built like a linebacker. And I had to hold my breath until I could find my way out. I had thoughts in my head. I'm like, damn, this is it, bro. It's over. If you don't push this linebacker built-ass kid out of the way, you're dying. I think after like 30 seconds, I found my way out. It wasn't that long.
And I wasn't one of those people that was able to open their eyes underwater So I couldn't even see where I was going But honestly though it could have been a lot worse number 10 not wearing a helmet in space I mean, come on, bro. You're just asking for it I don't even want to go to space to begin with bro Because you're not surviving up there the little thing connected to the rocket gets unhooked It's over you are a little speck of dust in this big ass universe We're in like I remember I used to be obsessed with space when I was like
Five and I wanted to be an astronaut, but I don't know just the thought of that It just turned me away from it. But shit. I mean here we are bro instead of working for nasa I guess i'm a youtuber now next we have chasing an object into incoming traffic Like I was taught since the day I was born to look both ways before crossing the street
Because nowadays, bro, people are pushing the whip down the street. So you never know. But there was one time where my dumb ass chased a basketball down the street and I almost got hit by a car. They had to slam on the brakes. I mean, all this could have been avoided if I was actually good at basketball. Number 12, drinking contaminated water.
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I've seen the whole meme about still water going around. And what that means is pretty much water that has like a shit ton of bacteria and algae in it. And all that bacteria and algae or whatever, it can be really dangerous for you.
But even just looking at Stillwater, it just looks very unsettling. Looking at a lake that looks like it hasn't moved in years. And if I jumped in, I'd probably get eaten alive by all the parasites in there. On my college campus, I had this lake that was like dirty as hell and murky. And some kid actually jumped into it. He ended up being fine, but you never know what the hell lurks in that lake. Number 13, Death from Laughter.
I'm not even kidding, this one's actually possible. Maybe if I was an old head, I could go out this way. Like, my body would be so feeble, one cough, one sneeze, one sniffle, and I already tore a muscle. Next, we have getting tangled in your bed sheets. I know that one's weird as hell, but it's very real. I had a college class and my professor said to me, "Oh yeah, by the way, you know, before you guys go off and enjoy your weekend,
0.2% of deaths actually occur by being tangled in your bedsheets. Like at this point, everything is out to get me. The whole world is against me. One move and I'm dead. I feel like at this point, even the tiniest mistake could get you killed. And after I heard that, I was just afraid to sleep. Like there was no way I was sleeping that night. And this next one isn't really dumb. It's more or less just unlucky. Number 15, getting struck by lightning. It's just a really unlucky spawn.
The odds are so low that like you probably have a better chance of winning like I don't know like 10 lottery tickets before that shit happens And the craziest part is i've seen lightning right in front of me And as soon as that shit struck in front of me my life literally flashed before my eyes, bro
We were waiting for like a passing rainstorm just sitting in the car. I was about to fall asleep. And that shit made my heart drop all the way to my fucking ass. That was definitely one of the closest calls I've ever had. If you like this video, you'll definitely like this video about the dumbest laws ever created. Just click on it.