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Sports Tierlist...

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#sports#sports and recreation#self-discovery and growth#rookie mistakes and humor#childhood games and activities#childhood games#basketball#warrior ethos People
@视频作者 :我从小就尝试过很多运动,虽然大多数都不擅长,但我还是想根据个人经验对它们进行排名。棒球是我小时候玩得最多的运动,尽管我被球击中的次数比击中球的次数多得多,而且外场也很难打,尤其是在阳光直射的情况下,但我总体上还是玩得很开心。我整个棒球生涯只打过一个本垒打,之后就退役了。因此,我将棒球排在B级,虽然有时很无聊,但也并非完全糟糕的体验。 橄榄球我从七年级开始打,但由于训练强度大,而且我并非非常认真对待,所以在二年级时退出了。虽然我作为替补球员,表现平平,但我也享受过其中的乐趣。因此,我将橄榄球也排在B级,因为我玩得很开心,也喜欢看橄榄球比赛。 高尔夫有时很无聊,需要很大的耐心,但我喜欢和朋友一起玩,也喜欢在高尔夫球场上开球车兜风。所以,我将高尔夫排在C级,它有优点,但也会很快变得无聊。 篮球我小时候打得很差,犯规多,而且球霸,但我现在仍然觉得它很有趣。虽然我曾经因为打得很差而生气,甚至在和朋友打球时也一样,但我现在仍然喜欢和朋友一起打篮球。因此,我将篮球排在A级,因为它仍然很有趣。 网球我玩了两年,但从未真正上场比赛,虽然我接受过训练,但最终还是放弃了。因此,我将网球排在C级。 足球我作为守门员表现很差,而且我们队的名字也很奇怪(Mario's Meets)。我们在第一轮就被淘汰了,之后我再也没有踢过足球。因此,我将足球排在D级。 游泳我在游泳夏令营的经历很糟糕,因为我是一个很差的游泳者,而且被分到了最低级别,只能在儿童游泳池里训练,看着别人玩得很开心。因此,我将游泳也排在D级,我不是一个好游泳者。

Deep Dive

The speaker discusses their experience playing baseball from ages 6-15. Despite getting hit by many balls and struggling in the outfield, they had a generally positive experience.
  • Played baseball from age 6 to 9th grade
  • Got hit by many baseballs
  • Played outfield and struggled to see fly balls in the sun
  • Hit one home run in 6th or 7th grade
  • Ranks baseball as B tier

Shownotes Transcript


Sports tier list. Now, I've seen a few people request this video, so I figured I would do it. I've played a lot of sports throughout my life, so I was that one kid that was garbage at like every sport I played, so I don't know how much of a sports guy I really am, but...

Fuck it. I'm gonna give it a try anyway So let's start with baseball the sport i've played most as a kid now My experience playing baseball was interesting because I feel like I got hit with more baseballs than I actually did Hit the baseball which is insane, but I was a ball magnet I was always getting hit by pitches Even if I fell on the ground and knocked out after getting hit I had to do it for my team, bro It just had to happen

And when I was on the field, all right, I would play outfield. And I couldn't even see what the hell I was doing with the sun in my face. So it was really difficult for me to catch a fly ball, especially if it gets hit directly into the sun. Like there's no way I'm seeing that. I'm just going to get beamed right in the face and I have to take my ass to the ER. But besides that, playing baseball, I had a pretty good time. I started since I was like six years old and I played all the way.

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Up until ninth grade and throughout my baseball career I have hit a total of one home run during my prime in like sixth grade seventh grade I was really cooking but that's about it I became washed but the coach barely put me in and I just quit like I was just sitting on the bench waiting for next and I unfortunately never got next

So for that i'm gonna put baseball in b tier, you know Sometimes it can just get boring as hell when you're just a sitting duck in the outfield Just waiting for a pop fly and i've been hit by too many baseballs to count But overall it wasn't that bad of an experience. But next we got the sport. I played the second most which was football

I started playing football in the seventh grade. And then I also played for a couple years in high school. And at that point, I don't know. I was just trying to have fun to play sports. Like, I was not trying to go Division I in football. Like, we already know that's not happening. And the coaches were really out here trying to prepare people to get into a D1 school. And...

I don't know. That's just not me, man. That's just not me. So I don't know. I just felt like I was at a drill sergeant training camp. So I just quit that shit in my sophomore year. And I don't know. I wasn't that serious about football either. So it's not like they needed me on the team or anything. So I was like a

third string player, bro. Like I was like their last glimpse of hope, bro. Like they would have threw my ass out there if they needed a body on the field. So yeah, I was not very needed. I didn't really do much at practice either. And if I was put out there, yeah, I would just get absolutely cooked by the starters.

They were not holding back so you can imagine what the hell I looked like when I got back from practice with all these bruises But yeah, eventually I stopped going to practice for like a whole month and nobody even realized I was gone And I was not strong either, you know before I started playing football I was built like a toothpick So, you know, it got me a little bit of gains and I really did enjoy

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Galaxy S25 Ultra, the AI companion that does the heavy lifting so you can do you. Get yours at Compatible with select apps. Reparts Google Gemini account. Results may vary based on input. Check responses for accuracy. Enjoy playing flag football because, well, I actually got to have fun playing it. So I'll put football in B tier again. I don't know. I just liked playing it for fun and I like watching football too. Like I'm keeping up with the NFL and shit. And I swear if the Chiefs win again, I'm done, bro.

I'm quitting. I'm not watching the NFL ever again. Golf. Okay, golf is just boring as hell sometimes. I'm sorry. Listen, it's fun to go out with your friends and whatever just to shoot the shit playing golf. But I don't know. I cannot take golf seriously. Because otherwise, I'm gonna suck more than I already do. Like, I'm gonna hit that shit in the water, in the woods. I don't even know. It might come back-

flying into my face. Who knows? Like I'm going to be having a par of like eight. Like it's not going to be good. You know what? I really get up there like 70, 80. Like I'm really going to mess with golf though. You got to have a lot of patience to play golf. And well, that's just something I don't have. There's no way I'm shooting 18 holes. I cannot spend the entire day on the golf course. Nine holes. I mean, that's not bad, but it still gets a little bit boring. And, uh,

Sometimes I am just not having a day, bro. Like my score is like in the 50s. Like it's not looking good. But what I will say is I love burning rubber in the golf carts. Like just hitting donuts in the middle of the golf course. And yeah, okay, I'm not hitting donuts. As much as I get an intrusive thought to do that, I'm not doing it. Golf's got some redeeming qualities, but it can also get boring quick. Just for me personally. So I'm gonna have to put it in C2.

Yeah, don't even get me started on watching golf either. I'm falling asleep in the first five minutes. And the commentators aren't exactly helping. That shit's like a ASMR, bro. Like, it's gonna put you right to sleep. Basketball. Now, I had a very short-lived basketball career. When I was a kid, you know, I was in that era of trying sports to see if I liked any and, uh...

Basketball happened to be one of them and my family members are like, oh, yeah, come on You gotta get out in the basketball court. You really kick some ass out there. You're really tall I get out there and uh, I got my ass kicked All right I was not kicking ass and every time I would like miss buckets like I would actually like start to crash out and get mad And start fouling people

and I had no reason to be fouling people like that like I was a chubby ass kid if you remember but I was somehow tall to people's standards which made no sense to me by the way but regardless I would get mad out there like sometimes I would play against my friends like they were on other teams and it didn't matter I would still get mad aggressive for no reason and for that reason well that's why I sat on the bench a lot of my basketball career you know I didn't really play wow I

wonder why. I missed every shot I would fucking crash out, even on my own friends, and I was a ball hog, so I was not playing. But yeah, I was in like third grade, so I wasn't exactly the brightest. Like I had a worse free throw percentage than Shaq. This episode is brought to you by MeUndies. Underwear drawers are like the Wild West. You never know what you're gonna pull out or what shape it's in. So upgrade your collection with the buttery soft comfort of

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Sound good? Ba-da-ba-ba-ba. I participated in restaurants for a limited time. Act like it was not looking good. But besides that one experience in third grade, you know, I had a lot of good experiences with basketball. Like, I would play in, like, just 1v1s against my friends or, like, pickup games. But last year, I actually went outside for once, and I played a pickup basketball game with, like, my friend and a bunch of his roommates, and it was fun.

I mean granted I was in like the freezing cold and I made like one shot maybe regardless though I still had a good time and honestly, I still think it's fun to this day. So yeah, fuck it We're putting basketball in a tier sometimes people sweat way too much at basketball like when it's not really that deep but

Like that one try hard at gym, like would always try to dunk on everybody, whatever. But yeah, it's really not that deep. Tennis. Now I played tennis for like two years and I had no clue what I wanted at the time. Like I was just trying every sport in the book. And I remember I had a trainer for some reason. I mean, I don't know if my parents wanted me to go pro or something, but regardless, I had a trainer and he would go over my form and shit when I was swinging the racket.

Just to make sure when I got out there on the tennis court, I was ready for what was to come. But yeah, a lot of the training session was just me working on my swing and like chasing tennis balls across the court. And you wouldn't believe after all that training, you know, it was so crazy. You wouldn't believe what I say. I became...

the best tennis player in my state for my age, bro. It was insane. Okay, I'm just fucking kidding. I didn't even step on the court. I didn't even step on the tennis court once. You really think my fat ass was gonna become the greatest tennis player in my fucking state or whatever it was? Okay, that was not happening.

All right, i'm putting tennis in like c tier. It was all right nowadays I don't keep up that much with tennis. So I really don't know that much about it after all that training I did I just decided you know what? I want to move on to soccer. Yes. I wanted to play soccer now Like I don't know how many damn

phases I was going through here, but you know, we were moving on regardless. But yeah, when I was playing soccer, okay, I'm sorry. I'm going to call it soccer. I'm from the US. You know what? Regardless, people are going to be on my ass anyway. So I was playing soccer. I played like one fall and I was the goalie and I had the soccer skills of fucking...

Greg Hefley, bro. Like I was out there picking dandelions on the field. Like I was not him, bro. I was just trash. And we were quite the squadron, I must say. Our team name was absolutely glorious. We were named after our local meat shop, which is crazy, by the way. And we were called, I don't know, I'll just give a fake name.

Mario's Meets. I don't know how we would explain this to people that heard us in the distance. Like, Mario's Meets on three. One, two, three. Mario's Meets. Yeah, that just sounds insane out of context. No ditty.

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We were a team, for sure. When it came time for the finals, we lost in the first round. So we were the worst out of all the teams. I was like picking dandelions as the goalie. One kid was like picking his nose. And another kid was in absolute sweat and had the entire team on his back. And you know what? It sucks that we all sunk the entire Mario meat ship.

And just like that the season was over and I never played soccer again Because the reason why I was even signed up for the first place I told my parents I wanted to play soccer and I meant like in the backyard And then the next day they tell me we signed you up for soccer, which is crazy I I don't even know how that even happened, but regardless it happened But i'm very sorry to everybody who likes soccer or football whatever you want to call it. It's going in d tier

It was just not for me, bro. I was just complete ass at it. And even nowadays, my friends still want to play me in soccer, and I'm out here getting megged still. Swimming. Now in the fourth grade, my stupid ass decided to go to a swim camp. I don't know why. My brother went to a flag football camp, and there I was at swim camp.

I was an absolute dogshit swimmer. I took swim lessons, like, for a couple years, but... But these other people at the camps were, like, dedicated to actually becoming a swimmer. And when it came time for the swim test, I got the lowest level. So, I was put on...

the orange team. And now for the orange team, during the spare time that we were supposed to be having fun, like going down water slides, swimming in the deep end, whatever, we didn't get to do that. All we got to do was train for swimming more, which was sad. And I was pissed, bro. I was mad when I got home. And that was just insane gatekeeping. Like, I don't

know how the hell I just sat there and let this slide for the entire week. And then for the next week, I finally was able to do the test again and go up to the next level. But still, that was one painful ass week just sitting there watching everybody else have fun. And then you're just stuck in like the kiddie pool doing swim lessons. It was like

Me and two other people and people from other camps like my brother's flag football camp or whatever it was Everybody was there. So it was just very embarrassing and that day forward I'm, like, you know what? I'm, just gonna accept the fact that i'm not a good swimmer and i'm just gonna move on But yeah swimming is going in d tier again I'm, sorry to all my swimmers out there if you throw my ass in the pool I will not be the next michael phelps. I'm definitely gonna drown