cover of episode Scams That Should Be Illegal (Part 2)

Scams That Should Be Illegal (Part 2)

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#true crime#cybersecurity#consumer behavior#ai chatbot impact People
我经常遇到各种诈骗,金额从几十美元到几千美元不等。最近我被meme币骗了,Hawk 2币就是一个典型的'拉高出货'骗局,投资meme币就像赌博,风险极高。 我曾经在商场被香水推销员高价推销香水,花了300美元买了一瓶劣质香水。商场推销员的推销手段五花八门,有的会用侮辱性的言语,有的会用拍照勒索钱财。 我经常接到科技支持诈骗电话,对方谎称我的电脑需要升级,并试图骗取我的信用卡信息。我父亲教过我,如果接到诈骗电话,要么立即挂断,要么就浪费骗子的时间。 Honey软件扩展程序是一个骗局,它通过修改链接窃取佣金,并以此获利多年。Established Titles公司销售的苏格兰土地所有权也是一个骗局,他们声称购买者拥有土地所有权,但实际上并非如此。 '你所在地区的单身妈妈/当地单身人士'之类的广告通常是恶意软件的来源,点击这些广告会使你的电脑感染恶意软件。我经常收到伪装成亚马逊或赞助商的钓鱼邮件,这些邮件试图诱导我点击恶意链接。 游乐园等场所的商品价格被严重高估,例如一瓶水要价8美元,鸡块薯条要价20美元,但质量却很差。 人工智能正在被用于制作越来越逼真的诈骗视频,随着AI技术的发展,这种诈骗手段会越来越难以防范。

Deep Dive

This chapter recounts personal anecdotes of scams, including a costly cologne purchase from a mall salesman and encounters with aggressive street photographers. It highlights the financial and emotional impact of these deceptive practices.
  • Expensive cologne purchase from mall salesman
  • Aggressive street photographers demanding payment for unwanted photos
  • Mall salesmen insulting customers' appearance

Shownotes Transcript


scams all right you know every once in a while you will get scammed and it's unfortunate but that's just how things are gonna go but sometimes you get scammed out of like 20 bucks which is not a crazy big deal but then sometimes you get scammed out of like a thousand dollars which is insane it's crazy some people really hit a punch made dev level finesse on my ass

And I just have to sit there and deal with it. I didn't really have that much of a choice, to be honest with you. But let's start with meme coins. Alright, I figured that's the most recent example. I figured I would cover it. A lot of people just love starting meme coins. For whatever reason, it's just been the trend nowadays. The HawkTourGirl decided to start her very own meme coin.

That was just a pump and dump. She left for like two weeks and then came back and responded. I don't know. I didn't really look into the situation that much. But regardless, who is buying a coin called Hawk 2?

to a coin like bro what are you doing with your money you are quite literally throwing that in a fire pit there's no way you look at hawk to a coin and you're like just hold on guys we got it we're gonna get rich together through the power of hawk to a coin like shut the hell up dude hawk to a coin is crazy but i've heard of some people making the quick if fashion is your thing ebay is it

eBay's where I find all my favorites, from handbags to iconic streetwear, all authenticated. For real. This time, a little Supreme, some Gucci. I even have that vintage Prada on my watch list. That's why eBay's my go-to for all my go-tos. Yeah, eBay. The place for new, pre-loved, vintage, and rare fashion. eBay. Things people love. ♪

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He's bag of their life off of meme coin. Some people have made life-changing bags on that shit. I'm never doing that because at that point it's like a form of gambling like that shit's gonna plummet quicker than I don't know the hawk to a meme I guess. And before you know it you will have negative cheese in your account if you decided to throw all your money in meme coins and just hope for the best. They act like they're that dude in the meme digging for diamonds. Bro that's not you! Your ass is gonna be left with an empty bank account if you keep buying shit like

Hawk to a koi because 99% of gamblers give up before their first win. Am I right guys? It's just right there, man. You're so close All right. Now we got to talk about those mall salesmen. Holy shit. It actually pisses me off I don't know how many times people have gone up to me Hey, you want to smell this cologne then they all of a sudden they start fucking assaulting me with their cologne like jesus christ, dude Like relax, okay, they did not actually assault me They just kept fucking spraying it over and over again Just so the smell would hit my nostrils and i'd be like, you know what?

Yeah, I gotta buy your cologne. How much is it? 300 bucks. Are you fucking kidding me? $300 for your shitty ass mall cologne. Like, come on, bro. Like, what do you think this is, bro? I'm not paying 300 bucks for cologne. I did. It's based on a true story. Yes, I spent $300 on cologne. And that was a life lesson for me, bro. I'm not buying from those shitty mall salesmen again. Or sometimes they'll literally insult you.

Like one time my brother and my friend were literally walking up to a store at the mall. And this fucking mall salesman guy's over here like, Your shoes look dirty, bro. You need somebody to clean them? Like no! He does not need somebody to clean his shoes. Jesus. I mean, fair point. They were a little bit beat. But motherfuckers.

Mall cleaning services are not going to get those shoes sparkling brand new again. That's just not happening. Or there'll be people that like ask you to take a picture on the street and they're like, oh, I'll give you the picture for 25 bucks. I don't even get to see the picture yet. Like, what do you mean? And literally as me, my brother and my friend were walking, he just kept snapping pictures of us. He was like, oh yeah, you guys look like movie stars right now. Like,

What? Like I was wearing a Nike t-shirt with jeans, but I am the furthest from a movie star. And when I went to New York, I saw people like trying to flick up with somebody as a mascot. And I was like, why the fuck is Spider-Man out on the street, bro? Is that NPC Miles out there? What is he doing? You just had to pay. Make your next move with American Express Business Platinum. You'll get five times membership rewards points on flights and prepaid hotels booked on

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pay for the picture even though you didn't even want the damn picture in the first place they just start going up to random people and taking the damn pictures it's different if you ask for the picture and you actually want the service but going up to random people and taking pictures with them is crazy but people will do it for a bag next we got tech support scam slash scam callers i get calls all the time that are just from the most random numbers ever and sometimes i pick up the

phone because why not because when I'm expecting an important phone call I have to pick it up to make sure it's not those people trying to call me so I answer hello I as this birdie yes me why I was calling cuz you do for a new upgrade on your computer and I was just gonna tell you that

Yeah, I've never hung up a phone so fast in my life. Seriously, I don't know how many times I've gotten a call from somebody from a completely distant country claiming that I was due for an upgrade and they just needed the little three digits on the back of my credit card. And they could get that shit done for me right away. And my dad once told me if you ever pick up the phone and it happens to be a scammer, either hang up right away or just waste their time. You could tell them you're going blind and you're like 80 years old and you're struggling to read your card number.

And you got to read it like seven times. My bad, man. What is like an old gentleman type of name? You could tell them your name's Arthur or something. That sounds like a very sophisticated name. But now we got to talk about a scam that has been exposed most recently. Honey. Now, Honey was this software extension where pretty much you put it on your computer, download it.

And apparently you can get all the discounts in the world. They'll give you every f*cking discount known to man. They got you. They're just a plug like that. And Honey was claiming this for years and a lot of YouTubers ended up being sponsored by them. PayPal bought them for like, I don't even know how much money, a crazy amount of money. And I don't know if they were doing this the whole time, but what they were doing is every time somebody would use like an affiliate link, instead of the profits going to that person,

It went to Honey because apparently when you clicked a little pop-up from Honey, it just literally finessed their commission. And it like changed the URL a little bit. So this way PayPal would be taking the commission. And they got away with this for years until a bunch of people finally started to notice. It slowly started picking up steam on Reddit and then a bunch of big YouTubers covered it.

And after that, it just went crazy. And another like scammy sponsorship I could think of was like established titles. It was like you buy a piece of land in Scotland or some shit. It was so stupid. It's like you own one square foot of land in the middle of fucking Scotland.

And I kid you not, I guess they had a commercial during a football game once saying that "established titles will make a great Christmas gift" and my entire family was talking about it and like how cool it was. Like what do you even do with your little piece of land? What do you go visit it? Like oh yeah, here's my piece of land. Fun fact, thanks to established titles, I actually own the land. But you didn't! You never own the land! Like it was something to do with like Scottish law like that you didn't actually own it. Alright.

It was a long story, but I'm not gonna get too deep into it. But yeah, I really need to be careful with sponsorships because one of these days I'm gonna end up taking a sponsorship with a company that's doing shady behind the scenes. Next, we got single moms in your area or like local singles in your area, whatever the fuck. You see this type of shit everywhere. Like sometimes when I'm on the most random website, like a YouTube video downloader, I'll see some shit like local singles in your area. We got MILFs, GILFs, and even DILFs if you're into that. Like what?

the fuck yeah hold on crazy pause there especially on the dilfs that's crazy but it's like they know my act the single all right i keep getting thrown these ads left and right it will say that these girls are in my hometown just right now ready to date all right and i just gotta slide on them bro and now i don't know what happens when you click on one of these i never wanted to find out if you meet anybody on there you'll meet some dude on there with a

beer belly by the name of Daryl. And he will be posted up just waiting eager for the date. And of course this site will just give you a bunch of

malware on your computer and your computer will forever run at the speed of a potato and it's just not gonna work the same again. Speaking of downloading malware and shit like that, we got phishing emails. Somebody could email you claiming that you won a prize. You won a free gift card and this is Amazon themselves emailing you. I get emails like this all the fucking time. And it's like you have been picked as one of the 500 winners of

A $50 amazon gift card and the username will be something like shady as hell But they will claim to be amazon and clearly they're not fucking amazon Like I can see right through that shit Like you could have one brain cell and see right through it or sometimes people will email me Pretending to be sponsors and be like yeah, so we work with fiji and uh, they actually want to work with you You know, they really love your content and I was reading that shit. I'm like fiji the water brain I'm, like what the fuck?

Why the hell would they want to work with Birdie out of all people? And they don't even do YouTube sponsorships either. And the day I get sponsored by Fiji, that is the day I will truly know that I made it. All right, next we have concession stands. Now, I have never seen something taxed so much in my entire life. Like, for example, you could go to the grocery store and buy a case of waters for like $7, right? Or one singular water for $2. If you go to like Disney World or some sh**,

They're gonna be charging you like eight bucks for a single water. Like what the fuck? I don't even think I talked about it in my last video about scams. Seriously, how did I not talk about this? Or if you go buy like some mid-ass food, that shit's gonna be like $20 for chicken tenders and fries that are garbage. Like that shit could not be 20 bucks. One time me, my brother, and one of my friends are like, yeah, bro, we gotta hit this spot.

Bro, this giving me like the vibes of an old burger joint and it was in a universal park and the burger tasted like a fucking Tire there was no juice to the meat. Okay, what the okay? But seriously though the burger was dry as hell and the bun tasted like cardboard and of course my dumbass was the one that Suggested we go there and for the rest of that day. I was getting roasted ai scams Now ai can give you a lot of things maybe some things that you weren't expecting like, uh

Ninja low taper fade parody. Or like the most cursed images I've ever seen. Like look at this couch that looks like Spongebob. That shit is cursed as hell. What am I even looking at right now? But there's a lot of people that are creating scams with AI. A lot of people are creating deep fake videos claiming to be a certain person. And when AI develops, that shit's just gonna continue to get more realistic. And scammers are gonna continue to use AI to try to convince people that it's the real whoever it is. I don't know.

The fact that AI has progressed so much since 2023 is scaring me. Like some people like Quebble Cop, for example, are running their YouTube channels with strictly AI. Like how the hell do you do that? Sneaking under leaves, it's stealth mode me. Aha, pretty flowers, gonna make a fancy bouquet. But of course, with the rise of AI, yeah, a lot of people are gonna use it for scamming or to deceive people. That's just part of it. Even though ChatGBT can slide you the answers, it's a double-edged sword. But if you like this video...

Watch the part one video on scams. Just click on it.