Roommates. The biggest hit or miss ever. Whoever it is out there in this universe that eventually ends up being your roommate, you gotta hope by some miracle that you're able to live together. Like, for example, my roommate keeps his room a fucking biohazard. Obviously, I'm gonna want him to clean that shit. If it's looking like Asmongold's room, bro, it's time to get the vacuum and clean it up.
No more excuses and a lot of people's first experience with roommates is when they go off to college And well that was mine, too And I didn't really get bad roommates per se, you know, it was just sometimes living with other people It bothered me. All right, you know everybody's on like different schedules and i'm that one person that's always up super late working You know, that's me but some of my roommates went to bed at like 10 p.m So obviously that was not gonna work out for me I was gonna have to just grind my schoolwork in the dark
And to be honest with you, I don't blame them. They had to get up mad early. But me? I was able to sleep till like 10 or 11 on some days. And of course, since I wasn't even able to pick my schedule my first semester. So a few of the days throughout the week, I had an 8 a.m. class in the morning. And if you're a college student, you know 8 a.m. classes are garbage. Unless you're really up that early in the morning.
Some of my roommates had to get up at 6 a.m., like I said. And there was four of us in this room, including my brother. So I was just waking up to alarms left and right before I even had to get up. And one of my roommates, his alarm sounded like a fucking fire alarm was going off. It was just absolutely-
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Totally scare the lights out of me every morning. My alarms like the iPhone radar noise and that already pisses me off to begin with like I want to smash my phone with a hammer every time I hear it and I was not getting quality rest either. It's not like I was sleeping on a soft Tempur-pedic memory foam mattress. No, I was sleeping on a mattress or what felt to be a stone's
lab. The mattress was old as hell, just completely worn out. That shit's clearly seen better days. And my school was not cheap at all, bro. It was an arm and a leg for tuition. And I had to pay even more on top of that for room and board. My parents told me I had to enjoy the college experience, but honestly, I could have went without that part.
Now on the first day I was there, you know, my roommate met this girl obviously and uh, they were together like the entire time I was rooming with him, which was for like a year and sometimes yeah, it kind of just made shit awkward the fact that we didn't have our own space like we were just all in the same space because sometimes I would hear them arguing or when I was trying to sleep like I'd hear them talking about some random bullshit. I don't know
Or they'd like watch a movie or something and the TV light was just blaring in my face. And yeah, sometimes I'd walk into the room and yeah, they would just be making out. It was very awkward. Like it just made shit worse that we didn't have our own space. Like that was just bound to happen.
It was just gonna cause a bunch of awkward moments. And, uh, you know, sometimes when I wasn't looking, yeah, sometimes they would make out when I was present in the room. And I'm like, alright, bro, I gotta get the hell out of here. This is just awkward as shit. So I'll just book it out of the room and go get food or something. And by the time the end of the year hit, I just decided I'm just gonna live at home.
Especially if I have to record videos. Imagine recording videos in a dorm. Like, that's just awkward, bro. A bunch of people can hear. The walls are so thin. Like, it would have just sounded like I was like a deranged lunatic just talking to myself about stupid-ass stories I experienced. Or whatever else I was talking about at that point.
Like, I would've been whispering into the mic and sh- I would've sounded like I was like the next up-and-coming ASMR creator. Like, it would not have been good. You know, I was trying my hardest not to be a nuisance for my roommates. So it could at least be a somewhat decent living experience. But of course, unluckily for me, all of
three of my roommates were messy, including my brother. And of course, I would have to do a lot of the cleaning. The trash would just be straight up overflowing sometimes, and more trash would end up on the floor than the actual trash can. Okay, it wasn't that bad. I'm just glad we did not have a kitchen in our room. Thank God. Otherwise,
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LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. As my ass would have been the one stuck doing dishes. That's just what was gonna happen. 'Cause I don't know, just living in a messy space just pisses me off. I don't know why. I like everything to be somewhat clean. I would have to vacuum the damn floors and shit when no one else was in the room. Like we all each had our individual corners of the room. And of course my brother, the duck, does not give a fuck about his room being messy. So obviously his corner of the room was gonna be really messy.
A huge pile of dirty clothes on the floor, crumbs scattered everywhere. And as twin brothers, I mean, we literally agree on everything. Except this. But obviously when I tell his ass he's gotta step up and clean, he'll help me clean. He just doesn't care about living in a messy environment.
And while speaking of a messy environment, you know, we basically had a bunch of bugs and shit living in the room with us. Like we had ants. We had a whole hornet's nest I didn't even know about. Like they were just staying there rent free. It was like every time I'd get back from class, I'd see like a bunch of dead hornets on the windowsill. And I was like, what the hell is going on, bro?
So I put in a work order because well, I cannot live with hornets. Like I'm not trying to go to sleep at night and just have a million hornet stings when I wake up. But thankfully that did not happen. After like a week, they finally pulled up and got rid of the hornet's nest. So yeah, just living in a college dorm in general is fucking shit.
I mean, it's not even my roommate's fault, to be honest. Like, the living experience was just garbage. It was just mad awkward not having our own space. And we had to share a bathroom with the entire floor, which was just so stupid. Like, it was just bound to be a mess. There was bound to be puke in the showers, boogers on the stall or whatever. And there was a bunch of hair in the sinks, too, and the shower drains. I'm like, all right, bro, like,
The janitor is not getting paid enough to clean this sh- This is bad. And sometimes the trash was just overflowing in the bathroom too. Because people just decided instead of throwing out all their takeout boxes in their own rooms, they just used the bathroom as a trash station.
And even just the amount of awkward experiences I've had when people try to talk to me while I'm like taking a sh*t or in the shower is just unbearable. So I would have to just try to go when nobody else is there. Honestly, my roommates weren't that bad, but nah, my floor mates were absolutely terrible. Now see, most people on my floor were chill, but I had some people that just really pissed me off. I genuinely don't know how this happened,
Or actually, I do know how this happened. He was drunk as hell. But one time at three in the morning, this drunk kid put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. He just let this bag of popcorn catch fire. Like he just completely forgot about it. So yeah, the microwaves are like really janky and old. And like when you did it, you had to set it to like 30 minutes every single time.
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February 14th at 8 p.m. Eastern. Catch it live on Peacock. I'm like, you didn't have a choice. So you'd have to keep an eye on whatever it was in the microwave. And you know, you really don't need that many brain cells operating to remember that. But clearly this kid was not on Earth with us. He was on another planet. He just let this bag of popcorn catch fire. The fire alarm went off. And at first I thought it was my roommate's Amber Alert ass alarm. And I'm like, already? Jesus. And I checked the time and I'm like, it's three in the morning. What is happening right now?
And then all delirious, I realize it's the fire alarm. Every single kid in that building got their sleep interrupted because some kid decided to put popcorn in the microwave and forget about it. And at this point, we were in like January, so it was freezing cold out and everybody was confused at what just happened.
And eventually I found out because like some kids were just talking about it in class. Now, some people on my floor were wannabe TikTokers. All right. They wanted to be the next up and coming TikTok stars. And there happened to be this trend where people would knock on doors and play the song called Die Young by Kesha. And they would play the song on a boom box. And right when it said, I hear your heartbeat to the beat of the drums, however it goes, they just start banging on the door. And I was like,
Like what just happened? Like did somebody just get assaulted outside of my dorm room? Like I was trying to speed run work that was due tomorrow. And out of nowhere, I just heard this excessive banging on my door. And I'm just going to assume that it was the same people, probably, that left an empty box of waffles at my door.
followed by a note that reads, you deserve this. We love you guys. I was just like, okay, this has got to be like some alternate timeline. This has got to be like a fever dream. Like this whole year that happened in my life did not feel like a real event that transpired. And a lot of my floor mates loved blasting music at like seven in the morning. I don't know why. I don't know why they had to put music on at 7am, but they did.
One of my roommates was blasting Dubbed by Yeet at 7 in the morning, and you know what? I was hyped that day. That shit got me up. You know what? That was a good start to the day. I'm getting up. But sometimes I'd hear country music, and I'm like, alright, bro, just turn that shit off ASAP. You know, if you like country music, that's all you, bro. That's just personally not me. I'm not trying to hear about tractors and...
Wagons at 7:00 in the morning and you know for the most part it was manageable It would annoy me a little bit except for this one time So this kid on our floor invited somebody from another school and him and this other kid went through our floor and a bunch of other people's floors to see if their doors were unlocked to try to hit a lick on random shit just lying around in people's rooms and Usually we did not keep our door locked
Which was really bad. Like, I don't know how the hell we survived. And these two kids just bursted the door down. And luckily, my roommate and his girlfriend were there. Otherwise, all our shit would have got finessed. And they were about to go take something off my desk. And they were like, yo, what are you doing here? And then they just dipped out of the room. And the door was locked for the rest of that night. I just decided, you know what? I have shit to do in the morning. I don't want bro to attempt that shit again. I'm going home.
And my roommate said he was holding down the fort for that night. And they ended up stealing other people's shit because they weren't in their room at all. And the door was open. And they ended up taking a bunch of stuff. So the school obviously made a big deal about all of this. And whoever it was, the kid that was stealing shit was about to get expelled. So they had to call all...
all of us as like witnesses. And they asked us about the situation because he was one of the only people that ended up seeing the kid trying to steal stuff. And what happened was we got called down to the main office and like one of the deans of our school was talking to us and basically asked us what happened in a nutshell. And we just explained it to him. And then he asked my roommate what the kid looked like. And I guess he gave like a brief description of him.
And you know now I think about it I think I kind of knew who the kid was like i've seen him before but I didn't know him by name and after he talked to us in a few more groups Eventually, he found out who the kid was and his ass got expelled deservingly as for my roommates and other floor mates They were fine You know, it wasn't the end of the world except for that dude that tried to steal shit If you enjoyed this video watch this one on the end screen about just college in general. Just click on it