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How My School Found My Youtube Channel...

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#personal learning experiences#youtube content strategy#education#personal growth and self-discovery#social media phenomena#college life#managing fame#career pathways#high school traditions People
@主播 :成为YouTuber的经历有其两面性,既有收获也有令人尴尬的时刻。起初,我的YouTube频道只有少数朋友知道,内容也比较粗糙。后来,我的视频意外在TikTok上爆火,导致学校里很多人,包括老师和同学,都知道了我的频道。这让我感到既兴奋又尴尬,因为我并不想在学校被YouTube用户名称呼,也不想被别人评头论足。在职业规划课上,我分享了自己想成为YouTuber或编辑的职业规划,结果遭到老师和同学的嘲笑,他们认为视频编辑的薪水很低,这让我一度怀疑自己能否成功。后来,我加入了兄弟会,他们也发现了我的YouTube频道,并在面试中观看了我的视频。虽然我最终被兄弟会拒绝,但这可能是一件好事,因为这让我能够继续专注于我的YouTube频道,并最终取得了成功。总的来说,我的学校发现我的YouTube频道是一段既充满挑战又充满乐趣的经历,它让我更加了解自己,也让我更加坚定了自己的职业目标。

Deep Dive

The speaker discusses the initial stages of their YouTube career, the surprise when their high school and college communities discovered their channel, and how it impacted their life. The unexpected virality of a TikTok video significantly increased their channel's visibility.
  • Initial reaction to the YouTuber's channel discovery was a mix of surprise and awkwardness.
  • A viral TikTok video led to a significant increase in subscribers.
  • The speaker initially worried about negative consequences from their school finding out about their channel.

Shownotes Transcript


Being a YouTuber. Now, being a YouTuber has its ups and downs, of course. And a lot of people, when they first heard about me and my channel, they thought I was like this famous big shot that they're gonna start rolling out the red carpets for my ass. But that is not the case. I am nowhere near this big baller celebrity level status, okay? I'm the biggest hermit on planet Earth. My life is just boring as hell, bro. I just wake up...

Work, go to the gym, do more work. And once in a blue moon, I'll actually hang out with friends. And there it is. What a crazy day in the life. I'm sure everybody is so invested. But I guess my high school and my college were very invested what I did on YouTube. And don't get me wrong, that's not a bad thing at all. It's just a bit awkward. Because nobody wants to walk into the school and get called by their YouTube username. Yo, boo!

Yo, oh my god. Guys, it's really him. They wouldn't do all that, but you get the point. I didn't have this channel when I was in high school yet, but I had a channel with like... I think I had like 50k subs at the time. It was on a different channel. But imagine if your channel username was something embarrassing, like...

Who would want to get called that in front of everybody? That's just negative aura. Yo, I love goth chicks 57. What's up, man? How we doing today? Like it's like getting called by your fucking Xbox gamer tag at this point. So I had this channel beginning in 2020 and you know, I was so nervous about people finding out

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about it. Because if people found out, it was like the end of the world to me. It was over. So I was a complete noob at YouTube. I had no idea what I was doing. And in the most disrespectful way possible, my content was terrible. And I ended off 2020 with like 4,000 subscribers. And at this point, only like my closest friends knew about this channel of mine.

Because, well, if I told anybody else, my ass would have got roasted. That's what was going to happen. Because every time other people's channels have gotten found out by the school or whatever, they just got roasted. That was it. It was over. And there was like 2,000 people at my school. So that shit could spread like wildfire. But you know how like Instagram like suggests people to follow? That's how like the first group of people started to find out. And then they started telling people.

And then my friends also started telling people and which I didn't really care that much to be honest I just didn't want to get roasted or I didn't want people to come up to me and be like yo, oh my god, bro That's you but yeah, shout out to my friends man. They were like putting other people onto my channel

that they were friends with. And now 2021 begins and I start getting a little bit of traction, okay? And now in like February, I've reached like 20,000 subscribers at this point. And all I cared about, bro, was YouTube. I didn't even want to go to school. Like there was an option for hybrid and I just wanted to do that. So this way I had more time to work on videos. And what I decided to do to grow my channel even further was use TikTok to my advantage. And that I did. And this is when a lot of people found out about it.

Every day people came up to me and be like, yo, bro, I saw you on the For You page. That shit was crazy. And the video that hit For You page ended up getting like 2 million views. And it's crazy because videos on TikTok literally just get thrown on the For You page for no fucking reason. Or, well, I mean, it got good watch time. So I guess that's why. And people thought I was spitting facts in the video. So they were just liking it up, whatever. And my friends were like telling teachers now. I'm like, damn, bro. Telling teachers is kind of crazy. But regardless, I appreciate it though.

I know they were proud of me, but I didn't exactly want my teachers looking up my channel. And the craziest part is I was that one kid that didn't even say a thing in school, bro. That was me. And nobody knew who the hell I was to begin with, but people started finding out who I was very quickly after this. And I used to play football, right? So the entire football team also knew this information. So you could just imagine how quickly that shit spread. People were messaging me on Snapchat. And now my brother also started up a YouTube channel too. And his

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was doing well and he still played football at the time and when he arrived to practice people were like gassing up the channel like crazy and even like the coaches were saying that he was a youtube star and even one of my teachers asked me about my channel and i was just talking about it with him the entire class this is the year after well 2020 so there was like six people in class but still you know what i mean it's a little bit awkward and of course as they say the

The crazy level of fame comes with the cost guys, you know, like I was just on top of the shit, man It's it's lonely at the top over here. Okay. I was not at the f***ing top I was like a z-list celebrity. There was not a soul that would just look at me in real life and be like, oh, yeah I know who that guy is. But seriously though i'd rather it be that way So this way I don't need goddamn security guards to go buy eggs at the grocery store There were a few times where I did get clowned now at this time I was working at a grocery store

I was not getting paid enough by YouTube. And this kid went up to me and at the register was just like kind of saying it like really loud. He was like, yo, oh my God, it's Bernie. Holy shit. Yo, bro. Like, can I have your autograph, bro? I can't believe it's really you. Like he was just messing with me and it was tough because like shit, it was literally in front of all my coworkers and in front of just

at the store as well. Like imagine you're waiting in line to purchase groceries and all of a sudden the cashier is getting called by what seems to be like a gamer tag ass name. I would be leaving the grocery store. I would just say fuck the groceries at this point. It's not worth it. And I was embarrassed as hell. Like I just went red as shit and a bunch of people were looking at me.

And then some of my coworkers went up to me after the fact. They were like, oh shit, you have a YouTube? I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing if people know about my channel because like I don't want some random NPC from high school to be like, yo bro, were you talking shit about me in a video? To be fair, I was the damn NPC in high school. What the f-

am I talking about? So that happened. And then it came time for people to talk about what they wanted to do for a career. It was before the career fair and everybody was thinking about where they wanted to go to college. Ooh, so exciting. I was just absolutely thrilled and ready to just share with the class what I wanted to do for a career.

You know, people were getting up there. They were like, oh my God, I want to be a doctor. Yeah, I don't know, man. I'm thinking about being a lawyer. Gee with the girls. I want to be an accountant. And then I get up there and I'm like, yeah, I want to either be a YouTuber or an editor. So I sounded really stupid and everybody was looking at me. Like I said, I wanted to be the next biggest OnlyFans mod.

Pause. Holy shit. You know, I'm keeping that shit in the video. I don't care. And then my teacher starts roasting me. He's like, bro, editors make like 30k a year. You know that? And like, who knows if you're ever going to make it on YouTube. And he asked me like what specific type of editing I was going to do. I had no clue. So I just told this.

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Dude, I had no idea. And then the class just started laughing at my ass. And this dude, I kid you not, pulls up the salary of a video editor on the projector. And they're like, huh, well, according to, this is how much a video editor makes. It was just that teacher that just wanted to make the class laugh so bad. Like that was the type of dude we were dealing with here. And of course, people started like whispering to each other about my channel and shit. And I didn't want to say shit. I just wanted the embarrassment to end. That's all I wanted.

Bro, I never wanted to jump off of a cliff more in my entire life like like uh cliff diving in a body of water youtube Right. I love cats and dogs guys. Uh, what are your thoughts on dogs? And now that we're hopefully monetized, you know I sat back down in my seat in shame and I was just like damn bro Like am I ever gonna make it on youtube? Like I was really contemplating life at this point

Genuinely, I did not feel like I would make it doing anything else. Like, dude, I can't even flip a goddamn burger correctly. And you know, of course, after that, I got my diploma. I graduated somehow. And I went to college. And at this point, it's 2022, alright? You know, I gotta rush a frat, man. I gotta be the coolest guy on planet Earth. I thought the moment you joined a frat and you've just turned your hat backwards...

Boom, 10 out of 10 girls just start spawning in everywhere you look. And of course, when I had to rush this frat, they found out more about me. So that means they had to find out about my channel. And I was late 2022. So I just started birdie at this point. Now I saw a flyer that the frat was holding a meeting. And I really thought to myself, I'm going to make friends the moment I join a frat.

Do not think like this. Do not do that. All right, do not do some bullshit you don't want to do just because you want to make friends. I was not the type to go to like these big ass parties at all. I don't even know why the hell I even bothered. I don't know. So I was selected to be a part of the frat and I was so excited. I was like, oh my god, I'm gonna get in guys. And there were two more things I had to do. Well, one, I was able to turn the hell up at a frat party.

That was mid as shit to be honest with you. And two, I had to go through an interview process where they found out more about me. And the day after the party, I woke up and I realized today is the big day. I had to get on a suit and tie, bro. I was looking quite dapper. I walk into the function and the entire frat of like a hundred people is just sitting there in a chair, just waiting for me to embarrass myself. Now the interview part, I'm gonna save that for the other video. You know, that's not important right now.

What is important is they asked me like what I do outside of college and what was my biggest achievement in life at this point. And I lied my ass off for a second. I was like, oh, it was my outstanding 3.5 GPA. If you don't shut the

Clearly, it was not my damn GPA considering I dropped out a year later. Okay, don't get me wrong. That's a great achievement. But point being, I was just capping my ass off like crazy. I sounded like such a cornball. But eventually, they asked later what I did outside of college. I just said it very vaguely because I knew at this point I have to give the YouTube answer. I don't have a choice. Because what the f*** else did I do outside of college at this point? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I told them, you know, I was working on a little business and they were like, oh, what kind of business? I'm like, oh, fuck. Here we go. I was like, uh, I run a YouTube channel. And they were like, what? Bro, bro, really? And then like the whole room just started like talking amongst each other. They're like, bro, we need to see the channel, bro. Like, can you pull it up for us? And there it was on the projector. My Microsoft paint bird.

I think I had like 10 to 20k subs at the time. I don't know. And of course they were like, yo bro, you gotta play us a video bro. Like just at least like 10 seconds of a video just to see what it's all about. And there it was on the projector getting high when you wake up. Have y'all ever waked in bait before? You know, when you wake up, you just get fucking high as soon as you wake up. Words of wisdom. I truly can't believe it.

I was clearly off some kind of gas when I was recording that shit. What the hell? That was my channel trailer. They wanted to see it and they watched it. Well, not all of it. Thank God. That would have been hell of an awkward three and a half minutes right there. And when I was done playing the video, they just started gassing me the...

They're like, oh my god, bro. I can't believe you have a youtube bro. That's crazy. You're like internet famous Yeah, I was not internet famous dog. I had like 10k subs, you know I wore a backwards hat to the interview But the backwards hat magic could not save me from getting rejected from this damn frat even through all the trials and tribulations I got rejected and you know what bro? I'm glad I got rejected. Otherwise my channel would have never grew. I would have stopped doing it

I was like very inconsistent with posting around that time. And I would have been some dude's bitch for like 12 weeks. So maybe it was a good thing that I got rejected. But if you want more stories to watch, watch this video about the worst childhood punishments I went through. Just click on it.