cover of episode Fanbases Ruined By The Internet...

Fanbases Ruined By The Internet...

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主持人:互联网粉丝文化存在诸多问题,部分粉丝行为极端,对作品、创作者进行过度解读和攻击,甚至造成人身伤害和名誉损害。例如,Bluey粉丝对剧中情节过度解读并试图抵制;Playboi Carti粉丝高价倒卖音乐录影带道具;Cardi B粉丝追逐其车队;Taylor Swift粉丝过度关注其私生活并对批评者进行人身攻击;Digital Circus粉丝群体被低俗内容农场破坏;Roblox玩家存在网络约会和制作低俗视频等行为;Rick and Morty粉丝自诩高智商并攻击女性编剧;Sonic粉丝创作低俗作品并对游戏版本进行无意义争论;FNAF粉丝行为极端,导致游戏原作者退出;Apple粉丝盲目追捧苹果产品;Genshin Impact粉丝沉迷游戏角色。这些行为严重破坏了粉丝群体整体的体验,也对创作者和作品造成了负面影响。

Deep Dive


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Stans on the internet. These are some of the most diabolical humans to ever exist. They just worship whatever they like to another level and it just ruins the fanbase for everyone. Like how hard is it not to be weird in a fanbase? But leave it to the internet to make it hella difficult. *cough* Cardi stans *cough* But anyway, we'll first start with Bluey. Now Bluey is a kids show, it's like, I don't know if it's comparable to Cocomelon. I think it's probably like a step above Cocomelon.

But there was one episode that some of these stans got pissed off about, and they tried to cancel the show on Twitter and TikTok over an episode where the dad was trying to lose weight. Like, are we serious? It's an animated character. Why do you care so much? I don't know who else is thinking about this besides your average Twitter user. They just literally overthink everything at this point. But it's really not that deep. It's a kid's show. Like, I don't even think

anyone thought twice about this? Like all the little Timmy's watching this like, Ooh, color. Like no, no way they thought about this.


Like what do we think the eight-year-olds of the world are studying the political and economic state of the world? Like are we serious? And now next up we got opium fans. Yeah, it's a crazy transition. I'm not gonna lie. But like I said earlier, Cardi stans are a whole new level of crazy.

So OPM was a label made by Playboi Carti. He has a few artists in there that everyone just meet rides, I guess. So your average Carti stand, they rock all black every day, all day. They got 1K Rick Owens on the feet at all times. And they look for every Carti update on the planet. And hell, there were even some stands that sold the lollipop

from the 2024 music video. Someone picked it up off the ground and said, you know, we're going to sell this. We're going to put this on eBay and it's going for 10 grand, probably a lot more now, to be honest. So last year I went to Summer Smash. It's like basically a concert and Cardi was performing there. And all of a sudden we see this suburban drive down the street and then just Cardi pops out of the rooftop of the

the bourbon. And then everyone just starts chasing him down the highway. I never thought I'd witness standing with my own eyes. Like, look, I'm messing with the Cardi music, opium music or whatever, but this is just crazy. And do not visit the Playboy Cardi subreddit. I'm happy just listening to the music at this point. It's always music stands that are worse. And speaking of, we got Taylor Swift fans coming up next. I swear, ever since the emergence of the

this new relationship Taylor Swift has with Travis Kelsey. The glaze has been nuts. There's always been like a cult-like stand base around Taylor Swift. But ever since this new relationship with Travis Kelsey, it just seems like there's more videos of Taylor Swift standing surfacing. There's been way too many. Like there was some girl that called her ex at a concert and started singing We're Never Getting Back Together. Like no,

No, they're gonna have a happy relationship and get married. Like, no shit. Are we serious? And because Taylor's now dating Travis Kelsey, the jersey sales have went up 400%. It's like, Swifties like something because Taylor Swift likes it too. Wait, I'm sure the Super Bowl had a shit ton of more views because Taylor Swift was there. Like, the league was just fiending for her to be at the Super Bowl at this point. Like, they literally just panned the camera at Taylor Swift every time the Chiefs score a touchdown. Like, or just anything...

that happens with Travis Kelsey in the game because they gotta maximize that Swifty revenue. Come on, guys. But yeah, I'm literally gonna get canceled if this gets out to the Swifties on Twitter. Like, there was one instance where Meat Canyon got canceled because of his skit on Taylor Swift and he literally got death threats for it. Like, it's just an animation. Like, come on.

I don't know, people are just that low. They have to tell someone to jump off of a high cliff in GTA over some goddamn animation. Like, could you please move the meat out of your esophagus? Thanks. Next, we have Digital Circus. Now, this one's just getting ruined by those weirdo content farms. So on a scale of 1 to 10, how messed up does it sound? Ow!

Let me drop on you, like, big catch. Yeah, 10. It's weird as hell. Like, they make 34-ass content, bro. Like, it's weird. But yeah, whoever's making these weird-ass content farms, you are the creep in your mother's basement. Definitely got double chin, fedora, neck beard. Probably the build. Digital Circus is fairly new. It's got, like, over 100 million views at this point.

And then there's also Lankybox producing brain rots around the Digital Circus. So there's that too. So now every time I see Digital Circus, I'm just reminded of the brain rot. Now we gotta talk about Roblox. Now no way am I saying Roblox is a bad game. Like there's a certain community.

surrounding Roblox that is just trash. E-daters, alright? They're just garbage. I don't know why they're treating Roblox like it's Tinder Jr. And then there's just some people that just make the cringiest TikToks of all time. And it's easy as hell to roast, too. It's not that difficult. So they will unironically go get a girlfriend slash boyfriend in Roblox and go outside. Like, I'm not saying that to be funny. Like, seriously. Go outside. Like, the phrase...

losing my robot like that's the most terminally online phrase i've ever heard but yeah you're cooked once the wi-fi shuts off because the relationship is boom it's over just like that mom grounds you for a week shuts off your wi-fi to your device it's over so you can go on to your local 7-eleven and get you a ben and jerry's cup and start eating and crying because that john's over like what are you even gonna say to your parents like when when you introduce the fact that you have a roblox girlfriend like

You don't really got much to say there. And it's gonna be insanely difficult to explain. Like, and to your friends, oof. Hey guys, I got a Roblox girlfriend.

Yeah, just straight disappointment in all of their faces. And who knows, the parents might whip out the premium leather belt for this one or disown you. But yeah, don't be that one guy. Don't be the e-dater on Roblox. They're everywhere on TikTok already. We don't need anymore. Next up, we got Rick and Morty stans. Now, I guess they're convinced that they have 200 IQ because they watch Rick and Morty.

Like what does that even mean? Like how do you even explain that to somebody? They're convinced that they're smarter than Albert Einstein? Because they watch a fictional show. Okay, and? Like I don't know what brain power that's gonna get you. If anything, that's gonna rot your brain if you're just sitting there binging Rick and Morty all day. But yeah, apparently some of these fans were dissing the female writers, I guess. But yeah, I don't know. I don't think you'll ever feel the touch of a woman if you say shit like that. I don't know, I'm just saying. And then they even posted their personal information online. Like

I don't even know what exactly you're gaining from this. But I guess they think they're saving the show by doing this. Yeah, they think they're actually like doing justice. They're doing God's work out here, guys. Trust Sonic.

I don't even know where to start with this one. But when I search up Sonic on Google, Sonic fanbase is the first thing that comes up. So that's how you know there's some deep-ass lore to this. Alright, there's some fans making some weird, and I mean weird-ass drawings. Alright, there's some people who make drawings of the character Amy from Sonic.

Who's 12, by the way. Like, you basically eat that prison food at this point. Like, you are just, I don't know, you're just a disgusting piece of filth. All right, bro, like, imagine going downstairs for dinner, having a nice combo with the mother, and then you have to explain what you did for the day. You had to explain you drew that for the day. And then there's some people that are toxic about OG Sonic being better than the new Sonic. Like, if you think that, that's fine. Just stop following the game and don't be so toxic about it.

And I've never played Sonic in my life, so don't even try to say I'm glazing. But yeah, I don't know why people can't just play the game in peace. But yeah, speaking of game, we gotta talk about FNAF fans next. Now there's some FNAF fans that are just extremely toxic. And apparently they made the OG creator of the game retire.

Not really sure what exactly happened, but I guess he got into some sort of controversy or something like that on Twitter. And of course, Twitter being Twitter, they responded very poorly to the controversy, and what they did was they got his IP address. They got stuff like that, and they said, "Ugh, let me leak this all over the internet. Oh well, I'll..."

I have your bub's name, number, and her house address. Like bro, what is wrong with you? Like tell me how that is going to solve anything. But honestly, I have no clue what the guy did. Not really tapped into the FNAF lore like that, but it doesn't matter though. You shouldn't even do that to anybody. But yeah, some fans would just cry, bitch, and whenever he released a new game, and if people are just being like really, really toxic to you, you're just not gonna want to deal with that anymore.

So obviously it's going to piss him off. Some people would leave comments like in the creator form about how the game is so trash and blah blah blah, you're a sellout. I don't remember how much it was in like the app store, but bro worked hard on the game, so obviously he's going to charge people for it. Like obviously he's gonna want to make money off of this, like he worked hard on it. Apple fans. Every single one of their devices in their household is Apple, and that's it. And every single year, they're waiting in line for the brand new iPhones.

even though they barely has any other features than the last one. I think we can all agree that there are barely any features added for each year, but if you say that to a complete Apple glazer, goodbye. And I'm sure one day there's gonna be Apple appliances like toasters and stuff, and they'll have them. I'm sure they'll have them. And they're the type of person to shit on you for having an Android phone. Like, who cares? It's just a device. And then there's one girl on this podcast where she said it was a red flag to, quote, have an Android phone.

Like, I've never heard anything more Apple glaze in my entire life. Now we got Genshin Impact fans. But yeah, where to start? Oh yeah, when you go onto TikTok and you search up Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Gyat comes up, and that's like one of the first results. Like, why? I don't know why they're like falling in love with video game characters over here, and then you gotta look up Genshin Impact Gyat. Like, it's just, it's sad. Like,

how down bad some people are for the characters like it's it's really pathetic i've seen some out-of-pocket twitch donations like when someone's playing like genshin impact or something that's like oh i want this person this character to step on me or something i don't know like you are simping for a pixel

Just a pixel on a screen. Just chill, bro. Like, come on. But this down bad behavior is making people quit the game. But yeah, hopefully you all enjoyed the video by the duck. It was me the whole time. Happy April Fool's. Oh yeah, and also, someone tell Birdie the bird's red.