Types of teachers. Now, teachers are either a hit or miss, bro. And most of the time, they were kind of a miss for me at least. And as I got older, the chance of me getting a good teacher kind of just went up for some reason. I don't know why. I know Chainz made a video on this topic already. I just had to do it. I'm sorry. But his video link's in the description.
So I guess the teacher we can start with is the corny teacher. Now, the corny teacher would always piss me off. Now, I don't know what it was with this guy. This man would find any second of the day to make a dad joke. Hey, Mr. Johnson, how's it going? Oh, Bernie, how's it going, buddy? I'm doing good, but quick thing. You got a piece of pasta, like, on your shirt. I just wanted to tell you before you stood up in front of the class. Oh, thanks, bud. I was saving that for later. Ha!
Yeah, no problem. Now I wish I'd never said anything. Uh, Mr. Johnson, can I use the bathroom? I don't know. Can you?
Like, yes, I know how to piss. You're like the fifth teacher that said this to me today. Like, can I just go to the bathroom or not? Like, Jesus Christ. It's really annoying. But anyways, next up, we got the teacher that is just super drippy. All right. Like this guy walks into school with like the freshest fit. Some days he's rocking the more casual fit. He's got the J's, the nice jeans and a button down shirt. And sometimes he comes in with a suit like this man.
does not need a stylist. Like, it's insane. He knows how to dress. And every student's like, damn, this guy's a beast. But, you know, he is that guy, alright? The drippy teacher is that guy, alright? He gives pretty easy tests, like he's a pretty chill, laid-back teacher. And we all love this teacher, right? Like, this is the type of teacher that we want in school. Next up, we got the hot teacher, bro. And...
damn it's something about that hot teacher like she actually got me paying attention like i'm not even gonna lie and any chance bro if i could stay after for extra help you bet your ass i'm staying for extra help you know how it is but bro i had the baddest chemistry teacher and holy man i went to the beach with my boys one day and i saw her there we were all like yo is that miss chemistry teacher we're like yeah it is and we were all we all looked at each other and we were like god
Damn, bro. Yeah, I'm all trying to get a PCA. Let me go do my game real quick. Damn, she's bad. And you know, same thing with girls. They sometimes got that guy teacher they like a lot. Or whatever you're into. I don't judge. Next up, we got the hard ass. Now, the hard ass is this guy that will just never shut up about doing your work and going to class. And like, it's apparently the end of...
the world if you don't go to this dude's class. Okay, so this one time I was like, all right, you know what? I'm in college now. I'm going to skip class. It really shouldn't be a big deal. I didn't think he'd care too much. I just dipped out and it was like the second class I missed. So I had a group, right, for a group project. And we all agreed, you know what? Yeah, let's just skip today. We're not really going to be doing much. Listen, bro, I was making videos. I was watching Netflix. I was binge watching Friends, even though I'm in the US. And you know why? It's
because of today's video sponsor, Atlas VPN, baby. Let's go. Atlas VPN is a virtual private network that hides your IP address along with your virtual location. And if people have your IP address, they can extract personal information from you. So that makes it impossible for all those hackers out there that are like, "I'm gonna get your IP address, man." Nope, they can't get shit from you. And it's because you got Atlas VPN. I would say my favorite feature about Atlas is basically you can buy things for cheaper.
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And if you want Atlas VPN, honestly, now is the perfect time. They're running their biggest sale of the year, where you can get it for $1.70 a month for three years plus six months extra. And all you gotta do is just click my link in the description. It's 85% off, so why not get it now? Thank you, Atlas, for sponsoring today's video. But this guy flipped his shit, bro. He was heated. Like, I could already tell behind that screen he was so mad. He sent my group an email, right?
Right? And he basically said something along the lines of birdie the rest of your group. You can't miss the class. You need to go to the class. Your grade is going to be penalized. You cannot miss the class. Thank you. Bro really ended it with a thank you. I can't believe it. The audacity of this man. I passed by a goddamn pubic hair, bro. A lot of people might just be like, oh, why did you just cheat on the test? I'm not taking no chances, bro. Who knows what this guy's gonna do if I try to cheat on his test. He's gonna be like, hey, you're cheating in my class.
That is unacceptable. You are now getting an F. You know what I mean? I'm just not trying to get caught with my pants down, bro. Hey, yo, what? Next up, we got the mean teacher. Now, the mean teacher will literally just flame anybody's existence. You know, if he's feeling like it today, he'll just get up and just flame your ass in front of the entire class. Next up, we got the teacher that doesn't care. Now, this is like one of the greatest teachers of all time. One of the goats, I must say. This guy is actually a living legend. Like, he just does not give a shit.
Like he'll give everyone an 85. He's dishing out 85s. You all know that teacher. He just doesn't give a fuck and I absolutely love it. No matter how enthusiastic he tries to sound when he's teaching the material, we all know damn well that he just doesn't care. He'll be like, yeah, I know you got a big test coming up, but you can use your notes on the test. All right, bet. Looks like I don't have to study. This guy, W teacher. All right, next up we got the Rambler.
Now, the rambler is kind of just a hit or miss. They can either ramble on about subject matter that you just don't care about, that's like not important for the test or anything. They're just doing it because, oh yeah, it's fun, guys. Yeah, listen, I don't want to sit here and learn about biology. I'm sorry. But sometimes the rambler just takes up so much class time talking about something irrelevant that it's fucking great. You could get her talking about any topic, whether it's like, oh, my son's baseball game or
Or he could get her to talk about some random shit like clocks. I don't know. She could literally go on and on about something so basic, like clocks. Johnny just stared over at the clock. Yeah, guys, clocks are crazy. Like, have you noticed that, like, the third hand is technically the second hand? And, like, alarm clocks, you basically never know in the morning. Like, they could not work, they could work. And, you know, like, it's the only scenario where you can get mad in both instances.
Class, hello? Are you guys awake? And we were just praying to God that she stayed sidetracked because listen, no one wants to hear about Johnny in the goddamn well at English class. Like, no one is trying to hear that shit. I mean, me personally, I'd much rather hear a teacher rant about clocks, to be honest. Next up, we got the weird teacher. Now, the weird teacher, it really could be any teacher.
You just don't know it. Now this weird dude's always up to something. Either watching the hub, like before class starts, trying to get students on Snapchat at the school. Yeah, one of my old teachers did that. They're saying the most odd things in class. Okay, so in this class, you're gonna need to pay attention, all right? No computers, no Netflix, no hub, or whatever your kids watch nowadays.
Ah, yeah. Ah, yeah. Just a good old hub. Oh, wait, what was I saying? Like, this dude getting caught lacking every second of the day, bro. Next up, we got the NPC teachers. Now, these teachers you really only see, like, one time throughout the day. It's like they just spawn in the hallway, like, every morning. Everybody was kind of debating, like, damn.
Do these motherfuckers just spawn in or what? Every morning they had the same routine. They were all up against their classroom doors, drinking coffee, talking about life. And they didn't change their routine. They did the same thing every single morning. Next up, we got the teacher that assigns a bunch of work, but can't grade it.
Why why do you assign a shit ton of work? This dude's just dishing out assignments and then doesn't grade the first one until the end of the semester Like bro's getting like a rise and grind going on like grades at the end of the semester I don't know what it is, but I guess this guy just wakes up one day and he's like, oh shit I've totally forgot. I haven't done grades all year. It's almost like that's a part of your job, bro And this dude gives us so little time to do it, but he's like, oh no
You know, I have all the time in the world to grade it though, which makes absolutely no sense. Next up we got, I don't know what to call this one. We got, the bell doesn't dismiss you. I do. Like bro, shut your damn mouth. Like you don't have a say whether I get my ass up out of my seat or not.
Like, when I was 18, right? Like, I deadass just walked out because they technically have no supervision over me anymore. I can just do what I want. Like, when the teacher said that shit, I'm like, I'm out, bro. Fuck this. Anyways, next up, we got the boring teacher, bro. It's just that one dude that'll be like...
Good morning, class. Today, we're learning about world history. Wow, you sound really excited to teach world history. I want to learn now. I am so excited. Nah, man, I'm putting my head down. What the hell is this? Now, for an honorable mention, we got that teacher that would just assign work and never teach. If the work was hard, screw them. If it was easy, W teacher. Thank you for the support. Y'all are truly the GOATs. Want another video to watch? Watch this video on screen. Anyways, I'm out. Bye.